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Teacher, Technology, and the Classroom Chapter 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher, Technology, and the Classroom Chapter 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher, Technology, and the Classroom Chapter 12

2 The Technologically Competent Teacher ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) ▫Facilitate & Inspire Student Learning & Creativity ▫Design & Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences & Assessments ▫Model Digital-Age Work & Learning ▫Promote & Model Digital Citizenship & Responsibility ▫Engage in Professional Growth & Leadership

3 Preparing to Implement Technology Integration Lessons Preparing Handouts ▫Technical Step-by-Step Guides ▫Resource Guides ▫Assessment Tools-Task list (p. 311) or Rubric (p. 312). Preparing Technology ▫Create Digital Folders ▫Design Templates ▫Load Specialized Software ▫Bookmark Internet Sites ▫Turn On Computers and Open Applications

4 Managing Student Use of Computers Early guidelines for creating a ‘computer learning culture’: ▫Helping one another solve problems ▫Openly share information and ideas ▫Reinforcing each other for making progress ▫Effectively working in physically close proximity to one another ▫Collectively supporting anyone who has a personal ‘crisis’ ▫Extending the effective working relationships beyond the computer environment

5 Managing Student Use of Computers Additional classroom management strategies for lessons that integrate student use of computers: ▫Create a checklist and proposed timeline of computer tasks to be completed ▫Frequently model effective and appropriate use of computers ▫Grade student computer work in stages (outline, rough draft, final draft) to keep students on task ▫Give points/grade for productive lab time ▫Define and communicate inappropriate use, and enforce loss of computer privileges as a consequence

6 Managing the Rotation Working with what you have (dependent on number of computers and resources) Managing the Move ▫Group rotation- small groups rotate together and move from one activity center to another ▫Independent rotation- groups rotate but not in an established pattern

7 Managing Student Activities Assisting Students with Computer Skills ▫Teacher modeling/demonstration ▫Peer modeling and assistance ▫Technology posters or job aids ▫Student handouts Assisting with Technical Problems Keeping Students on Task

8 Managing the Resources Student Storage Device Software and CD-ROMS Printing Supplies File Management (folders) Computer care (ex. No food, use screen savers, use virus protection, etc.)

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