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SIGCOMM 2010 VIABILITY REVIEW Henning Schulzrinne, SIGCOMM Vice-Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "SIGCOMM 2010 VIABILITY REVIEW Henning Schulzrinne, SIGCOMM Vice-Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIGCOMM 2010 VIABILITY REVIEW Henning Schulzrinne, SIGCOMM Vice-Chair

2 SIG Finances  Fund-balance $1148k vs $316k required  Up from $591k in 2006  We use profits for SIG activities such as awards, geodiversity grants, travel grants, publications, etc.  We’ve actively tried to put more $$ back into the community this year (publications, travel grants)  17 of 18 sponsored conferences profitable since Jan 2007

3 SIG Member Benefits  Print copy of "Computer Communication Review" (CCR), five times a year, including print proceedings of the annual SIGCOMM conference  Monthly e-mail with announcements of SIGCOMM- related conferences and other relevant announcements  Discounted subscription rate for ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking  Discounted registration rate for all SIGCOMM sponsored/co-sponsored conferences  Access to all SIGCOMM sponsored/co-sponsored conference proceedings in the Digital Library

4 SIGCOMM Goals  Portfolio of top-notch conferences and publications for the networking community  Outreach to the global community of computer networking researchers, educators and practitioners  Increasing linkage between academic researchers and industrial practitioners in our field  Recognition of achievements in computer networking

5 Meeting the goals (1)  We sponsor 3 conferences (Sigcomm, CoNEXT, HotNets), co- sponsor 3 (IMC, SenSys, ANCS), in co-operation with ~8  Sigcomm conf has very high impact rating (top 10 in CS)*  HotNets the recognized “early work” networking conference  CoNEXT growing in stature  SIG funding to increase student travel to conferences  Significant global presence:  CoNEXT, SIGCOMM outside North America 2 years in 3 SIGCOMM 2010 in New Delhi  Financial support for Latin American Networking Conference, Asian Internet Engineering Conference  “Geodiversity” grants to fund attendance at our conferences from under-represented countries *#2 ranking on microsoft academic, #3 arnetminer, #8 citeseer

6 Meeting the goals (2)  CCR (Newsletter) flourishing under new editor  Increasing financial support for ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking  Enthusiastic new Education Chair   Working to increase industrial relevance/interaction  Industry panel planned for CoNEXT 2010  Considering similar options for SIGCOMM 2011  Comprehensive website redesign  Role-based navigation for various communities (educators, researchers, etc.)  Expanded awards and recognition  Best paper award, Rising Star award, Student Research Competition, etc.

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