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City of Riverbank Planning Commission Meeting March 17, 2009 7:00 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Riverbank Planning Commission Meeting March 17, 2009 7:00 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Riverbank Planning Commission Meeting March 17, 2009 7:00 p.m.

2 City of Riverbank Housing Element Update Public Workshop March 17, 2009

3 Statewide Housing Goal: “…Decent housing and suitable living environment for every California family.”

4 What is the Housing Element? One of the seven State required elements of the General Plan– the only element requiring five-year updates and State certification Plans for the provision of housing for a variety of income levels Assesses housing needs at the local level Last updated 2004 Must adopt updated Housing Element by August 31, 2009

5 Why Update the Housing Element? Ensures future policy is reflective of community needs/challenges/opportunities Many grant/funding programs require a certified Housing Element Essential for establishing policy guidance for the long-term housing needs in Riverbank

6 Housing Element Goals Provide diversity in housing types and affordability levels Produce and protect existing affordable housing Consider special needs populations Promote neighborhood vitality Meet housing needs while promoting environmentally sustainable city

7 “The welfare of each of us is dependent fundamentally upon the welfare of all of us.” - Theodore Roosevelt

8 Housing Element Contents Needs Assessment Resources and Constraints Analysis Review of Past Performance Policy Program

9 Needs Assessment Evaluation of all economic segments in the city Growth needs (Regional Housing Needs Allocation) Existing needs Special Need groups: –Persons with disabilities –Elderly –Large households (5+ persons per household) –Farmworkers –Female-headed households –Homeless

10 City of Riverbank 2007–2014 RHNA Allocations (Growth Needs)

11 “Plans are worthless. Planning is essential.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower

12 Existing Needs Key Housing Considerations: –Overpayment- households that pay more than 30% of their gross income on housing related expenses –Overcrowding- households having an average of more than one person per room –Rehabilitation- related to housing conditions/ deferred maintenance –Replacement- replacement of housing units lost –“At-Risk” Units- assisted housing at-risk of converting to market rate units during the next 10 years

13 Resources and Constraints Analysis Inventory of Land Resources –Vacant land –Redevelopment sites –Potential rezoned sites Constraints –Governmental (regulations, fees, permitting, etc.) –Non-Governmental (financing, land values, construction costs)

14 Review of Housing Element’s Past Performance Review effectiveness of the past Housing Element’s policy program Identify progress in implementation Evaluate appropriateness of existing goals, objectives and policies Revise and supplement policies to reflect lessons learned

15 Policy Program 2009-2014 Policy Action Plan Establishes City’s official policy related to housing Establishes specific actions and quantified objectives for housing programs and policies –Production –Preservation –Conservation –Rehabilitation Identifies responsible agencies, funding sources and implementation timing

16 Housing Element Adoption Process Planning Commission/City Council Review of Public Review Draft HCD Review and Certification Council adoption of certified Housing Element and environmental documentation Meet statutory deadline of August 2009

17 Housing Element Key Principles Focus on infill development in downtown core, along major transportation routes, and larger vacant residential sites Promote alternative housing types to meet needs. Smaller units near transit for seniors and other special need groups.

18 Riverbank’s Housing Challenges and Opportunities Identify challenges What are the biggest challenges to housing in Riverbank? What housing problems/issues does the city currently face? Identify opportunities What opportunities are there for improving housing in Riverbank? What would make housing in your city better?

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