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Published byAngel Harmon Modified over 9 years ago
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme Russian National BSR INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme Sub-Committee by Irina Karelina, Russian National BSR Interreg III B sub-committee Vilnius, 23 May 2005
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme RNSC ESTABLISING September 05 of 2000 - The Consultation meeting on Russian and Belarus participation in the Baltic Sea Region Interreg III B programme has taken place on the 5-th of September 2000 in Helsinki May 15th of 2001 - The meetings of the initiative group aimed to establish the Russian National Sub-Committee (RNSC) under EU BSR Interreg IIIB Programmein the framework of international seminar “Baltic Sea Region Interregional Co-operation: New Opportunities for North-West Russian Participation”, organized by the Baltic Sea Region Interreg IIIB partnership, the Committee on Spatial Development in the Baltic Sea Region (VASAB) and Saint-Petersburg City Administration. May 16th of 2001 - The meeting of the Committee for International and External Economic Activity of the Association for economic elaboration of North-West subjects of the Russian Federation, May 16th, 2001
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme RNSC MAIN TASKS: Generation of project ideas from North-West Russian regions for co-operation under BSR Interreg IIIB programme; Consideration of generated project ideas taking into account strategic goals of North-West of Russia; Monitoring of projects (with the participation of Russian partners) implementation under BSR Interreg IIIB programme; Taking part in consideration and discussion of different options of projects funding (funding from different sources); Co-operation with the BSR Interreg IIIB Joint Secretariat on such matters as: project ideas formation, search for funding of Russian participation, project partners search, monitoring of projects implementation, getting the information concerning call for proposals, applicants package, submission results etc from the Secretariat. Transfer of information concerning results of co-operation with the Secretariat to regions of Russian North-West. Co-operation with the Committee of Spatial Development in the Baltic Sea Region VASAB 2010, TACIS Offices, St-Petersburg Liaison Office of European Commission Delegation in Russia and other appropriate bodies.
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme RNSC MEMBERS: Permanent members: Representatives of North-West regions of Russia (Arkhangelsk, Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod and Pskov oblasts, Republic of Karelia, Saint-Petersburg) 2 representatives from each region (representatives of regional and municipal authorities, scientific organizations, public and NGOs, consulting companies etc); 1 representative from the Association "North-West"; Observers: Representatives of federal authorities (Minisrtries, dealing with international co-operation on spatial development, Tacis financial matters; federal bodies situated in North-West: staff of RF President`s Plenipotentiary representative in North-West Federal Region) 3 representatives; Representatives from non-commercial organizations of Russian North-West: scientific, consulting companies and NGOs, dealing with spatial planning (Centre for strategic developments "North-West", International Centre for socio-economic researches "Leontief Centre" etc.) not more then 7 representatives; Representatives from Tacis Office and St-Petersburg Liaison Office of European Commission Delegation in Russia by 1 representative from each office.
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme REGULATUION FOR ORGANIZATION OF RNSC ACTIVITY - Activity of Russian national BSR Interreg IIIB sub-committee is led by two co-chairmen (chosen from among North-West regional administrations representatives for the 1 year period on rotation basis). RNSC co-chairmen are appointed as representatives of Russian Federation into BSR Interreg IIII B Steering and Monitoring Committees -The activity of co-chairmen is assisted by the responsible secretary who is a permanent member of the BSR IR3B Steering Committee to guarantee continuity of participation and to be able to collect all relevant information directly and on the spot -Technical assistance of Russian national BSR Interreg IIIB sub- committee activity. Due to the territorial disconnectedness of sub- committee`s members it is reasonable to use facsimile and e- mail opportunities to get with contact with each other. The special www-site is created for the efficient information on sub- committee`s activity of interested regional actors.
