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PURPOSE OF JOINT MEETINGS  Discussion of Draft Amendments to Comprehensive Plan  County Commission/Local Planning Agency Direction for Public Hearings.

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2 PURPOSE OF JOINT MEETINGS  Discussion of Draft Amendments to Comprehensive Plan  County Commission/Local Planning Agency Direction for Public Hearings 2

3 3 1- Develop Initial Draft Amendments 2- Public Input on Initial Drafts 3- Joint BoCC/LPA Workshops 4- LPA Transmittal 7- Adoption April 2011 1 Develop Initial Draft Amendments (9/09-3/10)1 Develop Initial Draft Amendments (9/09-3/10)2 Public Input on Initial Drafts (11/09-5/10)2 Public Input on Initial Drafts (11/09-5/10)3 Joint BoCC/LPA Workshops (5/10-6/10)3 Joint BoCC/LPA Workshops (5/10-6/10)4 LPA Public Hearing for Transmittal (7/10-9/10)4 LPA Public Hearing for Transmittal (7/10-9/10)5 BoCC Public Hearing for Transmittal (9/10-11/10)5 BoCC Public Hearing for Transmittal (9/10-11/10) 5- BoCC Transmittal 6- DCA Review 6 DCA Review and County Response to Comments (11/10-1/11)6 DCA Review and County Response to Comments (11/10-1/11) 7 BoCC Public Hearing for Adoption (2/11-4/11)7 BoCC Public Hearing for Adoption (2/11-4/11) Ongoing Public Input 09/09 |11/09 | 01/10 | 03/10 | 05/10 | 07/10 | 09/10 | 11/10 | 01/11 | 03/11 | 05/11

4 DRAFT AMENDMENT TOPIC AREAS Topics Addressed at May 18 Meeting Community Health Element/Recreation Water Resources/Potable Water & Sanitary Sewer Ecological Corridors Map/Listed Species Policy Updates for Cross Creek and Idylwild/Serenola Local Mitigation Strategy/Countywide Visioning/Intergovernmental Coordination Accessory Dwelling Units/Special Needs Housing Topics Addressed at June 1 Meeting Energy Element/Air Quality/Agriculture and Local Foods Activity Centers/Open Space Requirements for Mixed Use in the Urban Cluster Economic Element/Office and Industrial Policies/East Gainesville Economic Development & Environmental Stewardship 4

5 BOCC/LPA DIRECTION ON JUNE 1ST  Reconcile March 17 th staff draft with Commissioner Byerly’s proposed draft in terms of style & organization for review by BOCC/LPA June 15th  Prepare language on 7 additional items for review*: Life cycle cost analysis Utility reinvestment account Vehicle Miles Traveled & mode share goal and reporting County fleet fuel reduction goal and plan Weatherization program to include rental housing Telecommuting/teleconferencing in County operations Sidewalk mitigation (already inTransportation Mobility Policy 1.6.12) *New or substantially changed items underlined on following slides 5

6 ENERGY ELEMENT  Goal: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel consumption; mitigate the effects of rising energy costs; and promote the long-term economic security of Alachua County through energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy production. ConservationEfficiency Alternative Energy 6

7 ENERGY ELEMENT  Section 1: Reduction Goals  Section 2: The Built Environment  Section 3: Energy Efficient Land Use  Section 4: Energy Efficient Transportation System  Section 5: County Govt. Initiatives  Section 6: Local Food Production & Processing  Section 7: Renewable Energy  Section 8: Solid Waste  Section 9: Education & Public Information 7

8 REDUCTION GOALS  Greenhouse Gas Emissions (1.1): 80% reduction from 2009 baseline by 2050 40% reduction by 2020 5% annual reduction ○ Annual reporting for county operations, biannual for community estimate  Fossil Fuel-based Energy Consumption: 20% from 2009 levels by 2020 (1.1.2)  Water Consumption: 10% from 2010 levels by 2020 (1.1.3) Deleted more specific water policies covered in other Elements 8

9 THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT  Community (2.1) Energy efficient design techniques Incentive program for efficient structures Community weatherization program for existing structures 9

