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Veterans Benefits Administration Disabled Transition Assistance Program DTAP Veterans Benefits Administration Disabled Transition Assistance Program DTAP.

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Presentation on theme: "Veterans Benefits Administration Disabled Transition Assistance Program DTAP Veterans Benefits Administration Disabled Transition Assistance Program DTAP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Veterans Benefits Administration Disabled Transition Assistance Program DTAP Veterans Benefits Administration Disabled Transition Assistance Program DTAP 12/23/2005

2 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 2 Who Should Attend DTAP?  Service members and veterans who have, or suspect they have: A service-connected disability, or An injury or illness that was aggravated by service.

3 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 3 VR&E - A UNIQUE PROGRAM  VR&E is not for everyone  It works when you work

4 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 4 DO YOU QUALIFY?  Armed Forces service member who has a 20% or higher memorandum rating  Veteran who has: a 10% Final Rating from VA, or a 20% or higher Memorandum Rating from VA applied for and completed the VR&E program within 12 years of VA notification of eligibility a discharge other than dishonorable  A service member or veteran must also have an employment handicap

5 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 5 VR&E Programs Five Tracks To Employment  Reemployment  Rapid Access To Employment  Employment Through Long Term Services  Independent Living Services  Self-Employment

6 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 6RE-EMPLOYMENT  Do you want to return to a former civilian job?  Can you return to your former civilian job?  VR&E can help you understand your rights under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act (USERRA) of 1994

7 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 7 RAPID ACCESS TO EMPLOYMENT  For those who want a job now  Are you job ready?  VR&E can help you get a job

8 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 8 EMPLOYMENT THROUGH LONG TERM SERVICES  For those who need specialized training and/or education  Do you need to be re-trained?  VR&E provides valuable services such as: OJT Apprenticeships Internships Job Shadowing Higher Education

9 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 9 SELF-EMPLOYMENT  For those who want to be self-employed  Do you have what it takes to run your own business?  VR&E assistance varies based on severity of disability

10 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 10 INDEPENDENT LIVING  For those who can’t go to work right now  Are you so severely disabled that you can’t go to work right now?  VR&E can help

11 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 11 OTHER SERVICES  Medical  Dental  Optical  Mental Health Treatment  Vet Centers  Specially Adapted Housing  Vocational/Educational Counseling  Special Hiring Authority

12 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 12 VA DISABILITY COMPENSATION  VA disability rating differs from DOD rating  You should apply right away

13 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 13 HOW DO YOU APPLY FOR VR&E ?  Submit VA Form 28-0588, Request for Memorandum Rating, along with your service or other medical records, and;  Submit VA Form 28-1900, Application for Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits

14 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 14 HOW DO YOU GET SERVICES  Entitlement is not automatic.  If eligible, you must participate in an evaluation with a counselor  A VA counselor must make several decisions

15 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 15 QUESTIONS?

16 Veterans Benefits Administration 2/23/2005 16 VA Telephone Contact *1-800-827-1000 *

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