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Chapter 7 Life of the People in Colonial Georgia.

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1 Chapter 7 Life of the People in Colonial Georgia

2 Regional Commonalities  Georgia colony had much in common with other colonies:  Most colonists from England, so they shared common language and culture;  All colonies expected to provide England with raw materials and purchase finished products from England.

3 Regional Differences: New England Colonies  Short growing season, farms for family use. Few slaves were house slaves.  Fishing industry and sea trade led to shipbuilding.  Also home to skilled blacksmiths, coopes, sliversmiths and furniture makers.  Most towns small, but large cities like Boston. Most areas very religious. School laws in place by 1671.

4 Middle Atlantic Colonies  Most diverse in terms of people, religion, and economy.  Lots of farmland allowed for selling of surplus crops, led to more slavery.  Rich mineral deposits lead to development of mining.  Abundant forests provided wood for shipbuilding and wagons. No requirements for education.

5 Southern Colonies  Warm climate created strong agricultural economy.  Plantations produced high-demand cash crops in large quantities (tobacco, rice, indigo and cotton). Crops grown in different areas, according to geography.  Slaves used for much labor. Few public schools; most wealthy families had tutors.

6 Life in Georgia  Unusual animals to Europeans: alligators, cougars, opossums, buffalo, raccoons, rattlesnakes.  Communities far apart; had agrarian cultures. People began to adapt.  More immigration from other countries meant more religions.

7 The Ebenezer Community  German immigrants from Salzburg (Salburgers) came as Lutheran Protestants. Trustees raised the funds.  Settled 25 miles north of Savannah in settlement called Ebenezer. Conditions too bad for farming – moved closer to Savannah.  Became prosperous with silk and cotton trade. After learning English, more accepted as true Georgians.

8 Africans Come to America  Juan Canaries was freed black crew member on Columbus’s ship. Africans lived in Spain 700 years when Islamic forces had slaves traded by African rulers.  Slavery different in all parts of the world. In Spain slaves could buy freedom or travel to New World with “owners”.  Slaves often on explorations of New World

9 Africans in Georgia  Ayllon brought slaves who revolted and lived with Guale Indians.  Some Africans trained as soldiers to help staff Spain’s garrisons.  Slaves in British colonies encouraged to escape to Florida for freedom and land (had to convert to Catholicism)  Black Militia near St. Augustine created Fort Mose.

10 Slavery in the Colonies  Slavery began in 1619 in Virginia as a trade for goods needed for a ship.  They were Christianized, so they became servants.  1640 a Virginia judge sentenced an indentured African servant to slavery for life for running away. Indentured servants had to pay for passage for 4 to 7 years.

11 Slavery in the Colonies  In 1662 Virginia law gave African babies same status as the mother (free or slave)  In 1705 Virginia law made slaves property and part of inheritance by family.  Indentured servants refused to work in fields. Slaves used because they didn’t have to be replaced and could be identified if they ran away.

12 Slavery in the Colonies  In 1672 England chartered the Royal African Company to bring slaves from Africa to colonies in North America and West Indies. English goods traded to Africa.  Slaves sent to Caribbean to work on sugar plantations. Sugar and molasses traded to colonies to be sold for other goods.

13 Slavery in the Colonies  Slave traders took rum to Africa to get slaves to be sold in colonies.  Triangular trade – slaves bought with rum were then sold for sugar and molasses, which were used to make more rum.  In 1700s most slaves sent to Brazil, Mexico and West Indies.  In 1800s 20 million slaves shipped to Americas.

14 Slavery in Georgia  JO opposed slavery in Georgia, but group called “Malcontents” petitioned the trustees for slaves.  Argued that climate more suited for slavery and needed for more production.  Scots at Darien and Salzburgers refused to use slaves.  Slaves “sneaked in” to Savannah and trustees gave in. By 1773, 15,000 slaves were in Georgia.

15 Slave Codes  Slave codes used to govern slave behavior  Children were property of owners (not parents)  Slaves couldn’t travel w/o ticket with signature. Punishment was whipping on bare back (about 20 lashes)  If a slave struck a white person, punishment was severe (not life or limb)

16 Slave Codes  2 nd time slave struck white person was death.  White farmers caught working slaves on Sundays were fined 10 shillings  Anyone caught teaching a slave to read or write forfeited 20 pounds.

17 Georgia Society and Culture  Although JO and trustees wanted “common class”, wealthy plantation owners and slaves made up higher and lower classes.  Savannah prospered – servants and slaves allowed colonists to become skilled workers and professionals.  Women and Blacks had little opportunity to be independent.

18 Savannah Society  Wealthy rice planters and shipping merchants were top of the class.  Land owners were second  Skilled professionals were third  Wealthy celebrated life with parties, clubs and ceremonies.  Taverns were social gatherings to share news; first newspaper published in 1763.

19 Life in the Backcountry  Frontier area beyond Savannah.  Augusta built as station for Indian traders on their way to Creek and Cherokee country.  Backcountry people were rowdy, rugged and simple. They didn’t like government to tell them what to do.  Hard work major part of life, including celebrations (corn shuckings, barn raising and quilting bees).

20 Education in Colonial Georgia  Most children taught by parents. Boys learned a trade and girls learned how to manage a household.  Few schools existed, mostly taught by clergy, so religion was taught in school.  Wealthy children had private tutors, most poor children never went to school.

21 Religion  Trustees made sure hundreds of Bibles and prayer books came to colonies.  All religious groups (except Catholics) invited to settle in Georgia (changed after American Revolution.  One of first physicians in Savannah was a Jewish immigrant.  Church of England became official church and people were taxed, but they could attend any church they wanted to attend.

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