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ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme November 2003 Secretariat for ASEM-DUO Fellowship Annex B.

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1 ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme November 2003 Secretariat for ASEM-DUO Fellowship Annex B

2 November 20032 Remarks on ASEM-DUO… You might ask: what does ASEM mean for people in everyday life? I would like to mention just a few examples of ASEM-initiatives. One of the best examples is the ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme…Rasmussen, Danish Prime Minister This program helps strengthen the relationship between the two countrires…we need the exchange to see the difference and the difference makes us richer in mind…Davisi Boontharm (DUO-France) The ASEM-DUO program provided me with an important experience that has changed my opinions about Korea and Asia. The experience will influence my future life… Matthias Wilde (DUO-Korea) Without your help, I wouldnt have been able to enrich my knowledge about Korea and to have this wonderful once in a lifetime experience… Titia Hoogenveen (DUO-Korea)

3 November 20033 Development of the Programme Idea Formulation Asia–Europe Vision Group in 1999 identified the need of a scholarship program within the ASEM framework Concrete Proposal The 3 rd ASEM (2000) approved ASEM-DUO Fellowship Program, jointly proposed by Korea, France and Singapore A total of 26 million EUROS was targeted for 5 years As a starter, Korea, France, Singapore committed contribution of 6 million EUROS Denmark joined in 2003 with the contribution of 0.5 million EUROS Actual Implementation The first Intl Expert Meeting held was in Seoul April 2001, and a secretariat was established in Seoul Exchange of people started in January 2002 2 nd Expert Meeting in November 2003

4 November 20034 Differentiated Mission ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme aims at balanced and permanent Promoting balanced and permanent increase of contacts and exchanges among students, professors, and teachers between Europe and Asia regions Balance is pursued through pairing of educational institutions, one in Europe and the other in Asia Permanency is pursued through giving priority to exchange programs under cooperation agreements Flexibility is also pursued through Core Principles Simple Core Principles apply to ASEM-DUO Fellowship Donating countries can specify detailed individual criteria beyond Core Principles

5 November 20035 Structure of ASEM-DUO ASEM-DUO Actual fellowship Programs by donating countries Individually tailored detailed criteria DUO-Korea DUO-Singapore DUO-France DUO-XXX DUO-YYY Umbrella concept Governed by Core Principles DUO-Denmark

6 November 20036 Core Principles and Flexibility 1. Pairing of exchanges Pairs of teachers or students from the two educational institutions, one in Asia and the other in Europe, are supported as a package 2. Standardized duration of stay in units one unit comprises 6 months for students, and 1 month for professors and teachers 3. Grants calculated on a pair(duo) basis 6,000 euros for 2 professors for one unit (or 3,000/month) 12,000 euros for 2 students for one unit (or 1,000/month) Donating country decides the rest according to its individual needs

7 November 20037 Pairing under ASEM-DUO (country level) European countriesAsian countries Country A Country B Country C Country P Country 1 Country 2 Country 3 Country 10 These are the possible pairings, but donating country B may not be willing to support exchange pairs between countries C and 10.

8 November 20038 Pairing under DUO-BBB (country level) European countriesAsian countries Country A Country B Country C Country P Country 1 Country 2 Country 3 Country 10 Thus, if Country B wants, one end of the pairing can be anchored at the donating country.

9 November 20039 Pairing under DUO-BBB (institutional level) Country B in EuropeCountry 3 in Asia University University i University m University ii University iii Bi-directional, or balanced, exchanges are supported. But one-directional exchange is not supported.

10 November 200310 Operation Features of DUO DenmarkFranceKoreaSingapore Starting year2003200220012002 Time of callingJuneMarch/MayJune Time of announcement AugustJuly August Beneficiary Professor Under/Grad Professor Grad Professor Teacher Under/Grad Selection Committee Rectors Conference Ministry of Education Selection Committee Universities Duration1 semester2 years1 semester PairingProject-based pair-based

11 November 200311 Contribution to ASEM-DUO * The amount is in 1,000 EUROS

12 November 200312 Amount requested under ASEM-DUO * The amount is in 1,000 EUROS

13 November 200313 ASEM-DUO Grant by Country * The amount is in 1,000 EUROS

14 November 200314 Applications for ASEM-DUO by Country * The amount is in 1,000 EUROS

15 November 200315 Number of People for Exchanges Year Beneficiaries DenmarkFranceKoreaSingaporeTOTAL 2001 32 (Prof 16/ Stud 16) 32 (16 / 16) 2002 92 (44 / 48) 70 (32 / 38) 36 (0 / 36) 198 (76 / 122) 2003 58 (28 / 30) 100 (50 / 50) 98 (32 / 66) 54 (0 / 54) 310 (110 / 200) TOTAL 58 (28 / 30) 192 (94 / 98) 200 (80 /120 ) 90 (0 / 90) 540 (202 / 338)

16 November 200316

17 November 200317 Missions of the Secretariat 1. Focal point of the program depository of information and contacts 2. Efficient administration receipt and processing of applications financial transfers administrative details 3. Close follow-up evaluation of programs contacts among recipients, etc organising ASEM DUO meetings

18 November 200318 Works Ahead Evaluation of exchange programs Assistance to finding pairs in the other region Dissemination of information on ASEM-DUO Expanded links to contact points and related sites Extended and expanded contributions from member countries Continuation of contributions beyond 2005 New contributing members to become truly ASEM Cooperation with other exchange programs

19 November 200319 Please visit

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