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1 Substantive Legislative Issues 2011 Rick Maxey November 4, 2010

2 Proposed Substantive Issues 2011 House Bill 7237 Cleanup ( allow regulations instead of rules) University Concurrency Trust Fund ( reestablish funding) Undergraduate Summer Term Attendance

3 House Bill 7237 Cleanup 267.062 naming of buildings 1004.23 copyright 1004.28 DSO’s 1006.63 hazing 1006.66 traffic 1010.04(2) purchasing reference 1009.21 residency 1011.48 Education Research Centers for Child Development 1013.171 leasing

4 University Concurrency Trust Fund 1993 Legislature enacted Section 220.156, F.S., (University Concurrency Trust Fund), which provided a source of funds from which universities could pay for off-site concurrency assessments by local governments as required by part II of Chapter 163. Funded from a 7.3% service charge on the Local Option Fuel Tax 2000 Legislature reduced the percentage to 3.5 2006 percentage reduced to zero 2008 $30 million swept from the fund 2010 balance dispersed for infrastructure improvements

5 University Concurrency Trust Fund Service charge generates approximately $14 million annually Revenue neutral (directed to previous purpose) Current use of funds Collaboration with counties and cities

6 Local Option Fuel Tax In a 1993 early special session, the Legislature provided local governments with a major new source of revenue originally called the Local Option Gas Tax and renamed the Local Option Fuel Tax in 1996. 1 cent-4 cent-per-gallon tax allowed on highway fuel Maximum duration five years Required sharing with municipalities Could be used only for transportation

7 Local Option Fuel Tax 1985 Maximum levy increased to 6 cents-per-gallon Maximum duration 30 years 1992 Small counties allowed to spend on non-transportation purposes 1993 Additional 1 cent-5 cent-per-gallon tax authorized

8 Local Option Fuel Tax Uses of the Local Option Fuel Tax To repay state bonds issued on its behalf To match state funds in the ratio 50%/50% (for projects on the State Highway System, or for other road projects which would alleviate congestion on the State Highway System). (All 67 counties have implemented a Local Option Fuel Tax)

9 Local Option Fuel Tax 8% service charge (b) Implemented 1993Implemented 1983 Local Option Fuel Tax Gas/Gasohol (1-6 cents*) Diesel (6 cents) Local Option Fuel Tax Gas/Gasohol (1-6 cents*) Diesel (6 cents) Local Option Fuel Tax Trust Fund Municipalities State Transportation Trust Fund General Revenue Fund 70.5% (c) 29.5% (c) 92% 7% service charge (a) 93% Counties (a)Deposited into the State Transportation Trust Fund for local programs (b)Deposited into the General Revenue Fund (c) Based on statewide average of interlocal agreements of the County Incentive Grant Program and Small County Outreach Program

10 Summer Term Attendance Repeal section 1007.27(10) Seek changes that allow Bright Futures to cover summer terms Speeds time to degree Allows more efficient use of facilities Manage summer term attendance through Board regulation

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