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CA Business Achiever - Financial Services

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1 CA Business Achiever - Financial Services
Mr. Shrinivas D. Joshi CA Business Achiever - Financial Services photo Chief Executive Officer – The Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank Ltd.

2 Business Turnover of the Bank: Rs. 12677.49 Crores
Net worth of the Bank: Rs Crores

Setting vision for the organisation and achieving goals set for the organisation and motivating the staff of the organisation to excel in the co-operative banking sector

In spite of various limitations in Co-operative Banking Sector for expanding business the bank could successfully march ahead and make astounding progress during the tenure of present CEO. Business of Bank increased by about 21/2times in 4 ½ years Profit increased by 4 fold. Return on Asset increased from 0.68% to 1.10% Gross NPA reduced substantially Net NPA reduced to less than 1% No. of Branches doubled. Expansion made in 4 additional States. Strong Executive Team build up.

5 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS Successful turnaround of 3 major weak Co-operative Banks acquired through merger and fruitful merger of a 4th Cooperative Bank. Bank has been able to retain its position as the 3rd largest Co-operative Bank in the nation for the past many years Bank is the only co-operative bank which has permission from Reserve Bank of India to sell its in-house developed “Genius” Software Setting up of International Banking Division for independent Foreign Exchange operation after receiving Authorized Dealer Category-AD -I license from Reserve Bank of India.

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