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY Mutual informing of North-West Russian regions and BSR Interreg IIIB, VASAB, TACIS about results of activity -Analysing and translation of main BSR Interreg IIIB, Tacis, VASAB documents -Preparation of brief references based on these documents for RNSC members -Preparation of necessary documents and materials under references of BSR Interreg IIIB inquiries -Mutual changing and distribution of materials and documents between RNSC members and Secretariats of international organizations (BSR Interreg IIIB, Tacis, VASAB etc.) Preparation of Partner Search Forum (PSF) Preparatory process -Analyzing and translating appropriate documents, including documents from the BSR Interreg IIIB web-site -Providing North-West Russian regions with the information about PSF details and procedures
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY Preparation of Partner Search Forum (PSF) Preparatory process -Rendering of assistance in establishing contacts between North-West Russia regions and BSR INTERREG III B Secretariat (collection of the requests of regions about the Forum, forming relevant requests to Secretariat, receiving the information and sending it to regions) -Forming Project Ideas Catalog of the North-West Russia regions (consulting regional administrations in preparing project ideas, collecting project ideas from regions and providing with it BSR Interreg IIIB Secretariat) -Forming Delegation from North-West Russia regions (contacts with Forum organizers and North-West Russia regions etc) Follow up activities -Analyzing Project Ideas Catalog with the aim to identify potential project partners taking into account strategic interest of North-West of Russia -Establishing contacts and initiating correspondence between potential partners from EU, candidate countries and North-West Russia Regions -Web-publishing project ideas on RNSC web-site for further promotion
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY Generation and monitoring of project ideas from North- West Russian regions -Generation a numerous of project ideas from North-West Russian regions in the framework of international seminar “Baltic Sea Region Interregional Co-operation: New Opportunities for North-West Russian Participation” (May 15, 2001) -Initiating and collection of the project ideas from North-West Russian regions within Partner Search Forums and Project Ideas Catalogs preparation -Analyzing BSR Interreg III B projects with the aim to identify potential project partners for North-West Russian regions -Supporting of North-West Russian regions participation within BSR Interreg III B Calls and Seed Money BSR Interreg III B Calls (getting the information concerning call for proposals, applicants package, consultation, submission results etc from the Secretariat) -Monitoring projects (with Russian partner involvement) implementation
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY East-West spatial planning Forum for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region (EWF project) EWF as umbrella project had been initiated in 2001 for establishment and development of the dialogue between the BSR states and the North West Russia regions, as well as for RNSC activities support. The main objectives of the project -strengthen the grass-root involvement of Russia in the Baltic problems and issues, -bring new economic stimuli to the development of the North West part of Russia thanks to increasing face to face international contacts at local and regional level in the framework of concrete project, -encourage Russian regional and local decision-makers to change their developmental patterns and behaviors to the more entrepreneurial ones (orientation towards financial engineering, acquisition of external grants, inventing/conceptualizing and building of transnational projects), -ensure involvement of the North West Russia in the economic and social development of the BSR, -create better climate among the citizens of North-West Russia towards EU enlargement and more vivid EU presence in the BSR
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY East-West spatial planning Forum for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region (EWF project). Main stages of the project development Year 2003. EWF project application had been submitted to BSR INTERREG III B Seed Money and approved. The decision to apply to Tacis and BSR Interreg III B programme have been made by partners. Year 2004. Promoting Spatial Development by Creating COMmon MINdscapes - COMMIN had been submitted to BSR INTERREG III B Programme and Excellence Centres’ Network for Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region” – DEX had been submitted to Tacis Programme. 4 th of June 2004. The application submitted in the framework of competition of BSR INTERREG III B Programme has been approved on the Steering Committee meeting. July 2004. The application submitted in the framework of competition of Tacis Programme has been approved. At present the implementation of the COMMIN project is going
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY Preparation and holding RNSC meeting. Current interaction with RNSC members between RNSC meetings In according to the RNSC Regulation the RNSC meeting will be hold at least twice a year before project proposals submission under the BSR Interreg IIIB. In case of the necessity to take urgent decisions and impossibility to arrange meeting (due technical or financial reasons) e- mail and facsimile connection are used. - Finding and attracting resources for organization of RNSC meeting -Logistics and technical assistance in preparation of the meetings -Preparation and distribution and approval of documents (invitation, agenda, informational materials, minutes prepared on the results of the meeting etc.) among RNSC members before the meeting and after it -Organization of RNSC chairmen’s rotation -Control and updating of the list of RNSC members -Monitoring of RNSC decisions execution and current interaction with RNSC members between meetings
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY Informational and technical assistance to SC and MC members from Russia - Regular analyzing SC and MC documents and informing of SC and MC members from Russia about the SC and MC activity -Assurance of SC and MC Russian’s members involvement in the SC and MC activity, including participation in SC and MC meetings Co-operation with Russian Federation authorities, including Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation established in 2004 Ministry is implementing functions on development of state policy and normative and legal control in the sphere of social and economic development of the RF subjects and municipalities including Northern districts and Arctic; administrative-territorial system of the Russian Federation; delegation of authorities concerning objects of co-ownership between federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the RF subjects and bodies of local government; construction, architecture, urban planning and housing and communal services; state national policy and international relations in the Russian Federation as well as protection of minorities and the indigenous population of the RF.