10 THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT  County Government (2.2) Weatherize county buildings Capital improvements budget category for energy conservation & efficiency projects Energy efficient construction in new buildings SBAC Partnership for energy efficient school buildings 10

11 ENERGY EFFICIENT LAND USE  Efficient land use patterns (i.e. compact, mixed-use, transit supportive) (3.1) Review of ULDC to promote energy conservation (3.1.2) Incentive program Redevelopment/infill in Urban Cluster and municipalities (3.1.3) Re-evaluate school siting standards (3.1.4) 11

12 ENERGY EFFICIENT LAND USE  Long-term carbon sequestration (3.2) Ag/conservation lands Protect & increase total tree canopy (3.2.2) ○ Outreach program to encourage tree planting ○ Periodic reports on tree canopy coverage Incentives for Low Impact Development per other Elements Carbon sequestration inventory map for  Mapped energy conservation features per HB 697 (3.3) 12

13 ENERGY EFFICIENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM  Develop a diversified transportation system (4.1) Implement multi-modal mobility & capital planning strategies Investigate alternative fuel sources for government fleets Possibilities for new and existing rail lines 13

14 ENERGY EFFICIENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM  Reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and increase mode share (4.2) Reduce VMT per capita in Urban Cluster by 10% from 2010 levels by 2020 (4.2.1) Increase non-automobile mode share to 5% in Urban Cluster by 2020 and 10% by 2030 (4.2.2) Review & report as part of annual Capital Improvements Element update (4.2.3) Partner with MTPO and others to develop baseline and adopt long-term goal countywide (4.2.4) 14

15 ENERGY EFFICIENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM  Encourage alternative transportation options (4.3) Maintain & publish online map where low-speed electric vehicles can be legally driven Identify & work to eliminate barriers to multimodal connectivity in Urban Cluster Accommodate bike and pedestrian modes in new development and improve connections to existing facilities 15

16 COUNTY GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES  Practices contributing to energy conservation (5.1): Share information on energy saving practices Mitigation program & project ideas to offset GHG emissions (5.1.2) Develop Utility Savings Reinvestment Account with funds reinvested through annual CIP (5.1.3) Reduce fossil fuel use in County fleet by 20% from 2010 levels by 2020 (5.1.4) 16

17 COUNTY GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES  Practices contributing to energy conservation (cont.): Consider energy as part of life cycle cost analysis in capital project decisions (5.1.5) Promote energy-related businesses Promote telecommuting/teleconferencing in County operations (5.1.7)  Increase renewable energy use in County Government (5.2) 17

18 LOCAL FOOD PRODUCTION & PROCESSING  Maximize local, energy-efficient food production (6.1)  Increase use of local foods in government facilities (6.2)  Encourage community gardens, green roofs & edible landscapes (6.3)  Support local agriculture & encourage sustainable practices (6.4) 18

19 RENEWABLE ENERGY  Encourage renewable energy production and distributed power generation (7.1) Net metering retrofits & utility agreements Efficiency and renewable energy financing (PACE)  Increase use of solar & other renewable energy forms (7.2) 19

20 SOLID WASTE  Reduce solid waste stream (8.1) Waste to wealth industries Waste diversion goal (40% by Dec. 31, 2012; 50% by Dec. 31, 2014; 60% by Dec. 31, 2016, 70% by Dec. 31, 2018; and 75% by Dec. 31, 2020) Source separated organic waste program Waste for composting Reduce yard waste collected 20

21 EDUCATION & PUBLIC INFORMATION (9.1)  Energy conservation practices  Energy conservation incentives  Benefits of local foods  Benefits of renewable energy use 21

22 NEXT STEPS  Public Hearings for Transmittal to FL Department of Community Affairs Local Planning Agency: August-September County Commission: September-November 22

23 WEB SITE: (Contains information on upcoming meetings, draft work products, and other items relating to the Comprehensive Plan Update) 23 CONTACT INFORMATION Alachua County Department of Growth Management Phone: (352) 374-5249 Email: Mail : 10 SW 2 nd Avenue, 3 rd Floor, Gainesville, FL, 32601

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