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Euler on Your Own How to use the available sources without learning Latin first Friday, August 11, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Euler on Your Own How to use the available sources without learning Latin first Friday, August 11, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Euler on Your Own How to use the available sources without learning Latin first Friday, August 11, 2006

2 Original sources  Journals from St. Petersburg and Berlin  Archives in Berlin, St. Petersburg and Moscow  1 or 2 new letters discovered each year  Latin, French, German and Russian  Rare and expensive

3 Opera Omnia  coming out since 1915  80 volumes in 4 series

4 Opera Omnia  Series I – Mathematics – 29 volumes  Series II – Mechanics and Astronomy – 31 volumes  Series III – Optics, sound, miscellaneous – 12 volumes  Series IV – Letters and notebooks – projected to be 12 volumes of letters, 4 out

5 Opera Omnia  Birkhauser, 160 Euros/volume  72 volumes in Series I-III for 14000 Euros  Mostly in Latin (80%) with introductions in German  In many libraries

6 East Germany – 1960’s  Euler-Goldbach letters  3 volumes of other correspondence  Registres of the Berlin Academy  two Festschriften (1957, 1983)

7 In English  Euler: The Master of Us All –available from the MAA  AMS – Varajaradan  MAA – four books in 2007  Elsevier – Bradley/Sandifer

8 In Translation  John Blanton’s Introductio (2 vol) and Calculus Differentialis (first part only)  Algebra  Letters to a German Princess  Konigsburg Bridge Problem  Continued Fractions  Artillery (very rare)  Maneuvering of Ships (very, very rare)

9 On Line  The Euler Archive 

10  Dominic Klyve and Lee Stemkoski at Dartmouth  Scanned images of over 800 original papers from the Commentarii  Electronic Eneström and Fuss indices

11 The Euler Archive  Tables of Contents for the Commentarii  Links to translations  More useful stuff is to come.  “With the Euler Archive, we hope to move 18th century scholarship into the 21st Century.”

12 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften ,  early serial publications  Miscellanea Berolinensia  Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres.(over 100 Euler papers

13 Rechenkunst  in German  Christian Siebeneicher’s site  www.mathematik.uni- l

14 Gallica   Bibliothèque National du France  Over 70,000 digital documents  ten random volumes of the Opera Omnia,  I.2, I.7, I.8, I.17, I.18, I.20, I.21, II.1, II.2, III.1  two of Euler’s papers  French and Latin editions of the Introductio

15 The Euler Society   annual conferences  Part of MathFest 2007 –San Jose, CA, August 3-5

16 Eulerama  2007 celebrations begin at JMM in New Orleans  Short course  MAA tour of St. Pete, Berlin, Basel  BBAW events in Berlin  Euler Society 2007

17 Learning Latin  "Latin is easy."

18 Hurdles to Latin  "Help" doesn't always help much  textbooks are about Romans  Latin teachers tell you "puncta" means "prompt"

19 "Mathematical Latin is easy"  written for a second-language audience  limited vocabulary and grammar

20 Hints  Use your context  Pretend it's English  works well for nouns and adjectives  Pretend it's French (or Spanish)  works well for verbs and pronouns  Study some Latin  Wheelock  Google - Latin language lessons  pronouns

21 Dive right in  You only have to read.  No writing, speaking or listening  Impress your friends!

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