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Teaching and Learning in a Digital World. FaceBook Twitter Delicious Glogster LinkedIn.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching and Learning in a Digital World. FaceBook Twitter Delicious Glogster LinkedIn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching and Learning in a Digital World

2 FaceBook Twitter Delicious Glogster LinkedIn

3 Move from print information to digital, multimedia, hyperlinked information Images Simulations Games Audio Files Videos 3D Graphics

4 Our Children’s Perspective


6  Students match materials (text, video, graphs, audio) with preferred learning modalities  Students engage with resources and in learning  Greater accuracy of information  Teachers and students create their own instructional resource repositories  Makes immediate feedback possible  Enables better management of the inventory of resources


8 Peek into a fourth grade Language Arts lesson with teacher Tricia Smith.

9  Word Processing/ Desktop Publishing  Webpage Publishing  Video Creation  Graph and Table Creation  Animation and Simulation Creation  Blogging  Wiki Building  Mapping

10 Peek into the world of GIS here in LCPS with Mike Wagner, GIS Science teacher and see how taking the next step of creating products.

11 Geospatial Technology geographic information system (GIS)… Uses computers and software to organize, develop, and communicate geographic knowledge. GIS takes the numbers and words from the rows and columns in databases and spreadsheets and puts them on a map. GIS is about visualizing information!

12 Going Loco with GIS Whale shark that migrates from Mexico to Australia Students use existing data (sea-surface temperatures, currents, etc) to predict the best migration route.

13 Ball’s Bluff Elementary – Stream Monitoring Project Cattail Creek

14 Geospatial Technology Course Full-year, dual-enrollment course through James Madison University Use ESRI ArcGIS Suite and ArcGIS Online Developed in 2006 Currently taught in 5 of 13 high schools by highly trained teachers Projected to be taught in 10 of 13 high schools in 2013-2014 Students engage in multiple projects through the year Develop enough skills to be employed directly out of high school ArcGIS Suite ArcGIS Online

15 Geospatial Technology Course

16 Original 1759 Map




20 Let’s peek into a high school teachers virtual English classroom with Mr. Nick Grzeda’s.

21 Let’s break down the walls of the school and facilitate connections to experts and other students and teachers across the world. Power of Everyone


23 Provide access to and interaction with a world of multimedia and people resources Create/publish a variety of products to show learning Do all of this in an anytime, anywhere world.


25  1 st Period – German III  2 nd Period- AP U. S. History  3 rd Period – American Literature  4 th Period – Pre-Calculus  5 th Period – Drama  6 th Period – Biology  7 th Period – Psychology

26  German III $130.00  AP U.S. History $145.00 (two books)  American Literature $120.00 (two books)  Pre-Calculus $100.00  Drama $120.00 (two books)  Biology $185.00 (two books)  Psychology$80.00 (two books)  Total Cost $880.00  Consumables $55.00  Total Weight 47.6 lbs.


28 In last year, percent of Americans ages 16+ who read an eBook jumped from 16% to 23%. Between 2008 and 2009 there was a 40% increase in digital textbook sales. Publishers predict that by year 2016, 80% of textbooks will be digital as print media is phased out. VDOE has begun allowing textbook funds to be used for digital content.

29 It is really not about digital, hyperlinked text but it is about giving teachers and students access to multimedia resources, games, and simulations, providing them with the authoring tools to transform these resources into products that show their learning in a Facilitate it all happening in a collaborative virtual space that is open to the world.

30 Questions

31  1:1 schools employing key implementation factors outperform all schools and all other 1:1 schools.  A 1:1 student/computer ratio has a higher impact on student outcomes and financial benefits than other ratios.  In general, schools with a 1:1 student/computer ratio outperform non-1:1 schools on both academic and financial measures. The lower the student/computer ratio, the better the student outcomes.


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