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Lesson Topic: The Opposite of a Number Lesson Objective: I can…  Understand that each nonzero integer has an opposite.  Recognize that the number zero.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Topic: The Opposite of a Number Lesson Objective: I can…  Understand that each nonzero integer has an opposite.  Recognize that the number zero."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Topic: The Opposite of a Number Lesson Objective: I can…  Understand that each nonzero integer has an opposite.  Recognize that the number zero is its own opposite.  Understand that since all counting numbers are positive, there is no need for a plus sign.

2 What’s the relationship?  Inside and outside  Rough and smooth  Empty and full  Apart and together  All and none  Easy and hard  Question and answer  Dangerous and safe  Future and past  Wet and dry  Correct and incorrect  Entrance and exit  Fast and slow  Light and dark  Dirty and clean  Alike and different  Defeat and victory  Up and down  Open and close  Accept and refuse  Fiction and nonfiction  Shallow and deep  Ancient and modern  Break and fix

3 Example 1: Every Number has an Opposite Graph the number 8 and its opposite on the number line.  What is the opposite of 8? _______________  How are they related to zero? ___________  What is the opposite of -8? _______________

4 Example 2: A Real World Example Maria decides to take a walk along Central Avenue to purchase a book at the bookstore. On her way, she passes the Furry Friends Pet Shop and goes in to look for a new leash for her dog. The Furry Friends Pet Shop is seven blocks west of the bookstore. After she leaves the bookstore, she heads east for seven blocks and stops at Ray’s Pet Shop to see if she can find a new leash at a better price. Which locations, if any, are the furthest from Maria while she is at the bookstore? Determine an appropriate scale and model the situation on a number line. Explain your answer. What does zero represent in this situation?

5 Work with your table group Exercise 1: Make a new number line and graph 9, -2, 4, -7 and their opposites. Exercise 2: What integer represents the opposite of the situation? Also, explain what zero means in each situation. a. 100 feet above sea level. _______________________ b. 32 degrees below zero. _________________________ c. A withdrawal of $25. ____________________________

6 Work with your table group Exercise 3: Make a new number line and graph a credit of $15 and a debit for the same amount from a bank account. What does zero represent in this situation. Exercise 4: Make a new number line and graph 20 degrees Celsius below zero and 20 degrees Celsius above zero. What does zero represent in this situation? Exercise 5: A proton represents a positive charge. Write an integer to represent 5 protons. __________ An electron represents a negative charge. Write an integer to represent 3 electrons. ___________

7 Lesson Summary…  “Seven blocks to the left” would not be written as “-7 blocks rom the bookstore,” or “-7 units from 0.”  Positive numbers are counting numbers and do not have a sign.  Each nonzero integer, a, has an opposite, –a; -a and a are opposites if they are on opposite sides of zero and the same distance from zero on the number line

8 Evaluate Your Learning 4 3 2 1 How will you “Sharpen Your Saw”?

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