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100 200 300 400 500 PlotSetting/ Conflict Character- ization IronySymbolism/ Theme POV.

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2 100 200 300 400 500 PlotSetting/ Conflict Character- ization IronySymbolism/ Theme POV

3 What are the 5 elements of Plot (in order)? Plot Q 100

4 Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution Plot A 100

5 What 3 elements of literature does the reader discover in the exposition? Plot Q 200

6 Characters, setting, & conflict Plot A 200

7 What is the climax of “The Open Window”? Plot Q 300

8 Mrs. Sappleton announces the return of the men from their hunting trip, and Frampton sees them. A 300

9 What is the climax in “Like the Sun”? Plot Q 400

10 The headmaster thanks Sekhar for his honesty and makes him grade all of the papers that night. Plot A 400

11 What is the climax of “The Masque of the Red Death”? Plot Q500

12 The Uninvited Guest kills Prince Prospero and vanishes. Plot A 500

13 In general, what two elements represent the setting of a story? S/C Q 100

14 Time and Place S/C A 100

15 When a character is conflicting with him/herself what type of conflict is occurring? S/C Q 200

16 Internal Conflict S/C A 200

17 Name one external conflict in “Chee’s Daughter”. B 300

18 Answers may vary. S/C A 300

19 What is the setting of “The Masque of the Red Death” and how does it foreshadow the demise of the people? S/C Q 400

20 The castellated abbey does not allow them to escape the Red Death. S/C A400

21 How is the main conflict resolved in “Chee’s Daughter”? Be specific. S/C Q 500

22 Chee gives Old Man Fat and his Wife a winter’s supply of food, and the in-laws give The Little One back to Chee because they realize she would just be another mouth to feed. S/C A 500

23 What is the difference between flat and round characters? Char Q 100

24 Flat characters are stereotypical while round characters are true to life. Char A100

25 Name 3 of the 5 ways an author can use indirect characterization. Char Q 200

26 Speech Thoughts Effects on Other Characters Actions Looks C 200

27 “But Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and sagacious.” Direct or Indirect characterization? Char Q 300

28 Direct Characterization Char A 300

29 Is Mr. Nuttle a dynamic or static character? Explain your answer. Char Q 400

30 Static – he remains nervous and scared throughout the entire story. C 400

31 “He had shirked the work for weeks, feeling all the time as if a sword were hanging over his head” is an example _____________ characterization through __________. Char Q 500

32 Indirect characterization through actions. Char A 500

33 Name the 3 types of irony. Irony Q 100

34 Situational, Dramatic, & Verbal Irony A 100

35 What type of irony is the following example: The moviegoers yell at the screen, “Behind the Door!” Irony Q 200

36 Dramatic Irony Irony A 200

37 What is ironic about the headmaster’s response to Sekhar’s criticism about his music? Irony Q 300

38 We would expect that Sekhar would tell his boss that his music was good. Irony A 300

39 Give an example of dramatic irony in “Like the Sun.” Irony Q 400

40 We know that Sekhar vows to tell the truth for the day, but the characters do not. Irony A 400

41 Give an example of irony in “The Masque of the Red Death” Irony Q 500

42 Answers may vary Irony A 500

43 What is symbolism and give an example. S/T Q 100

44 An object, character or event represent something else. Heart = love (answers will vary). S/T A 100

45 What is the theme of story? S/T Q 200

46 The central message or thought S/T A 200

47 What do the 7 rooms in “The Masque of the Red Death” symbolize? S/T Q 300

48 The 7 deadly sins or the 7 stages of life S/T A 300

49 What is the theme of “Like the Sun”? S/T Q 400

50 The truth hurts (answers will vary) S/T A 400

51 What does the ebony clock symbolize in “The Masque of the Red Death”? E 500

52 Life “ticking” away S/T A 500

53 Name the 5 types of Point of View? POV Q100

54 First person narrative, second person, omniscient, limited omniscient, and objective. POV A 100

55 What does “Omniscient” mean? POV Q 200

56 All knowing POV A 200

57 What point of view is “The Open Window”? POV Q 300

58 Omniscient POV Q 300

59 What is the Point of View of “Chee’s Daughter” How do you know? POV Q 400

60 Limited Omniscient – we can only see the thoughts Chee. POV A 400

61 What type of point of view does not show any insight into the character’s thoughts/feelings and which of our 4 stories displays this POV? POV Q 500

62 Objective – “The Masque of the Red Death” F 500

63 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

64 Final Jeopardy Question Click on screen to continue

65 Correct Final Jeopardy Response Click on screen to continue

66 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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