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Understanding Psychology to discipline Dr. Kanwal kaisser.

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1 Understanding Psychology to discipline Dr. Kanwal kaisser

2 Recall a time when a student misbehaved in one of your classes. Activity… Describe the student’s attitude/actions: How did this behavior affect the teacher, other students, and the learning environment? How did the teacher react to this behavior? Were the teacher’s actions effective in changing the student’s behavior? Explain. Share your recollections with the class.

3 Normal kids Not perfect Don ’ t do what we think they should do Not always happy Don ’ t talk about everything Not perfect students Don ’ t always behave within rules

4 Want to take care of themselves Have distinct self-identity Resilient Proactive Assertive Can have fun Can accept new challenges Require discipline Know about personal boundaries

5 Assume that others are responsible for themselves Self-controlled Honest with themselves Not easily manipulated Optimistic & Humorous Not persistent in doing what someone else wants them to do Can lead without controlling Value-guided

6 Behavior can be changed Behavior can be taught Behavior can be modeled Behavior reflects basic needs Behavior is non-negotiable in areas of safety and security Behavior has consequences We Believe

7 . Behavior that needs to be learned, needs to be taught. When children are well- trained, it is habit-forming.

8 All behavior has a purpose. To treat behavior you must know the reason for it. The good student is good for a reason; the student in trouble also misbehaves for a reason. Treating all behavior problems the same won’t work. Things to Know About Behaviour

9 The only controllable variable is: The teacher If the teacher is out of control, the situation is out of control. Three Variables in Every class Situation Teacher Proble m student Rest of class

10 Teachers must have a plan and not just react to behavior. To change behavior you must first identify the specific characteristics. What Teachers Should Do

11 Reactive teachers respond to disruptive behaviors without forethought Proactive teachers have a plan for dealing with disruptive behaviors Teachers: Reactive vs. Proactive

12 In school At home Watch Attitudes and actions of child Avoids generalization Helps zero in

13 Teacher Class mates Parents Learning environment Effects of the behaviour

14 Vision is necessary Effective management can prevent the beginning and spread of inappropriate behavior. Some inappropriate behavior is a symptom of another problem


16 5 Keys to Changing Behavior The child must: Want to change See others do it (be a role model) Know how to change Have opportunities to practice Receive support

17 Research shows that difficult students act out because needs are not being met. Common mistakes Distructive methods Perpetuates problems React

18 Lack of attention Lack of power Revenge Lack of self-Confidence Action plan: Identify Cause

19 Teacher’s response: Makes you feel annoyed! Student’s reaction to teacher’s response: Stop disrupting when giving attention; but will shortly continue demanding “more” attention When Students Demand Attention…

20 Speak without permission Arrive late Make noise Tell bad things How do they try to gain attention?

21 Open dissent Refusal to follow rules Defiant, Bullies Power issue

22 Teacher’s response: Make you angry! Student’s reactions to teacher’s response: Confrontation and refuse to comply! Power Struggles Occur When Students Need Limits

23 Revenge Mean, vicious, violent Seek revenge in any way Write on desks Beat up classmates Threaten students

24 Expect failure Feel they lack ability Play and talk when study time Lack self-Confidence

25 Keep watch on primary needs Hunger Thirst Air Rest Escape from Pain

26 Secondary needs Gregariousness Aggression Affiliation Inquisitiveness Achievements Autonomy

27 Disrespectful Attention seeker Hyperactive Shy Lets work on 4 behaviours

28 Discuss…… Behaviour Effects of behaviour Common mistakes

29 Make Action plan. Primary Secondary NEEDS

30 Reflection List five actions that you could take to demonstrate that you care about your difficult student and that you are not going away.

31 Have a plan to get through the maze of behavior problems

32 Remember: You Control Your Own World!


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