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Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences M. Winzker, AROQA 2011, Slide 1 Quality requires Change: Adding Problem Based Learning Modules to an Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences M. Winzker, AROQA 2011, Slide 1 Quality requires Change: Adding Problem Based Learning Modules to an Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences M. Winzker, AROQA 2011, Slide 1 Quality requires Change: Adding Problem Based Learning Modules to an Engineering Curriculum Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Winzker Hochschule Bonn-Rhine-Sieg, University of Applied Sciences, Germany Outline  Objectives  Approach  Implementing Change

2 Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences M. Winzker, AROQA 2011, Slide 2 Objectives Top three problems of students in Germany (according to different studies*)  Academic performance  Financial problems  Motivation Main problems observed at our engineering faculty  Heterogeneous group of students  Students coming directly from “high school”  Students with vocational education  Passiveness of students  “Consumer attitude”  No personal development compared to school  Missing motivation and personal competences lead to delay or abandonment of study * HIS-Study: Heublein 2009; VDMA-Study (German Engineering Federation): 2009.

3 Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences M. Winzker, AROQA 2011, Slide 3 Objectives (II) Objective: Improve university education  “Shift from teaching to learning”  It is not sufficient when the professor does a good job  It is important whether the students learn something Quality of teaching becomes visible in long-term changes of students knowledge, skills, competences

4 Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences M. Winzker, AROQA 2011, Slide 4 Approach  Add timeslots for  Students self learning  Academic performance, heterogeneity  Extensive engineering projects  Motivation, personal development  Split up the term of 15 weeks into a 4-1-4-1-4-1-structure of  4 weeks with regular lectures, exercises, labs  1 week “block week”  In 1 st year: Exercises for self-learning  From 2 nd year: Projects

5 Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences M. Winzker, AROQA 2011, Slide 5 Projects for Problem Based Learning Real engineering projects  Opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge  Challenge for personal competences (project planning, presentations)  Self directed learning  Students determine which knowledge and skills they need for the task  High motivation  Students really work as engineers Example: USB-Interface  Design of a PCB with USB-Interface  PC can write to LEDs and read switches  Implemented in three weeks

6 Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences M. Winzker, AROQA 2011, Slide 6 Challenge: Implementing the new Structure Situation  Existing curricula, existing staff  No start from scratch Factors for successful implementation  Use of external trigger  Regular accreditation cycle (e.g. 5 years)  Clear motivation  Shortfalls in existing curriculum  Enough time for discussions  Here: 1.5 years before accreditation  Involvement of participants  Previous experience with projects (without sufficient time-slot)  Discussion of different options, e.g. 1 project day per week  Find partners and supporter

7 Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences M. Winzker, AROQA 2011, Slide 7 Status and Conclusion Status  Block week in 4-1-4-1-4-1-structure implemented in 2007  Positive feedback from students and lecturers  Structure shall be maintained for next accreditation in 2012 Conclusion  Quality assurance can provide two vital elements for change  Information about existing situation and shortfalls  Trigger to implement change  However, the organization is the actor  Open communication about mutual goals and vision  Openness to input from all participants

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