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Discipline & Guidance The keys to well-behaved children.

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Presentation on theme: "Discipline & Guidance The keys to well-behaved children."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discipline & Guidance The keys to well-behaved children.

2 Discipline Techniques Each child is different and different things will work for each child.

3 Positive Statements  Clearly State what the child is expected to do instead of telling them what not to do  Example: “Walk in the house” vs. “Don’t run in the house”  Get down on the child’s eye level to talk

4 Change these into Positive Statements: 1. Don’t stand on the table!!! 2. You are being very bad! 3. Don’t chew with your mouth open, that’s disgusting! 4. I can see your underwear. Put your dress down now!

5 Redirect Attention  If a child is doing something you do not want them to do….give them something else to do.  Distract them with another option  Example: Have them jump on a trampoline instead of a bed

6 Reverse Attention  Ignore negative behavior when possible and reinforce the positive  POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT  Example – if their room is always messy, but one day they happen to have a really clean corner, then make a big deal out of the clean corner!

7 Time Out  Remove child from situation causing heightened emotion until they have calmed down  Used sparingly, after other techniques have been applied  Use a place with NO distractions  One minute for each year of age  Make an effort to notice when child makes better choice after a time out

8 Time Out Video Clip  f15_QM f15_QM

9 Loss of Privilege  Remove a privilege if behavior is inappropriate.  Lots of different privileges can be removed.  Be consistent! Follow through.

10 Setting Limits  Setting a guideline for behavior  State limits clearly and firmly  Use consequences as a form of discipline when rules are broken  Give your child the WHY for the limits.

11 Setting Limits - MORE  Some parents struggle with setting limits, but limits are GOOD for kids. Limits show children what to do and say and help them cope with their impulses and anxieties.

12 Video Clip  cScDrk cScDrk

13 Limited Choices  Give children opportunities to make choices within caregiver’s limits  Limit the number of options provided  This gives a child practice making decisions and they feel in control of the situation

14  Hlzem0 Hlzem0

15 Natural & Logical Consequences  Natural: occur without interference – let nature take its course  Logical: occur with interference from caregiver  Related to misbehavior  Not done in anger  Short duration  Provide opportunities for child to learn

16 Super Nanny  rP5ZeI8 rP5ZeI8

17 END

18 Authoritarian Parenting  Parent is in control.  Child is forced to obey.  Parents are strict, no room for freedom.  Child may feel scared of parent or want to rebel.

19 Video Clip - Authoritarian  qt8wA-MM qt8wA-MM

20 Permissive Parenting  Child is in control  Parent may threaten but never follows through.  No consistency.  Child may feel that parents don’t care about them.

21 Video Clip - Permissive  Hp5QEw Hp5QEw

22 Authoritative (Democratic) Parenting  Balance of both types.  Parent sets rules, child expected to obey.  Child allowed more freedom as responsibility increases.  Child may not like the rules but they are fair & consistent.

23 Video Clip – Authoritative/Democratic  WZEnNvHA WZEnNvHA


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