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ME 142 Engineering Computation I Excel Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "ME 142 Engineering Computation I Excel Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 ME 142 Engineering Computation I Excel Functions

2 Questions on Homework or Class Prep?

3 Key Concepts Basic Math Operations Basic Math Functions Trigonometry Functions Logical Functions & Operators Date & Random Number Functions Finding Functions Selecting Ranges

4 Basic Math Operations

5 How do you perform basic math operations in Excel?

6 Basic Math Operations  Basic Math Operators +Addition -Subtraction /Division *Multiplication ^Exponent ( )Parenthesis, as need, follows algebraic precedence

7 Evaluate the following expression in a cell: Example Problems

8 Create a table of x,y values for the following equation, where x = 1,2,3..10 Example Problems

9 Basic Math Functions

10 What are some commonly used Excel functions?

11 Basic Math Functions SUM(range) -returns the summation of a range of number SQRT(x) -returns the square root of a number ABS(x) -returns the absolute value of a number MAX(range) - returns the largest number in a set of values MIN(range) -returns the smallest number in a set of values COUNT(range) -counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers COUNTA(range) -counts the number of cells in a range that are not empty STDEV(range) -estimates the standard deviation based on a sample

12 For the list of numbers, find the sum, max and min Example Problems

13 Trigonometry Functions

14 In Excel, is the default angle measurement in radians or degrees?

15 Trigonometry Functions  Excel uses Radians by default in all trig functions  Use RADIANS and DEGREES functions to convert  RADIANS(x) -converts degrees to radians where x is given in degrees  DEGREES(x) -converts radians to degrees where x is given in radians

16 Trigonometry Functions  SIN(x)- returns the sine of an angle where x is in given in radians  COS(x)- returns the cosine of an angle where x is given in radians  TAN(x)- returns the tangent of an angle where x is given in radians  ASIN(x)- returns the arcsine of a number in radians, in the range –pi/2 to pi/2  ACOS(x)- returns the arccosine of a number in radians, in the range 0 to pi  ATAN(x)-returns the arctangent of a number in radians, in the range –pi/2 to pi/2

17 Trigonometry Functions  Functions may be nested: =cos(radians(45)) =degrees(asin(.5))

18 Find the hypotenuse and interior angles of the right triangle. Example Problems

19 Logical Functions & Operators

20 What are logical functions used for?

21 Logical Functions & Operators  IF(logical test, value if true, value if false) -checks if a condition is met, returns one value if True, another value if False  AND(logical1,logical2,…) -returns True if all arguments are true, otherwise returns False  OR(logical1,logical2,…) -returns True if any argument is true, returns False only if all arguments are False  NOT(logical) -returns True if argument is False, returns False if argument is True

22 Logical Functions & Operators


24  Functions may be nested: =IF(A3>90,"A",IF(A3>80,"B","C"))

25 Given a numeric grade, find the corresponding letter grade. Example Problems

26 Time & Date Functions Random Number Functions

27 Time & Date Functions  TODAY()-returns the current date  NOW()-returns the current date and time  Format of the date/time can be modified

28 Random Number Functions  RAND()-returns a number greater than or equal to zero and less than one, evenly distributed. Changes on recalculation.  RANDBETWEEN(bottom, top)-returns a random number between the numbers you specify.

29 Finding Functions

30  Formula Ribbon

31 Finding Functions  Insert Function button

32 Selecting Ranges

33 What is a Range?

34 Selecting Ranges  Use mouse to drag from top to bottom, or side to side  Select rectangular area by dragging to diagonal corners or using [shift] key  Select disconnected columns/rows by using [ctrl] key  Select a long row/column by using [ctrl][shift][end] key sequence  Range addresses may also be typed

35 Review Questions

36 Review Question Basic Math Operations What is the result of the following expression: =(1-2^3/2+4)*2 A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 E.None of the above

37 Review Question Basic Math Functions What is the result of the following expression: =COUNT(A1:A6) A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 E.None of the above

38 Review Question TrigonometryFunctions The RADIANS function is used to convert from radians to degrees. A.True B.False

39 Review Question Logical Functions & Operators What is the result of the following expression: =IF(OR(A1>10,B1>10),25,0) A.0 B.10 C.20 D.25 E.None of the above

40 Review Question Finding Functions Which of the following can help you find/use a specific function: A.0 B.1 C.2 D.All of the above E.None of the above

41 Homework Help ‘n Hints

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