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The 2 R’s of Membership Recruitment and Retention.

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Presentation on theme: "The 2 R’s of Membership Recruitment and Retention."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2 R’s of Membership Recruitment and Retention

2 Recruitment Where do you look? Contact methods Sell based on needs Younger Members

3 Recruitment, cont’d New places to seek out members –Hospitals –Food Industry –3Pls and 4 Pls –Printing Companies –Warehousing –Others

4 Contact Methods Postcards Phone calls Mailing from headquarters Trade shows and business events Unemployment offices Old member lists from chapters

5 Recognize the needs Find out the organizations’ needs –How can your chapter add value? –Know your offerings and strengths –Match your strengths to their needs

6 What Draws Younger People to APICS? Facebook Linked In Blogs or Tweets On line classes- Weber State or Fox Valley Short term tasks – quick results

7 What is your chapter doing to find new members??

8 Retention A key performance indicator of chapter health Listen to your members Use your surveys diligently

9 Retention Proactive –Find ways to keep the current members in our chapters –Don’t wait until a member suspends to contact them –Be proactive

10 Retention Phone calls most effective –If not renewing, find out why and work to find solution Extension for unemployed members Small classes to accommodate customers

11 Retention This is not just an annual event. Your member’s needs will evolve. Members who are involved and engaged are more likely to continue to do so.

12 Data To monitor chapter or district membership one must first have current data My Chapter/C-Box

13 How many of you use this tool? What information do you download? Webinar in September

14 Retention Continued Reminder: Professional development doesn't cost—it pays. –Strong people make strong companies –Employee morale and retention

15 Based on the Sept 2013 Membership numbers through December 2013 $300 APICS Gift Certificate Based on the chapter that maintains the highest retention rate Heartland Retention Contest

16 Tools Postcards Handouts Our district for years lead APICS in retention rates-let’s work together and regain that position

17 Retention Percentage Suspend: Don’t renew between now and January 1 Based on September 1 membership numbers Manually remove the names of suspends who renew = 1 – (Members – Suspends)/Members

18 Example New Chapter has 100 members They lose 2 in September, 2 in October, 4 in November and 2 more in December The 2 in September join again in November, alas, the other 8 are gone Suspends = 8 Retention = 92%

19 Summary It’s about adding value for the customer Use the personal touch WIFM

20 Questions?

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