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY Participation in elaborating of new BSR Interreg III B Programme documents taking into account strategic goals of North-West of Russia. Recent most important results. - Creating RNSC Task Force (February 2004 ) by the Russian National Sub-Committee (RNSC) as the main coordinating unit of Russian regions in the framework of BSR Interreg III B Programme, under the auspices of RF Ministry for Economic Development and Trade -Close co-operation and consultation of RNSC Task Force with RNSC network members, St Petersburg Liaison Office, EC Delegation to Russia and Tacis Local Support office in St Petersburg, BSR Interreg III B Steering Committee “Strategy” Task Force, BSR Interreg III B Task Force for amending the CIP - Holding a numbers of the RNSC Task Force meetings, since March. - Elaboration of the document of Starting Points and Proposal on Tacis Funding by Task Force members in year 2004. The documents have been sent to BSR IR IIIB authorities and disseminated among RNSC members.
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY Participation in elaborating of new BSR Interreg III B Programme documents taking into account strategic goals of North-West of Russia. Recent most important results Russian Task Force proposes to use RNSC secretariat with its experience, network and telecommunication capabilities as Russian info point of the Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighbourhood Programme. The financing of Info Point from Technical Assistant Fund is needed. RNSC Secretariat will be responsible for co-operation with the Joint Secretariat on such matters as: - project ideas formation, - project partners search, -monitoring and coordinating of projects implementation to avoid duplication, - getting the information concerning call for proposals, applicants package, submission results etc from the Secretariat - exchange of the project results information
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY Promotion of BSR Interreg III B and RNSC activity - Preparation and publishing editions devoted to BSR Interreg III B and RNSC: booklet European Initiative of the Interreg III B programme for the Baltic Sea Region. Brief guide for Russian partners», the leaflet «The Baltic Sea region Interreg III B Programme. A Community Initiative about transnational co-operation on spatial and regional development”, brief references about RNSC and BSR Interreg III B -Distribution editions, information about RNSC, Intereg, Tacis programmes among North-West regions and Russian Federation authorities, during different meetings, international seminars and conferences -Consultation of North-West regions and Russian Federation authorities interested in about RNSC, Intereg, Tacis programmes activity -Development of the RNSC web-site ( created with support of BSR Interreg IIIB Programme
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY RNSC web-site ( created with support of BSR Interreg IIIB Programme The RNSC web-site structure: About committee North-West Regions Projects Programs BSR Interreg III B Tacis VASAB 2010 Northern Dimension Other programs News Links Contact us
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY RNSC web-site (
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF ACTIVITY RNSC web-site (
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme MAIN DIRECTIONS AND RESULTS OF RNSC ACTIVITY: SOME FIGURES 3 Partner Search Forums had been organized with RNSC organizational and informational support 30 representatives of North-West Russian regions had take part in the Forums 33 Project Ideas had been presented by the North-West Russian regions during the Forums and in the Project Ideas Catalog 80 projects with Russian partners involvement had been presented within BSR Interreg III B Calls and 40 projects with Russian partners had been approved within BSR Interreg III B Calls 45 projects with Russian partners involvement had been approved within Seed Money BSR Interreg III B Calls 3 RNSC meetings (November 20th, 2001, June 21st 2002, September 15th, 2004) had been prepared and hold 9 SC and 7 MC meetings have been provided by RNSC organizational and informational support More 20 presentations about RNSC and BSR Interreg III B had been done during different seminars and conference 2802 appeals to the RNSC web-site pages are registered monthly 65,5 MB informational resources are put on the RNSC web-site
Russian National Sub-Committee BSR Interreg III B Neighbourhood Programme HOW TO CONTACT US Co-Chairmen Oleg Klimov, Head of Foreign Investment Department of Economic Committee of Novgorod Oblast Administration Tel.: +7 (8162) 132-486, Fax: +7 (8162) 132-502 Dmitry Shakhov, Deputy Head of Pskov Oblast Administration Tel.: +7 (8112) 165-337, Fax: +7 (8112) 165-337 Responsible Secretary Irina Karelina, Member of Steering Committee of BSR Interreg III B Programme, St. Petersburg representative of the CSD/BSR VASAB 2010, General Director of ICSER "Leontief Centre” Е-mail: Tel.: +7- 812 - 314-41-19, Fax: +7- 812 - 319-98-14 RNSC web-site
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