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Some Photographs of the Bridge before & after demolition follow:-

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1 Some Photographs of the Bridge before & after demolition follow:-
DEMOLITION OF PAKISTANI RAIL – CUM – ROAD BRIDGE During 1971 war I demolished Pakistani Double Rail – Cum – Road Bridge over River Ravi at DERA BABA NANAK near GURDASPUR ( PUNJAB). This is the FIRST DEMOLITION ever of a Double Bridge in the History of the Indian Army Engrs. Some Photographs of the Bridge before & after demolition follow:-

2 DEMOLITION OF RAIL CUM ROAD BRIDGE OF PAKISTAN OVER RAVI RIVER NEAR DERA BABA NANAK (DBN) DURING WAR. BY ME AS COY CDR 55 ENGR. REGT. The DBN Br after capture. Soldier Crouching to avoid being hit by enemy sparodic fire.

3 Bridge being inspected before demolition by Maj Mohan Singh, OC 83 Fd Coy, along with other Sappers. Railway line runs below & road way on top.

4 Captured weapons at the Gang Hut at DBN Br site.

5 View of demolished Bridge. Roof of Gang Hut blown off
View of demolished Bridge. Roof of Gang Hut blown off. Trees in a radius of 50 yds lost all their leaves due to the blast. The road bridge is completely slumped.

6 Army Cdr, GOC 15 Inf Div, Cdr 86 Inf Bde & other offrs visiting the demolished Br site

7 Heavy girders & Concrete of the Bridge demolished.

8 View of Demolished Bridge

9 Maj Gurbachan Singh, 2IC 55 Engr Regt (Right) and Maj Mohan Singh , OC 83 Fd Coy (left) at the Bridge after Demolition

10 Mangled steel of destroyed Rail Bridge

11 Utter chaos after destruction

12 View of mangled steel girders.

13 Railway track completely twisted and cut.

14 Dec 2007-paying homage to The Martyrs at the DBN Memorial
Dec 2007-paying homage to The Martyrs at the DBN Memorial. (R to L) Brig Sandhu(ex CO Dogras), Lt Col S K Kapoor, VrC (ex CO Gorkhas), Maj Suresh Chand(ex-BM 86 Inf Bde), Maj Gen Mohan Singh (ex OC 83 Fd coy)

15 Maj Gen Mohan Singh saluting at the Memorial

16 Memorial at DBN

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