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High School The Keys to Success January 19, 2011.

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1 High School The Keys to Success January 19, 2011

2 Educational Career Plan (ECP)  Begin development with school counselor in 9 th grade  Review and update with guidance of advisor throughout the 4 years of high school

3 Graduation Requirements  Earn 25 credits  Complete either: 1.University of Maryland Requirements and/OR 2.Complete a state-approved career and technology completer program  Complete 75 Service Learning hours (hours accumulated from 6 th grade on count)  Pass all High School Assessments (HSAs)

4 Meeting Graduation Requirements  Graduation requirements will be viewed at Course Selection Night presentations February 1 st or 3 rd  Service Learning hours are earned both thru course work and in outside volunteer activities –Service Clubs –Scholarships and opportunities provided by service

5 Meeting Graduation Requirements  Pass the High School Assessments (HSAs) –Four tested areas: Algebra, Biology, English, and Government –Successful completion  Pass all 4 tests or or  Earn a combined score of 1602 or or  Participate in and successfully fulfill Bridge project requirements

6 Mission of North Carroll High School NCHS will provide a rigorous academic program to ensure that our graduates will achieve success in college and/or the world of work.

7 Why do we need to increase rigor?  Assure that all students are well prepared for post-secondary education, career, and civic life  Increase student achievement and raise expectations for all students  Rigor is not for the traditionally college-bound student alone; rather, all students should be provided with an education that qualifies them for college entry should they so choose

8 Why do we need to increase rigor?  Almost 80% of today’s fastest-growing jobs require some post-secondary education  Only about 50% of high school graduates today are academically prepared for college-level courses –Far more require at least some remedial work in reading, writing, and/or mathematics upon entering college

9 The Path to College/Career Readiness

10 Career Readiness

11 Maryland Career Development Requirements  Activities begun during Freshman Seminar and updated in Advisory –Career research –Develop a résumé –Complete a job application –Participate in a mock interview –Create a Skills for Success portfolio

12 Opportunities to Increase Career Readiness  Choose a state-approved career and technology completer or major  Students completing the University of Maryland requirements should also consider doing a completer (dual completer)  Participate in a job shadow or internship (Career Connections Program)  Compete in SKILLS USA as a student at CCCTC  Career speaker activities  Extra-curricular activities and leadership positions

13 College Readiness

14 College Readiness – Step #1  The best preparation for the SAT and college is a rigorous high school schedule comprised of Honors and AP courses  College readiness is usually measured in terms of completion of Honors and AP courses, AP test scores, and PSAT/SAT or ACT scores

15 Competitiveness for College Entrance Continues to Rise Last year… University of Maryland (College Park) had 28,000 applicants - 12,000 were admitted (71% in top 10 th of their class) (71% in top 10 th of their class) Towson University had 15,000 applicants – 10,000 were admitted (24% in top 10 th of their class) Salisbury University had 7,500 applicants – 4,000 were admitted (23% in top 10 th of their class)


17 Honors & AP Courses Honors Courses prepare students for success in AP Courses

18 AP Courses Offered @ NCHS  AP Literature & Composition  AP Studio Art  AP Music Theory  AP Physics  AP Chemistry  AP Biology  AP Environmental Science  AP French  AP Spanish  AP German  AP Calculus – AB  AP Calculus – BC  AP Statistics  AP United States History  AP World History  AP European History  AP Psychology  AP US Government & Politics  AP Macroeconomics (offered in online pilot this 2010-2011)

19 Why the emphasis on Advanced Placement (AP) courses? United States Department of Education Study in 2007 found: Students who take 0 AP courses in high school have a 33% chance of completing a BS/BA.

20 Why the emphasis on Advanced Placement (AP) courses? United States Department of Education Study in 2007 found: Students who take 1 AP courses in high school have a 59% chance of completing a BS/BA.

21 Why the emphasis on Advanced Placement (AP) courses? United States Department of Education Study in 2007 found: Students who take 2+ AP courses in high school have a 76% chance of completing a BS/BA.

22 Characteristics of a Well Prepared 9 th Grader  Good attendance habits  Punctuality  Willingness to learn  Advocate for themselves  Time management skills  Willingness to challenge themselves academically  Read and write outside of school  Engage in extra- curricular and/or community activities

23 Upcoming Events  January 25 th NCHS staff will meet with 8 th graders to talk about interests, goals, and aptitudes to match students with an advisor  All 8 th graders and their parents should plan to attend one of the following sessions to get their course selection information and materials –February 1 st sessions are 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM or 7 PM - 8 PM –February 3 rd sessions are 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM or 7 PM - 8 PM –Sessions will be held at North Carroll High School  Students and parents will meet with the child’s advisor –February 17 th conferences are 4 PM - 7:30 PM –February 23 rd conferences are 4 PM - 7:30 PM –Conferences are by appointment  June 7 th – 8 th graders will visit NCHS for ½ day

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