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Microsoft Excel Used to organize information for calculations.

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1 Microsoft Excel Used to organize information for calculations

2 Excel Cells – intersection of a row and column. Columns – identified by letters. Starts with Column A through XFD. Rows – identified by numbers. There are 1,048,576 rows in one worksheet.

3 Excel Cell Reference – identifies a worksheet cell by the column letter and row number (for example A1, B2 etc.) Values – any number or formula. Labels – any alphanumeric information.

4 Excel Moving around the worksheet. ◦ Move to the top of the worksheet = Ctrl + Home ◦ Move to the last row of the worksheet = Ctrl + ↓ ◦ Move to the last column of the worksheet = Ctrl + →. ◦ Move to the last entry in the worksheet = Ctrl + End

5 Excel Creating Formulas ◦ Formulas – always begin a formula with the =(equal) sign and use mathematical operations -, +, *, /. Functions – shortcut formulas ◦ Can only use with adjacent cells which is called a range. ◦ A range is always separated by a colon. ◦ Example of a range is: A1:C5

6 Excel Examples of functions are: =Sum - add a group of values = Average – find an average of a group of values =Max – find largest value in a group =Min – find the smallest value in a group =Count – tally a group of values =CountA – tally a group of labels

7 Excel Formatting Numbers – how values are displayed. ◦ Home tab, number section. Centering Across a Selection ◦ Select from Cell A1 to last column of keyed text in worksheet. ◦ Home tab, alignment section, merge & center.

8 Excel Creating a Header ◦ Insert, Header or Footer ◦ Key in Name and Date, click Path/filename from Header/Footer elements section. ◦ Be sure your worksheet has been saved first.

9 Excel To Wrap Text within a cell: ◦ Select cell or cells ◦ Home tab, alignment section, wrap text. Fill Feature ◦ Used to copy information from one cell to another ◦ Point to lower right corner of cell until you see a black + sign. ◦ Hold left mouse button and drag.

10 Excel Adjust column Widths ◦ Two Ways 1.Point to top of worksheet between columns and double click. -or – 2.Home tab, cell section, format. To adjust entire worksheet columns. ◦ Click above Row 1 (this selects entire worksheet) ◦ Home tab, cell section, format, Autofit column width. If you see ###### in a cell, value is too large for the width of the cell.

11 Excel Inserting or Deleting Row or Columns. ◦ Home tab, cell section, insert or delete  When inserting a row, all data moves down a row.  When inserting a column, all data moves right one column. ◦ To insert multiple row or columns:  Select the number of row or columns you wish to insert first, then select insert.

12 Excel Print a Worksheet. ◦ Print two copies  One with totals and one with formulas. Always Print Preview first ◦ Check to be sure you have a header ◦ Check to be sure worksheet fits on one page.

13 Excel Printing a Worksheet (continued) ◦ Display gridlines and row/column headings.  Page Layout tab, sheet options section, check off print for gridlines and headings.  Click Print Preview  Choose Page Setup,  Choose Fit to One Page.  Print a copy with totals displayed. ◦ Display formulas  Press Ctrl + ~ (this symbol is above the tab key)  Click print preview (be sure worksheet fits on one page)  Print a copy with formulas displayed.

14 Excel Applying Borders ◦ Home tab, cells section, click on format, then format cells  Choose Border tab Applying Shading and Patterns ◦ Same as above.  Choose Fill tab

15 SORTING DATA Select all data to be sorted ◦ DO NOT INCLUDE COLUMN HEADINGS Choose Home tab, Sort & Filter, ◦ Click on Custom Sort Choose: Column to be sorted. Click “Add Level” for additional columns Choose Order of Sort

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