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Characters “Ta-Na-E-Ka” “The Wind People” “The Bracelet”

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1 Characters “Ta-Na-E-Ka” “The Wind People” “The Bracelet”
Chapter 2: Characters Characters “Ta-Na-E-Ka” “The Wind People” “The Bracelet”

2 Chapter 2: Characters Characters: the people or animals in a story
Character Traits: qualities, characteristics, or personality traits of a character Villain: the “bad guy” character who has negative traits, such as cruelty, greed, and sneakiness Ways that Authors Reveal Character Traits: Dialogue (Letting the characters talk) Showing the characters’ actions Revealing the characters’ thoughts

3 Chapter 2: Characters ●Plot: what happens in the story; the sequence of events -Basic Situation and Conflict -Complications -Climax (the turning point, most exciting part) -Resolution (the end) ●Conflict: the struggle, problem, or issue the main character faces or has to overcome ●Character Can Influence Plot -Conflict-can be caused by character (traits) -Complications-can be caused by character (traits) -Climax-tension can be created by character -Resolution- a character’s traits and actions may determine how things end up

4 Character and Conflict: “Ta-Na-E-Ka”
Genre: short story Focus: Character and Conflict Character: a person or animal in the story Conflict: a struggle, problem, or issue that needs to be resolved External Conflict: a struggle between a character and an outside force (a bully, an earthquake, etc.) Internal Conflict: a struggle in a character’s mind or heart (fear, jealousy, shyness, grief) Skill: Compare and Contrast Compare: look for ways in which things are alike Contrast: look for ways in which things are different LR &A #8-10 8. The internal conflict Mary experiences is _________ 9. Mary’s character traits that affect the resolution of the story are_________________________________________ 10. The theme, or the truth about life that Mary discovers, is__ ____

5 Creating An Outline: “The Wind People”
Genre: article 3 Steps for Creating an Outline: 1. Getting the main ideas (use subheads to help) 2. Taking notes 3. Putting the notes into outline form How to set up an outline: Main Idea Detail Supporting Main Idea Detail Supporting Point A a. Detail Supporting Point 1

6 Character and Point of View: “The Bracelet”
●Genre: Short Story ●Focus: Point of View • Narrator – the person/voice telling the story • First-Person Point of View – when a character in the story is the narrator; the narrator will use pronouns like “I” and “me” when telling the story ●Skill: Predicting •Predicting - guessing what will happen next ●LR&A #5, 10, 11 5. In the story’s resolution, ______________ 10. I think the writer chose 1st person point of view because________________________ 11. I think the theme of the story is _________

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