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By Lindsay Ludwig and Amanda Nocton Hanover College.

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Presentation on theme: "By Lindsay Ludwig and Amanda Nocton Hanover College."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Lindsay Ludwig and Amanda Nocton Hanover College

2 Parental gender and spanking Parents punish child of same sex more: Rothbart and Maccoby (1966) Herzberger and Tennen (1985) Parents show no difference in discipline: Holden, Miller, and Harris (1999) Lytton and Romney (1991) 2

3 Child gender and punishment Boys punished more often: Maccoby and Jacklin (1974) Bezirganian and Cohen (1992) 3

4 Research question Is there a difference in type of punishment enforced by parents based on both parental gender and child gender? How does the type of infraction influence the punishment received? Flynn (1998) 4

5 Hypotheses There will be a gender difference. Explore effects of gender of parents across types of punishment. Male children will receive harsher punishments than their female counterparts. When a child’s infractions cause harm to themselves or others they will receive more punishment than if their infractions reflect general disrespect. 5

6 Variables Two independent variables of gender (2 levels each—male and female): Gender of participant Gender of child (manipulated) Type of infraction (IV) Type of punishment (DV) 6

7 Method Online study Informed Consent Demographics Instructions/scenario List of infractions and punishments Debriefing form 7

8 Instructions that participants received Suppose that you have an 8-year-old son/daughter who commits each of the following infractions after having been warned previously not to. Choose the likelihood that you would use each of the punishments from 0-3 (o not at all, 1 maybe, 2 probably, 3 definitely). Please be sure to assign a number for each punishment under every infraction. 8

9 Example of Survey Verbal reprimand Removal of privilege (i.e. no TV, dessert…)Spanking Harm to others0-3 Harm to self0-3 Disrespect0-3 9

10 Participants Recruitment Criteria for deletion Total N=224 Male N=61 Female N=163 Parent? Yes N=103 No N=121 10

11 Nature of Analysis 2 (gender of participant) x 2 (gender of child) x 3 (type of punishment) x 9 (type of infraction) mixed ANOVA Between-subjects Within-subjects 11

12 Punishment 12

13 Punishment by parent gender 13

14 Child gender and infraction 14

15 Infractions by order of most to least punished Type of infractionMean Lying1.96 a Bullying1.90 ab Hitting 1.76 bc Talking Back1.76 bc Ignoring a request1.64 cd Running into the street1.60 cd Not wearing a seatbelt1.49 de Talking to a stranger1.39 e Teasing1.37 e 15

16 Discussion Exploration of parent gender. Evidence is mixed, fathers more likely to spank, mothers more likely to verbally reprimand Maintaining gender roles Negative implications Hypothesis 2 looked at child gender. Was mostly supported, two infractions were significant Weaker than expected Hypothesis 3 dealt with infraction Was not supported 16

17 Discussion cont. Limitations: Child gender Self-report Future Research: Bullying and teasing Lying 17

18 Questions??? 18

19 Significant female use of verbal reprimand by infraction 19

20 Significant male use of spanking by infraction 20

21 Effect of parenthood on punishment 21

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