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Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at higher education institutions in Montenegro – 1st Project Coordination Meeting Thursday,

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Presentation on theme: "Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at higher education institutions in Montenegro – 1st Project Coordination Meeting Thursday,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at higher education institutions in Montenegro – SINC@HE 1st Project Coordination Meeting Thursday, 12 th January 2012 Thessaloniki (Greece) )

2 Project objectives, outcomes and activities, Logical Framework Matrix

3 SICH@HE support The project focuses on providing support to students with disabilities in order to improve inclusion in ME HEIs. This support is established through social services such as counseling, psychological support, assistive technology and teaching aids.

4 Main objectives SINCH@HE Create conditions that will assimilate the QSIoSwD Improve quality & relevance of SIoSwD Strengthen the open society values regarding the inclusion of students with disabilities in HEIs

5 Nr of students with disabilities enrolled in HEI by 2014 Nr of students with disabilities accessing support services Nr of citizens aware of the topic INDICATORS OF PROGESS

6 HOW INDICATORS WILL BE MEASURED: Universities databases and registers Registers at Student advisory offices Reports of workshops and events

7 University regulatory frameworks, guidelines and recommendations Institutional capacities Student advisory offices Awareness and motivation on inclusive education SPECIFIC PROJECT OBJECTIVES

8 Indicators of progress of specific objectives: Improved university regulatory framework for supporting students with disability for each university Number of implemented support services Capacity of special equipment for students with disabilities provided Number of Student Advisory Offices opened at each university Number of teachers and other staff trained on specific support for students with disabilities Number of guidelines and materials on supporting students with disabilities provided for downloading Number of policy makers reached by the recommendations for future actions in inclusion in HE Number of new students with disability enrolled at each partner University

9 How indicators will be measured: Improved regulatory successfully applied by university staff Universities databases and registers on enrolled students with disabilities: accessible on request at university offices Registers at Student Advisory offices (forms for requesting support, satisfaction survey): available on request HE administrative offices registers for agreements and contracts: accessible on request at university offices Final conferences reports and dissemination materials (agendas, signed sheets of attendance etc.): copies available at coordinator premises

10 Assumptions & risks: Low reaction by the addressed target group Slow reaction by managing offices at university Low interest by internal human resources to be enrolled in training activities Low interest by policy makers Good coordination and high commitment of the project partners

11 DELIVERABLES WPTitle of work package DEV1Background analysis for inclusion of students with disabilities in HE DEV2Improvement of institutional frameworks for inclusion of students with disabilities DEV3Definition of support services for students with disabilities at HEIs DEV4Establishing support services and capacity building for university students with disabilities DEV5Training of university staff for working with students with disabilities DEV6Piloting and evaluation at partner universities QPLN7Quality control and monitoring DISS8Dissemination and raising awareness EXP9Exploitation and sustainability MNGT10Project management

12 INDICATORS OF PROGRESS REPORTS (monitoring, evaluation etc) SUPPORT SERVICES STUDENT ADVISORY OFFICES Nr of staff trained REGULATORY DOCUMENTS GUIDELINES Nr of students Nr of peers’ support

13 How indicators will be measured: Project website Internal documents in universities Universities websites Human resources registers at the university Registers of activity at the students’ offices Financial tracking at the universities’ financial offices HE administrative offices registers for agreements and contracts

14 Assumptions & risks: Low reaction by the addressed target group Potential delays in adopting institutional frameworks at university level Low interest by internal human resources to be enrolled in training activities Good coordination and high commitment in the project consortium

15 ACTIVITIES WPACTIVITY DEV1Review and analysis of EU and national practices and policies DEV2Analyzing and defining institutional structure DEV3Designing and planning of services DEV4Development and establishment of support services, providing special equipment DEV5Analyzing and training on inclusive practices DEV6Monitoring regulatory documents and training, piloting support services QPLN7Monitoring and control of the project DISS8Website, dissemination, media promotion EXP9Networking, inter university peer support, policy recommendations MNGT10Management and administration

16 Inputs: Staff time (Category 1,2, 4) Mobility (from PC to EU and from EU to PC) Equipment (for UNM and UDG) Printing and Publishing (reports, guidelines, workshop material etc) Brochures, leaflets, proceedings for dissemination conferences

17 Assumptions & risks: Interest of student with disabilities to be enrolled into peer processes Interest by policy makers to the specific project target group High commitment by project partners Risk: low/slow reaction by management offices at the universities Timely advertising and media promotion to reach the majority of interested groups Accepted participation in special sessions at existing conferences relevant to disability Availability of university management structures for signing the agreements Availability of staff to support agreed issues Interest of policy makers for improving the regulations on studying with disability

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