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Lingua inglese II Broadcast news discourse. Aims of course By the end of the course you will have gained Awareness of text features Knowledge of metalanguage.

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Presentation on theme: "Lingua inglese II Broadcast news discourse. Aims of course By the end of the course you will have gained Awareness of text features Knowledge of metalanguage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lingua inglese II Broadcast news discourse

2 Aims of course By the end of the course you will have gained Awareness of text features Knowledge of metalanguage Experience of text analysis Analytical skills Greater English language competence

3 Media language English language media discourse is an important resource for communication scientists To be able to use this resource is an asset English language newspapers and television news provide language practice and political content Data collection from these sources can be an important research tool

4 English media discourse: the language of evaluation and attribution This course aims to introduce students to the English language resources of evaluation and attribution in news texts (TV news).

5 Students will be introduced to examples of media discourse research and will practice and develop descriptive and analytical skills using media texts.

6 Contact with English You need to be exposed to English to learn it The more you are exposed the more you assimilate Exposure means reading and listening You are students of language and communication and need to understand a variety of text types You will be exposed to English in the classes and through the tasks set

7 This course aims to give you experience of media texts in English: TV news discourse. It aims to raise your awareness of the particular text type But also provide a metalanguage to describe aspects of the discourse and a methodology for analysis It aims also to introduce you to English language research which is of some relevance to people studying media

8 You will also practice data gathering and data analysis Get used to working in groups And improve your language skills.

9 Evaluation and attribution There are two things non-native speakers find very difficult: to understand stance, that is to say subjective attitudes expressed in discourse and to understand who is taking responsibility for any one particular statement this why we will be concentrating our text analyses on choices which involve evaluation and attribution

10 Course structure 6 credits 24 hrs lessons + lettorato B2+; reading; Tasks (text description, text analysis, transcription) The tasks carried out in class prepare you for the exam task

11 Tasks Information about the various tasks and course outline will be given next time. Non frequentanti need to consult the information on line: Lesson slides and other materials: materiali disponibili a questa pagina 19_

12 Levels of language description Morphology the study of word structure Syntax the study of how words combine to form larger units Semantics the study of meaning Discourse analysis the study of larger patterns of meaning Pragmatics the study of language in use

13 Remember this? Language has varieties: there are regional and social varieties. The technical term for those varieties which depend on differences of social use is register. Register can be divided into field of discourse (subject matter: chemistry, linguistics, music) tenor of discourse (sometimes referred to as style, e.g formal, informal, intimate) and mode of discourse (medium of the language activity, spoken, written, face to face, twitter).

14 Domain and text type Language is used in a variety of domains (public, personal, occupational, educational). The interplay of contexts and domains has brought about the development of recognisable genres or text types There are regular variations of form according to register and genres develop from register used for a particular purpose.

15 context No texts are constructed in isolation. Language is a social practice. Meaning is dependent on context, the events and situational factors in which acts of communication are embedded (the subject or topic, the purpose or reason for communicating, the circumstances, the physical context, the relationship between addresser and addressee, their previous contact with each other and the topic)

16 Varieties in language dimensions of variation diaphasic: different communicative settings, e.g.different levels of style/register, oral vs. written diastratic: different social groups (according to age, sex, profession...), different sociolects e.g. young people, hunters‘ Diatopic: different places and regions of the linguistic area, different dialects e.g.Cockney English, Saxonian German diachronic: historical stages on the diachronic axis e.g.extinct, obsolete, old-fashioned, current, fashionable

17 We are primed for certain features We learn to recognise genres by being exposed to them, we are primed by the texts we have encountered and have expectations. The way we read a text depends on how many similar texts we have read before and the expectations we have about such texts. Most texts show the distinctive features of the language variety or genre they belong to:

18 Graphic features Graphic features: the general presentation and organisation of the written language, defined in terms of such factors as distinctive typography, page design, spacing, use of illustrations, and colour; for example, the variety of newspaper English (headlines, columns, captions)

19 Orthographic or graphological Orthographic or graphological features: the writing system of an individual language, distinctive use of the alphabet, capital letters, spelling, punctuation, and ways of expressing emphasis (italics, bold, underlining) eg. English vs. American newspapers, advertisements (Beanz meanz Heinz), websites and names e.g. weblingu@; text messages: U r, gr8

20 Lexical features Lexical features: the vocabulary of a language defined in terms of the set of words and idioms given distinctive use within a variety; for example, legal English employs such expressions as heretofore, alleged and Latin expressions such as sub judice

21 Grammatical features Grammatical features: the many possibilities of syntax and morphology, defined in terms of such factors as the distinctive use of sentence structure word order, and word inflections; for example, religious English makes use of archaic second person singular set of pronouns (thou, thee, thine) Informal English uses contracted forms

22 Discourse features discourse features: the structural organisation of a text, defined in terms of such factors as coherence, relevance, paragraph structure, and the logical progression of ideas; for example, a journal paper within scientific English typically consists of a fixed sequence of sections including the abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusion

23 Often the distinction is not so much between written and spoken but rather between whether a text is produced in a context dependent situation and whether it is planned or unplanned

24 A particular discourse type You will be studying the discourse of broadcast news You will learn to describe texts and identify different choices by comparing texts You will be learning to analyse choices critically to identify how choices can imply values

25 Broadcast news Some choices are predictable by the text type Others may be more marked and imply values You will be analysing texts on these different levels for the resources of evaluation and attribution

26 An example Describe the beginning of the news item from CCTV Compare it with the news item from France 24 Which choices are predictable from the discourse type? 18.12.2013: News item Russia Ukraine deal What choices can you identify that are not predictable from the discourse type?

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