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BGU Physics Department: Going with the (Laminar) Flow

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1 Microfluidics @ BGU Physics Department: Going with the (Laminar) Flow
Ben Gurion University of the Negev Faculty of Natural Sciences Department of Physics Physics Fete – March 2013 BGU Physics Department: Going with the (Laminar) Flow Gadi Afek

2 OUTLINE What is Microfluidics & what is it Good for?
Going with the Laminar Flow One Step Forward – “Lab on a Chip” A-Chip-a-Day Some Applications µF in our Lab

3 4 Olympic-sized swimming pools
WHAT IS MICROFLUIDICS? Manipulation of fluids at very small volumes, typically µl-fl ~1x10-9 liter: µF Psi mixer ~1x10-1 liter: Standard US cup o’ tea ~1x107 liter: 4 Olympic-sized swimming pools

4 WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? Devices are transparent (good optical properties)
They allow precise control of small particles in fluid (good for simulating biological systems) Biocompatible (non toxic) Interesting for laminar- flow hydrodynamics Fast and flexible to design Low manufacturing cost

Reynolds number is given by- Where u is velocity, L is length scale, µ is the dynamic viscosity, ρ is the density and v is the kinematic viscosity Re number can be described as a ratio between inertial and viscous forces: Reynolds number indicates flow regime

What does this all mean? Behavoiur described by Hagen-Poiseuille equation (electrical analogue) Flow is reversible Mixing governed entirely by diffusion

7 A-CHIP-A-DAY From idea to device in less than a day – design and fabrication (photolithography): Sketch pattern Print negative on high-resolution transparency (MASK) Coat clean glass (or Si) with photoresist, apply mask and expose to UV “Develop” to get positive pattern (MASTER) Pour pre mixed PDMS, degass and bake Stick on glass using plasma bonding

8 LAB-ON-A-CHIP (Honey, I Shrunk the Lab..)
Can multiplex devices (multiple layers) to form elaborate control mechanisms (valves, pumps etc.) Valves Latches (logical gates, anyone?) Pumps

Taken from “lab on a chip” and “Nature” journals: Cost-effective and rapid blood analysis on a cell- phone Lab-on-DVD: standard DVD drives as a novel laser scanning microscope for image based point of care diagnostics Cells on chips (Nature): spatial and temporal control of cell growth and stimuli by combining surfaces that mimic complex biochemistries and geometries

10 µF IN OUR LAB (Prof. Oleg Krichevsky)
Full fabrication facility (besides high-res printer) Projects: Studying the effects of field-localization in the communication and fate of the T-cells of the immune system. We use membrane integrated devices for annihilation of convective motion in the medium and high-resolution confocal microscopy Collect statistics of plasmid copy number distribution within a monoclonal sample of E-Coli, using a fully automated Microfluidics-based process in which all extraction, separation and measurement are performed on the device

11 THE OLEGLAB Left to right, top to bottom: Oleg, Manish, Gadi, Rotem, Tanya, Alon, Lior, Dotan, Irina

12 Thanks! Questions? SUMMARY What is Microfluidics Going with the
Laminar Flow One Step Forward – “Lab on a Chip” A-Chip-a-Day Some Applications µF in our Lab Thanks! Questions?


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