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“Cross-Media and Personalized Learning Applications on top of Digital Libraries” 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti 1, T. Coppotelli 1, G.M.

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Presentation on theme: "“Cross-Media and Personalized Learning Applications on top of Digital Libraries” 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti 1, T. Coppotelli 1, G.M."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Cross-Media and Personalized Learning Applications on top of Digital Libraries” 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti 1, T. Coppotelli 1, G.M. Di Nunzio 1, N. Ferro 1, E. van der Meulen 2 2 The European Library, The Netherlands 1 Information Management Systems (IMS) Research Group Department of Information Engineering University of Padua, Italy A Study of Web Logs for Personalizing the MultiLingual Information Access to The European Library

2 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 2 Outline  The European Library  Web Logs   MultiLingual Information Access (MLIA)  Web Log Analysis  Geographic provenance  Collections usage  Discussion  Conclusion and Future work

3 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 3 The European Library Provide access to most of the European National Digital Libraries Provide access to most of the European National Digital Libraries Many different languages Many different languages Resources can be both digital or bibliographical (books, posters, maps, sound recordings, videos, etc.). Resources can be both digital or bibliographical (books, posters, maps, sound recordings, videos, etc.).

4 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 4 The European Library  The European Library collections are suitable for Learning/E- Learning  Quality / Reliability  How the analysis of WEB Log can help in implementing MLIA  Questions we posed at the beginning of our work:  How can E-learning systems deal with collections in different languages?  Are users interested in multilingual/cross-collections instruments?  What are their preferences?  Are them influenced by language?

5 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 5 The European Library  User interaction mainly on the client side  Web Server logs

6 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 6 HTTP Log: structure of the data   W3C Extended Log File Format *.*.* 2007-01-01 00:04:05 GET /Index.html - 80 - 70. *.*.* Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+.NET+C LR+1.1.4322) - UTF-8&rls=PCTA,PCTA:2006- 33,PCTA:en&q=read+tokyopop+books+online cTargets=collections:a0000,collections:a0037,collections:a0200,collections:a 0141,collections:a0010,collections:a0035,collections:a0086,collections:a013 2,collections:a0067,collections:a0001,collections:a0062,collections:a0130,co llections:a0163,collections:a0211,collections:a0194,collections:a0075,collec tions:a0073,collections:a0066;+TELSESSID=d551tvd9legbq3rh4l23rjkgh7;+Are CookiesEnabled=889;+cTargetsThemes=theme0 0 0 381 535 203

7 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 7 Log analysis Logs On demand query  October 1st 2006 to April 30th 2007  22,458,350 Requests  209,900 different sessions reconstructed using cookies Log processing

8 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 8 MLIA   MultiLingual Information Access (MLIA)  “possibility for the users of the system to access and search the federated libraries in a personalized way that can allow them to access the collections of documents in their mother tongue and in other preferred languages”  Issues:  Interaction happens outside the system Logs contain mainly navigational and browsing activity Logs contain mainly navigational and browsing activity  No control over query sent MLIA require modifications both on TEL and Digital Libraries services MLIA require modifications both on TEL and Digital Libraries services  Control over the central index

9 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 9 MLIA  Isolated Query Translation  Translation and Retrieval are separated Translation Component Translation Retrieval Component  Pseudo-translation  Central index translated Index translation

10 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 10 MLIA  Language to language context (+400 language resources)  Pivot language  Does the user like the query translation approach?  Poor interaction versus rich interaction  When should we prefer direct translation?  User geographical distribution  Collection usage  Language to language preferences  Promoting usage

11 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 11 Session length

12 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 12 Geographic provenance

13 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 13 Collections usage First time user Collection selection *a0000Online books, images, maps, music... *a0037British Library integrated catalogue *a0141 BN-OPALE PLUS, the catalogue of the Bibliothèque nationale de France *a0010Online catalogue of the German National Library *a0132General Catalogue Koninklijke Bibliotheek *a0001 KatNUK: the catalogue of the Slovene National and University Library *a0067HELVETICAT : the catalogue of the Swiss National Library Default list

14 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 14 Collections usage

15 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 15 Collections usage

16 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 16 Conclusions  How can E-learning systems deal with collections in different languages?  Isolated query translation versus pseudo-translation  Are users interested in multilingual/cross-collections instruments?  Data showed that there is a demand for multilingual contents and users are interested in more multilingual functionalities  What are their preferences?   The achieved results allowed The European Library to better know users preference about multilingual resources (user distribution, collection selection, …)  Are them influenced by language?  There is a correlation between language and user behavior

17 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 17 Future work: new questions   Do users navigate the portal displaying data in their mother tongue or do they prefer to use the default language (English)?   80% use the portal as it is   Do English users search only on English collections?   Query language not present in HTTP logs   Action logs 53475 sessions, 15674 advanced searches, 783 searches based on language Most ENG,FRE, GER, ITA

18 20 September 2007, Budapest, Hungary M. Agosti, T. Coppotelli, G.M. Di Nunzio, N. Ferro, E. van der Meulen LADL 2007 18  Question?

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