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Reinventing research and education Linköping University Avoiding Unintentional Pitfalls of Academic Honesty (at least 45 minutes)

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Presentation on theme: "Reinventing research and education Linköping University Avoiding Unintentional Pitfalls of Academic Honesty (at least 45 minutes)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reinventing research and education Linköping University Avoiding Unintentional Pitfalls of Academic Honesty (at least 45 minutes) Linköping University Library

2 Aims with todays lecture! To know what plagiarism is - and how to avoid doing it To understand the principles of referencing - and how to do it properly Where to get help and further information on both of these issues When in doubt – ASK! 2

3 How does Academic Honesty affect your writing? Academic Honesty = an attitude toward research and academic studies

4 Cite & refer: why? Giving credit to the original author Strengthen your arguments Increase your credibility Make it possible to verify information Avoid plagiarism The increasing frequency of massive hurricanes and storms are due to the emission of greenhouse gases [*]. * add reference to a source or own empirical data! 4

5 Plagiarism: What is it? ”Plagiarism is passing off someone else’s work, whether intentionally or unintentionally, as your own for your own benefit.” Carroll, J. (2002) A Handbook for Deterring Plagiarism in Higher Education (Oxford Brookes University) 5

6 ”Someone else´s work” ? Includes physical people, companies, the internet, paper writing services, ghostwriters… Text, numbers, figures, tables… Directly copied, paraphrased, modified… Written, spoken… 6

7 QUIZ Is it plagiarism if you... 1.Copy and paste a paragraph of text from a web site without enclosing it in quotation marks and referencing the source? 2.Use the ideas of another author without providing a reference, even if you write them in your own words? 3.Claim work produced by another student as your own? 4.Copy a diagram or data table from a web site, providing a reference for the source underneath? 5.Submit all or part of one essay for two separate assignments? 6.Copy words from a book into your own work, but place quotation marks around them and provide a citation? 7.Include a fact or saying in your assignment which is generally known without providing a reference? 8.Incorporate text from another source, changing one or two words and providing a citation? 7

8 German Defence Minister Guttenberg resigns over thesis, 1 Mars 2011. ( LiU researcher resigned recently because of articles with plagiarized content, 20 May 2013. ( Disciplinary committee deals with cases involving students It really happens….

9 Plagiarism: How to avoid it? -Cite & refer! in-text citations and bibliography Output styles Oxford, Harvard, Vancouver Consistency & correct!

10 Cite & refer: How? In-text citations! Paraphrasing Read the text! Understand the meaning of the text! Explain it with your own words! Example in Harvard: According to the British Professor of Cultural Studies, Paul Wells (2000, p. 10), a key theme in the horror genre is the breakdown of the socio-historical structures of society. 10

11 Use references: Quotation In-text citations! Use with care! Use especially when you want to refer to a formulation that is impressive or innovative! Example in Vancouver: In his dissertation, Gorschek discusses the concept of requirements prioritization. The main objective of this process is to prioritize customers’ requirements in order to be able to “deliver the right product to the market at the right time and thus selling and generating revenues” [1, p.24]. 11

12  Oxford (Footnotes) Lake points out that a division began in the latter half of the nineteenth century with the doctrine of ‘separate spheres’. 1 Footnote: 1 M Lake, ‘Intimate strangers’ in Making a Life: a People’s History of Australia Since 1788, V. Burgman and J. Lee (eds), Penguin, Victoria, 1988, p. 155. Footnote same source: 2 ibid. p. 157. Cite & refer In-text citations!

13 Secondary Sources! … “it is always cheaper to pay labour its full value. Labour underpaid is always more expensive” (Nightingale, 1869, cited in Moberg, 2007, p. 16). 13

14 Paraphrasing – rewrite it with your own words! You will now work with an exercise “are these references correct?“ Read the original text and the two student texts Are the references correct? 14

15 What is missing? - The importance of creating correct reference lists! Reference list! Example: Harvard Bernstein, D.A., Psychology Cuhadar, E., & Dayton, B. (2011). The social psychology of identity and inter-group conflict: From theory to practice. International Studies Perspectives Peter_Gardenfors.flv 15

16 What is missing? - The importance of creating correct reference lists! Reference list! Bernstein, D. A. (2011). Psychology. Belmont, Calif. : Andover: Wadsworth ; Cengage Learning Cuhadar, E., & Dayton, B. (2011). The social psychology of identity and inter-group conflict: From theory to practice. International Studies Perspectives, 12(3), 273-293. 3585.2011.00433.x/full [2013-09-11] Gärdenfors, Peter (2009). Visualisering: inre och yttre [Video]. Visualisering som förändringskraft! Den 5 februari 2009: Tema: Lärande: VIE=01_Peter_Gardenfors.flv [2013-03-05] 16

17 17

18 How do you use material on Internet? - One solution is a Creative Commons license,

19 Four limitations





24 24 There are 6 different CC- licenses! Always give attribution! Attribution Attribution, Non-Commercial Attribution, No Derivatives Attribution, Share Alike Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives

25 Search Creative Commons! 25

26 Picture: Red Tulip, tulip/sony-dsc-126/ by: Joe Steinbring, licence: Creative Commons (BY- NC-SA). Refer to CC licenses!

27 Saves your time! Import References directly from… Databases Library catalouges Internet Insert references directly into your text Create reference lists directly in your document

28 Whats out there? 28 References!

29 Avoid Plagiarism - Cite & refer ! - Resources at LiU! Cite & refer ! Linköping University Library. Citation styles. referera/citeringsteknik?l=en Linköping University Library. RefWorks. Copyright and Plagiarism! Linköping University Library. Copyright and plagiarism. Academic English Support at Linköping University Linköping University 29

30 Avoid Plagiarism - Cite & refer ! Carroll, Jude, Zetterling, Carl-Mikael, (2009), Guiding students away from plagiarism, KTH Learning Lab, Blekinge Institute of Technology, The easy guide to referencing, Murray, Rowena, (2006), The handbook of academic writing : a fresh approach, Open University Press 30

31 Avoid Plagiarism - Cite & refer ! Umeå University Library, Writing References - Oxford System oxford Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, Harvard Style guide National Library of Medicine, USA, Vancouver system 31


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