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AdvanceVT Progress Report Pl Meeting Atlanta, Georgia April 19, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "AdvanceVT Progress Report Pl Meeting Atlanta, Georgia April 19, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 AdvanceVT Progress Report Pl Meeting Atlanta, Georgia April 19, 2004

2 4/19/04Virginia Tech Programmatic Activities to Date  January 12 initial workshop big success –Positive feedback and priorities for action  Met with other Advance institutions at University of Washington  Hosted networking reception for Women’s Month  Surveyed faculty, staff and graduate students regarding child care needs –Identified as high priority at January workshop  Began compiling institutional data for NSF reporting requirements

3 4/19/04Virginia Tech Pipeline Element: Advance women into faculty careers Element Activities to Date  Supporting development of Virginia Tech post- doc network  Preparing for focus groups with graduate students and post-docs  In process of awarding first two post-doctoral fellowships  Awarded first three graduate fellowships –Megan Elwood Madden, Geosciences –Olga Pierrakos, Mechanical Engineering –Miriam Stewart, Civil and Environmental Eng "As a Ph.D. student, I participated in a program attended by women engineering faculty from 13 southeastern universities. It was awesome! That was the day that I first believed that I might actually be capable of succeeding as an engineering faculty member.” Nancy Love Associate Professor Civil & Envir. Engr. July 30, 2002

4 4/19/04Virginia Tech Pipeline Element: AdvanceVT Fellowship Recipients Miriam Stewart, Civil and Environmental Engineering Olga Pierrakos, Mechanical Engineering Megan Elwood Madden, Geosciences

5 4/19/04Virginia Tech Recruitment and Retention Element: Increase the representation of women Element Activities to Date  Compiled listservs and websites for faculty recruitment  Co-hosted Caroline Lasser, TU Munich, with math department  Identified mentoring as central retention element; plan to develop tool kit  Led and participated in numerous faculty searches in the two colleges “Some of the main factors resulting in my choosing Virginia Tech were the supportiveness of the hiring committee, the fact that my spouse was hired, and the quality of research in the university as a whole." A Recent Faculty Hire, Fall 2003

6 4/19/04Virginia Tech Leadership Element: Empower women as leaders and scholars Element Activities to Date  Co-hosted Dr. Louise Kellogg, Chair, Geology Dept., University of California, Davis, visit  Met with several college of engineering department head candidates  Individual meetings with department heads in science and engineering underway  Awarded first six research seed grants  Awarded first two leadership fellowships “I want at least two women department heads placed in our College over the next five years.” Dean Aref College of Engineering April 2003

7 4/19/04Virginia Tech Dr. Kathleen Meehan Electrical and Computer Engineering Dr. Corina Sandu Mechanical Engineering Dr. Naira Hovakimyan Aero and Ocean Engineering Dr. Linsey Marr Civil and Environmental Engineering Dr. Julie Dunsmore Psychology Dr. Lynn Adler Biology Leadership Element: Recipients of AdvanceVT Research Seed Grants

8 4/19/04Virginia Tech Leadership Element: Recipients of AdvanceVT Leadership Fellowships Dr. Brenda Winkel Biology, Fralin Biotechnology Center Dr. Andrea Dietrich Civil and Environmental Engineering

9 4/19/04Virginia Tech Institutional Change Element: Policy review Element Activities to Date  Dual career accommodation policy –Identified as high priority at January workshop –Collected and reviewed policies from other institutions –Draft policy/procedure prepared and circulated for discussion –Plan to present to Board of Visitors this summer “[There is a] ‘nothing written down’ trend in our department. I have no idea what some of the policies are.” Female Assoc. Prof. at Virginia Tech. Fall 2003

10 4/19/04Virginia Tech Assessment and Research Activities to Date  Completed first interviews with new faculty in colleges of science and engineering  Completed interviews with female associate professors in colleges of science and engineering  In process of interviewing comparable group of male associate professors  Preliminary findings distributed to department heads and work group members "It's important to address scientists in a scientific way. The only way you are going to convince scientists that change is needed is by giving them data. Give them a lot of data." Associate Professor, College of Science

11 4/19/04Virginia Tech Assessment and Research Faculty Survey  Goals: –Assess institutional transformation, –Assess gender differences and organizational factors associated with success in faculty positions  Partnering with other Advance institutions  Contracted with Survey Research Center for logistics  Anticipated distribution fall 2004  Requesting support from University leadership to increase response rate

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