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Building a humanly sustainable knowledge society

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1 building a humanly sustainable knowledge society

2 Information Society – Usability? Information Society is not about technology or electronic gadgets. Information Society is about learning, culture, science, government,health, business, entertainment and inclusion Digital media is about – yes, business – but very deep about InfoSociety implementation Credits: h ttp://

3 eTampere aims high The objective of the eTampere knowledge society programme is to make Tampere the spearhead city of information society development by strengthening the knowledge base by creating new business by developing new public online services that ease the daily life of all citizens Active citizens, innovative business


5 eOrigins in the eEurope initiative bringing every citizen, home, school, enterprise and administrative body into the network environment creating a Europe of digital skills and entrepreneurial spirit ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to be part of the information society The technology-oriented stage is over. Citizens want information and applications that make their lives simpler and better. Here and now, not just in the future.

6 eTampere is a wide-reaching cooperative programme promoting cooperation between enterprise, research, education and the public sector so that the information society will become a natural part of everyday life for all citizens, without discrimination Local, regional, national, international Partners City of Tampere University of Tampere Tampere University of Technology Tampere Technology Centre Ltd VTT Partners in cooperation Polytechnics and other educational establishments Centres of Expertise Enterprises Associations Surrounding municipalities International partners


8 The mode of operation The programme is implemented by six independent subprogrammes, which cooperate with each other and various other players. The programme as a whole is coordinated and marketed by the eTampere office. The strategic vision and monitoring of activities are the responsibility of the steering group. Policy-making for and monitoring of the practical work is carried out by the executive committee. A five-year programme for the years 2001- 2005 Targeted total volume of projects 132 million euros 20 % seed funding from the City of Tampere Technology engine programmes (TUT/Digital Media Institute) Research & Evaluation Laboratory, RELab (VTT) eBusiness Research Center, eBRC (TUT, UTA) eAccelerator (Tampere Technology Centre Ltd) Information Society Institute, ISI (UTA) Infocity (City of Tampere)

9 Subprogrammes Research & Evaluation Laboratory, RELab Produces easy-to-use services for everyday life and test environments for the production, development and evaluation of services. Technology engine programmes Bring top expertise for the use of enterprises through high-quality research. Adaptive software components, User interfaces, Perception of information, Neoreality, Broadband data transfer eBusiness Research Center, eBRC Produces research-based and practical expertise related to electronic business for the use of enterprises and the public sector, acts as a matchmaker for researchers, companies, organizations and financers. eAccelerator Shoots companies with unique, high-technology-based ideas onto the international growth path. There are currently nine companies growing in the accelerator. Information Society Institute, ISI Through multidisciplinary research, development and educational activities, forwards the building of an information society based on active citizenship and the development of its daily practices. Infocity Makes Tampere a model city of information society by developing practical online services and by improving the citizens’ skills to use them.

10 eTampere and the four dimensions of knowledge society TechnicalSocial Economical Cultural eAccelerator Technology engine programmes RELab Infocity ISI eBRC

11 Areas of emphasis in 2003 Active, participating and influential citizenship increasing opportunities for influence and participation eTampere card new possibilities for communal spirit and operation Developing expertise and business development eTampere business service mobile technologies, services and content Development of service innovations Support for and development of service processes with information and communication technologies customer-oriented approach, active customership, multifarious productionship More in-depth international cooperation Sixth Framework Programme St Petersburg cooperation Concrete services that improve the productivity of public services and transfer technology innovations into services for citizens, implemented based on business logic.

12 Achievements of eTampere The programme advances according to plan (project portfolio 30.7 million euros, realization rate 111.1 %) The proportion of finance from enterprises and international sources has increased in total funding Capital investment exceeds 9.5 million euros Ca. 150 researchers and more than 50 enterprises participate in over 100 eTampere projects. 11 international projects. Information Society Observatory, which aims to produce high-quality social-scientific research on information society WLAN Hämeenkatu and digital TV user studies Smart home – from pilot to mass product W3C – Finnish regional office in Tampere 9 accelerator companies, several companies in pre-accelerator Preliminary study for eTampere business services 1 500 people trained onboard the Netti-Nysse Internet bus, almost 20 000 visitors More than 3 000 citizens trained with training funding eTampere card, a new key to services New public online services developed, the City website visited more than two million times a month Several extensive international and national seminars (eGlobal, eBRF, Spearhead network seminar etc.)

13 Info City: eTampere Card eTampere City Card project is a part of eTampere programme, Infocity module. The aim of the eTampere City Card project is to develop a multi- application, dual interface smart card system that provides a key to Information Society services. The card will offer both private and public sector services for the residents. The project is co-ordinated by Access International Consulting Oy Ltd. VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland) is providing additional technical consultant support. The pilot of the project started beginning of 2003 for local students. Gradually the smart card will be offered to all citizens. The distribution goal for the City Card is 100 000 units or 50% of the city population.

14 eTampere City Card Applications Travel Card e-Purse PKI Certificates e-Ticketing Library City Bonus Access control

15 Info-City: Netti-Nysse Netti-Nysse bus is an Internet facility on wheels with 12 computers and wireless (mobile/WLAN) Internet connections, and professional facilitators available for helping and teaching the users. The purpose of the netmobile is to teach the residents of Tampere to utilise the possibilities of the digital network and to use it for business and for fun, from sending and receiving e-amil to paying their bills at a digital bank.

16 Access Points The City of Tampere has placed more than one hundred computers with free Internet connection in various kinds of public places. Also all schools and post offices and some shops maintain Internet computers in public use. There are connections available for senior citizens at day centres and community centres. A service point for visually disabled is opened in 2002.



19 Want to see more? Visit MindTrek International Media Week November 10 th – 16 th in Tampere EUROPRIX Scholars Network Conference: ” Information Society and Digital Media for All — NOW ” November 13 th – 14 th in Tampere

20 Cai Melakoski

21 eTampere builds a humanly sustainable knowledge society eTampere is critical but curious, daring but humble, a builder of the new that respects the old.

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