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“Turkey: a bridge between the Mediterranean region and the Western Balkans” Case study: Belgrade, March 25th, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "“Turkey: a bridge between the Mediterranean region and the Western Balkans” Case study: Belgrade, March 25th, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Turkey: a bridge between the Mediterranean region and the Western Balkans” Case study: Belgrade, March 25th, 2015

2 What is in common? A common vision:  The EU member countries  Candidate countries  the Southern neighborhood of the EU Developing closer relations

3 “ring of friends” I want to see a "ring of friends" surrounding the Union and its closest European neighbors, from Morocco to Russia and the Black Sea. Romano Prodi, Former President of the European Commission, Brussels, 5-6 December 2002

4 Our countries also differ:  Democracy building,  Application of rule of law,  Governance issues,  Conflict resolution,

5 What unites our both groups of countries?  Peace,  Stability,  Security,  Growth And Job Creation And  The preservation of our natural environment.

6 Do not overestimate what divides us but rather focus on the common ground.

7 Our assets:  Our ties with the EU  Strong and vibrant internal market  Free trade with the EU  The financial assistance from the EU

8 Issues we should concentrate together  SME policy  Entrepreneurship  Networking and access to information  Innovation and access to finances  Promoting social enterprises and cooperatives  Norms and technical standards

9 An improved EU policy towads Mediterrenaean  What should be improved in the EU policy towards those regions to maximise their potentials:  Political attention and dedication of the EU,  A strong commitment to enlargement and  the creation of the “ring of friends”

10 Consequently (1);  Mediterranean: a bridge to be crossed (not as a border to be protected)  Visa issue must be solved  The EU want to attract brilliant minds: But, brilliant minds have relatives, friends and colleagues, whom they want to meet not only in Tunis, Rabat, Cairo or Istanbul but also in Brussels or Berlin.

11 Consequently (2);  Projects that bring real added value  More people to people contacts

12  Thank you

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