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Navigating the Road to My Success By: Mr. Menjivar.

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Presentation on theme: "Navigating the Road to My Success By: Mr. Menjivar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigating the Road to My Success By: Mr. Menjivar

2 Advisory Development Table of Contents DateTitle Page # 11/17/11Resolving Conflicts Wisely16 11/28/11Mini Math Lesson17 12/01/11Learning of Discipline18 01/12/12Navigating the Road to My Success19

3 Navigating the Road to My Success 19R 19L 01/12/12 Navigating the Road to My Success Reflection 01/12/12 Observe, Question, Comment CST Prep:


5 Learning from Discipline 19R 19L 01/12/12 Navigating the Road to My Success Reflection 01/12/12 Observe, Question, Comment CST Prep: Purpose:

6 Purpose It is important for students to understand that they may face setbacks along the road to their future. Students may feel lost or defeated and will need to rely on their peers for encouragement. It is important to understand that even if challenges lead to setbacks, challenges can also help you grow and learn.

7 Learning from Discipline 19R 19L 01/12/12 Navigating the Road to My Success Reflection 01/12/12 Observe, Question, Comment CST Prep: Purpose: Learning Goal:

8 Learning Goal To explore potential challenges (personal, academic and social) To identify specific peers or trusted adults (family or community members) who can offer advice and support when needed. To explore specific ways for each individual to offer support.

9 Learning from Discipline 19R 19L 01/12/12 Navigating the Road to My Success Reflection 01/12/12 Observe, Question, Comment CST Prep: Purpose: Learning Goal: Partner Activity:

10 Partner Activity 1.What social, personal or academic challenges do you think could keep me from meeting my goals? 2.What challenges did you face? What did you do to overcome them? 3.When I face these types of challenges, What is the most important thing for me to remember?

11 Learning from Discipline 19R 19L 01/12/12 Navigating the Road to My Success Reflection 01/12/12 Observe, Question, Comment CST Prep: Purpose: Learning Goal: Partner Activity: Quick Write:

12 What does this quote mean to you? “I believe in me … you believe in me!” Read the statement and write what it means to you and why it is important.

13 I am already on the road to my future. I have an opportunity to advance along my road every day.

14 Learning from Discipline 19R 19L 01/12/12 Navigating the Road to My Success Reflection 01/12/12 Observe, Question, Comment CST Prep: Purpose: Learning Goal: Partner Activity: Quick Write: Lecture Notes:

15 The fact that you will face roadblocks or detours that will make it more difficult to travel to your chosen destinations. Draw the following common road signs – Fork in the road – Steep hill – Dead end – One way

16 Learning from Discipline 19R 19L 01/12/12 Navigating the Road to My Success Reflection 01/12/12 Observe, Question, Comment CST Prep: Purpose: Learning Goal: Partner Activity: Quick Write: Lecture Notes: Obstacles:

17 Obstacles You May Face Peer Pressure: There is a big test in your math class tomorrow that you need to prepare for, but all of your friends have decided to go to the mall after school and want you to come. What do you do?

18 Obstacles You May Face Bullying: A friend of yours is getting bullied. When you try to help, the bully tells you, “Mind your own business or you will be next.” What do you do?

19 Obstacles You May Face Academic: Although you are able to finish your homework successfully, you always get low grades on your tests. What do you do?

20 Current Event Checklist  Due Date:  Title of Article:  Date of Article:  Source:  Author:  Summary:  New Vocabulary Words:  Related Subject:  My Opinions and Thoughts:  Parent Signature and Student Name

21 Learning from Discipline 19R 19L 01/12/12 Navigating the Road to My Success Reflection 01/12/12 Observe, Question, Comment CST Prep: Purpose: Learning Goal: Partner Activity: Quick Write: Lecture Notes: Obstacles: CST Prep #2:


23 Learning from Discipline 19R 19L 01/12/12 Navigating the Road to My Success Reflection 01/12/12 Observe, Question, Comment CST Prep: Purpose: Learning Goal: Partner Activity: Quick Write: Lecture Notes: Obstacles: CST Prep #2: Direction Please:

24 Direction Please There may come a time along the road to your future when you may feel lost, confused or frustrated. Think of peers or adults in your life (at home, at school or in the community) whom you can turn to for help during these moments.

25 Direction Please 1.A person who can help me at home is _______. a.That person will help by ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.A person who can help me at school is _______. a.That person will help by ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3.A community member who can help me is _______. a.That person will help by ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4.A friend who can help me is _______. a.That person will help by ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

26 Learning from Discipline 19R 19L 01/12/12 Navigating the Road to My Success Reflection 01/12/12 Observe, Question, Comment CST Prep: Purpose: Learning Goal: Partner Activity: Quick Write: Lecture Notes: Obstacles: CST Prep #2: Direction Please: Lecture Notes #2:

27 I can’t control which challenges I will face, but I can control what I do about them. Sometimes, I can even take something that’s hard and grow from it.

28 Learning from Discipline 19R 19L 01/12/12 Navigating the Road to My Success Reflection 01/12/12 Observe, Question, Comment CST Prep: Purpose: Learning Goal: Partner Activity: Quick Write: Lecture Notes: Obstacles: CST Prep #2: Direction Please: Lecture Notes #2: Challenges Help Me Grow:

29 Challenges Help Me Grow Along the road to your future you may face challenges. Some challenges may lead you off track. Challenges may also help you grow and improve. Think of challenges you may face at home, school and with friends that will help you grow.

30 Challenges Helping Me Grow At Home: __________________________ – What can you learn from this challenge? _____________________________________ At School: __________________________ – What can you learn from this challenge? _______________________________________ With Friends: __________________________________ – What can you learn from this challenge? _______________________________________

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