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M. SWETHA BHAVYA 1225110120 MBA (GIM). 1.About MphasiS 2.Objectives 3.Need 4.Human Resource Functions in MphasiS – Recruitment – HR Operation – Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "M. SWETHA BHAVYA 1225110120 MBA (GIM). 1.About MphasiS 2.Objectives 3.Need 4.Human Resource Functions in MphasiS – Recruitment – HR Operation – Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. SWETHA BHAVYA 1225110120 MBA (GIM)

2 1.About MphasiS 2.Objectives 3.Need 4.Human Resource Functions in MphasiS – Recruitment – HR Operation – Learning and development – HR Business Partners – Compensation and Benefits 5.Findings 6.Conclusion 1.About MphasiS 2.Objectives 3.Need 4.Human Resource Functions in MphasiS – Recruitment – HR Operation – Learning and development – HR Business Partners – Compensation and Benefits 5.Findings 6.Conclusion Contents

3 About MphasiS 1.MphasiS was started by Mr. Jerry Rao, relative of Infosys CEO Narayanmurthy. 2.In 1998, Mr. Rao started MphasiS Corp., a software company based in California. 3.Merged with BFL software in 2000 to form MphasiS-BFL. 4.Head quarters in Santa Monica, California and Bangalore, India. 5.EDS bought MphasiS – and was renamed MphasiS an EDS Company. 6.Now, HP bought EDS – and thus MphasiS an HP company. 1.MphasiS was started by Mr. Jerry Rao, relative of Infosys CEO Narayanmurthy. 2.In 1998, Mr. Rao started MphasiS Corp., a software company based in California. 3.Merged with BFL software in 2000 to form MphasiS-BFL. 4.Head quarters in Santa Monica, California and Bangalore, India. 5.EDS bought MphasiS – and was renamed MphasiS an EDS Company. 6.Now, HP bought EDS – and thus MphasiS an HP company.

4 Additional Information 1.Profits :- MphasiS marked $1billion in revenues and registered a consolidated revenue of Rs.5037 Crore for the Year ended 31st Oct 2010. 2.POSITION :- Sixth Indian IT Company. 3.INDUSTRY :- Enterprise Application Integration Software. 4.FINANCIAL YEAR :- 1st November of previous year to 31st October of next year. 5.RANKED :- 187 position by ET500. 6.COMPETITIORS :- Infosys, HCL Technologies. 7.ACQUISITIONS :- 8.Navion Software, China(2002) 9.Kshema Technologies, Bangalore, India(2004) 10.Onida InfoTech Services, Mumbai, India(2004) 11.Princeton Consultancy in UK(2005) 12.Eldorado Computing in US(2005) 13.AIG Systems Solutions, India(2009) 14.Fortify Infrastructure Services in US(2010) 1.Profits :- MphasiS marked $1billion in revenues and registered a consolidated revenue of Rs.5037 Crore for the Year ended 31st Oct 2010. 2.POSITION :- Sixth Indian IT Company. 3.INDUSTRY :- Enterprise Application Integration Software. 4.FINANCIAL YEAR :- 1st November of previous year to 31st October of next year. 5.RANKED :- 187 position by ET500. 6.COMPETITIORS :- Infosys, HCL Technologies. 7.ACQUISITIONS :- 8.Navion Software, China(2002) 9.Kshema Technologies, Bangalore, India(2004) 10.Onida InfoTech Services, Mumbai, India(2004) 11.Princeton Consultancy in UK(2005) 12.Eldorado Computing in US(2005) 13.AIG Systems Solutions, India(2009) 14.Fortify Infrastructure Services in US(2010)

5 Objectives 1.The main objective of MPHASIS is to improve the capacity for monitoring information on homelessness and housing exclusion in 20 European countries on the basis of the recommendations of the 2007 EU study on Measurement of Homelessness. 2.This will be done through transnational exchanges and will be supported by action-oriented research which will directly feed into European and national discussions on monitoring of homelessness within MPHASIS.

6 Need 1.Need to know about managing workers. 2.As businesses make plans, they need to foresee future needs for staff. 3.In addition, they need to consider how to hire, train, and promote people in time to fill those needs.

7 Human Resources Functions – Recruitments 1.Identify Vacancy. 2.Prepare a job description and person specification. 3.Advertising the Vacancy. 4.Managing the response. 5.Short listing. 6.Arrange Interviews. 7.Conducting Interview. 8.Decision Making. 1.Identify Vacancy. 2.Prepare a job description and person specification. 3.Advertising the Vacancy. 4.Managing the response. 5.Short listing. 6.Arrange Interviews. 7.Conducting Interview. 8.Decision Making.

