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Conflict Resolution. Conflict Resolution Strategies Awareness and analysis Overreaction Clarify and reinforce expectation Install the motivation to settle—

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Presentation on theme: "Conflict Resolution. Conflict Resolution Strategies Awareness and analysis Overreaction Clarify and reinforce expectation Install the motivation to settle—"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conflict Resolution

2 Conflict Resolution Strategies Awareness and analysis Overreaction Clarify and reinforce expectation Install the motivation to settle— helping the parties see what they are losing by continuing to fight

3 Conflict Resolution Strategies Win-win orientation Convert single issue to multiple issue “minimums” and “maximums” Defend the opposing view Confrontation Compromise-Reconciliation Anger “Us” against the problem

4 Action Plan Conflict Analysis 1. Description of the conflict situation (nature, parties involved, and participating factors). 2. Antecedent conditions to the conflict situation (conditions that existed prior to the situation, jurisdiction, power or prestige needs, communication barriers, dependency on one party, differentiation in organization, need for consensus, behavior regulations, unresolved prior conflict).

5 Action Plan Conflict Analysis 3.Triggering events leading to the conflict (can be planned or just happen, issues, time, and place). 4. Specific conflict issues (points or questions that may be disputed or must be decided). Clearly define the issues.

6 Action Plan Conflict Analysis 5. Scope of conflict (among individuals, levels of control within organization, various organizations and systems internal to the chosen institution, all of the above). 6. Basis of the conflict (substantive and/or emotional issues).

7 Most Common Reasons For Conflict 1. Informational (parties have different information—or no information). 2. Perceptual (parties have the same information, but look at the issues differently). 3. Communication barrier, including time, space, and position.

8 Most Common Reasons For Conflict 4. Role (the different organizational roles of the parties cause them to take different positions on the issue). 5. Goals (the parties have different organizational or personal goals relating to a specific situation).

9 Most Common Reasons For Conflict 6. Values (the different values of the parties lead them to choose differing solutions to a situation). 7. Personal rejection

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