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No, not the LHC By: Nicolas Scozzaro. What particles does the sun accelerate, and how? What are the principles of detecting particles accelerated by the.

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Presentation on theme: "No, not the LHC By: Nicolas Scozzaro. What particles does the sun accelerate, and how? What are the principles of detecting particles accelerated by the."— Presentation transcript:

1 No, not the LHC By: Nicolas Scozzaro

2 What particles does the sun accelerate, and how? What are the principles of detecting particles accelerated by the sun, especially x-rays and gamma-rays?

3  Flares  Coronal mass ejections (CME’s) (Lin, 2000)


5  Solar flares and CME’s can occur together  Or they can occur individually

6  Release 10 32 – 10 33 ergs over the course of 100- 1000 seconds  Conversion?  1 erg = 100 nanojoules (1*10 -7 J) => 10 25 – 10 26 J  1 J = eV => 6.24*10 43 – 10 44 eV  For comparison, total world energy use for 2008 was about 5*10 20 J

7  Electrons  Most gain 10’s of keV from acceleration  Some gain up to 100’s of MeV  Ions (H, He, heavier elements)  Most gain a few MeV  Some gain up to 10’s of GeV  HOW?  Magnetic reconnection



10  Huge bubbles of gas threaded with magnetic field lines  On average ~ 10 12 kg  Ejection velocities: 20 – 3200 km/s  Angular spread ~ 100 degrees  Can drive a shock wave, dangerous to astronauts, sensitive instruments, etc. 

11  SqM&feature=related SqM&feature=related Sounding Rockets Satellites Balloons


13  Rotating grids

14  Collimators

15  Uniformly redundant array (URA) mask

16 Moir È Pattern

17 Top View


19 Why germanium? Conducts better than silicon when cooled to cryogenic temperatures


21  R. P. Lin, “Particle acceleration in solar flares and coronal mass ejections,” IAU Symposium, 195, 15 (2000).  Temmer,M., Veronig,A.M., Kontar,E.P., Krucker,S., Vrsnak,B. 2010, The Astrophysical Journal, 712, 1410-1420 Combined STEREO/RHESSI study of CME acceleration and particle acceleration in solar flares  Shao,C., & Huang, G. 2009, The Astrophysical Journal, 694, L162-L165 Hard-Soft-Hard Flare Spectra and Their Energy Dependence in Spectral Evolution of a Solar Hard X-Ray Flare  Shih,A.Y. 2009, PhD Thesis, Disseration, University of California, Berkeley Gamma-ray observations of solar-flare ion acceleration  Krucker,S., Hurford,G.J., MacKinnon,A.L., Shih,A.Y., and Lin,R.P. 2008, The Astrophysical Journal, 678, L63-L66 Coronal gamma-ray bremsstrahlung from solar flare-accelerated electrons  Wikipedia  Nasa website

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