8 Human Resources Functions – HR Operations 1.Confirmation of compliance with CODE OF CONDUCT. 2.Code Of Conduct Certification. 3.Employee Declaration. 4.Declaration/ consent letter. 5.The Payment of Gratuity(central) Rules 1972. 6.Nominations 7.Statement (Declaration of Witnesses) 8.Certificate by the employer. 9.Acceptable use Agreement. 10.Group Mediclaim Policy. 11.The employees provident fund organization. 12.Disability self identification. 13.Disability self identification form. 14.Joining report. 1.Confirmation of compliance with CODE OF CONDUCT. 2.Code Of Conduct Certification. 3.Employee Declaration. 4.Declaration/ consent letter. 5.The Payment of Gratuity(central) Rules 1972. 6.Nominations 7.Statement (Declaration of Witnesses) 8.Certificate by the employer. 9.Acceptable use Agreement. 10.Group Mediclaim Policy. 11.The employees provident fund organization. 12.Disability self identification. 13.Disability self identification form. 14.Joining report.

9 Human Resources Functions – Learning & Development 1.To address the training needs of MphasiS employees in the area of leadership, technical, domain, quality and behavioural. 2.Exchange opportunity to acquire new skills or upgrade existing skills. 3.The training programs are specially designed as per the needs and the current offerings can be viewed based on the following attachments :- A.Non-Technical Training calender. B.Technical training calender. C.Open house training calender. 4.Training includes technical skills, like :- a)Java. b)Testing. c)Dotnet. 1.To address the training needs of MphasiS employees in the area of leadership, technical, domain, quality and behavioural. 2.Exchange opportunity to acquire new skills or upgrade existing skills. 3.The training programs are specially designed as per the needs and the current offerings can be viewed based on the following attachments :- A.Non-Technical Training calender. B.Technical training calender. C.Open house training calender. 4.Training includes technical skills, like :- a)Java. b)Testing. c)Dotnet.

10 Human Resources Functions – HR Business Partner 1.On boarding :- a)Meeting with new joinees. 2.Buddy Program. 3.Employ Relations. 4.Team skip meeting (or) employee connect open house. 5.Appraisals :- A.Goal setting process(beginning of the year) B.Review of the goals(held twice- mid year and annual) C.Normalization process(fitting the rating in specified grid) 6.Arbitration. 7.Attrition :- a)Separation b)HR interaction c)Full time settlement d)Exit interview 8.VOE Surveys. 9.Code of Conduct. 10.Onsite offshore. 1.On boarding :- a)Meeting with new joinees. 2.Buddy Program. 3.Employ Relations. 4.Team skip meeting (or) employee connect open house. 5.Appraisals :- A.Goal setting process(beginning of the year) B.Review of the goals(held twice- mid year and annual) C.Normalization process(fitting the rating in specified grid) 6.Arbitration. 7.Attrition :- a)Separation b)HR interaction c)Full time settlement d)Exit interview 8.VOE Surveys. 9.Code of Conduct. 10.Onsite offshore.

11 Human Resources Functions – Compensation & Benefits 1.Designs the Compensation & Benefits architecture for the company 2.Deigns and implements salary structure that are profitable for the business. 3.Governs increments for employees year on year 4.Designs and packages various bonus plans to motivate employees 5.Conducts Salary surveys to ensure that the company’s compensation policy is in line with market standards and completive. 1.Designs the Compensation & Benefits architecture for the company 2.Deigns and implements salary structure that are profitable for the business. 3.Governs increments for employees year on year 4.Designs and packages various bonus plans to motivate employees 5.Conducts Salary surveys to ensure that the company’s compensation policy is in line with market standards and completive.

12 Findings 1.The Delivery Model is designed according to the role of HR to deliver efficient and effective HR services. 2.Using the pioneering spirit employees shall work to consolidate technological leadership through original studies, research and development. 3.While seeking for knowledge everywhere, broadening their perspective and constantly working to educate and improve themselves, employees shall act according to the rule of law and ethical corporate rectitude.

13 Conclusion 1.In MphasiS, HR plays an important role in balancing the need of the organisation. Human Resource is the back bone of the organisation, as without HR department organisation cannot with stand by its own. 2.HR Outsourcing at MphasiS started as a result of the strong alliance with Excellerate HRO, the HR Services business of HP. 3.Hence MphasiS is a fastest growing IT company which gives an opportunity to each employee to be success in their profession.


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