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Cardiorespiratory Endurance The ability to perform prolonged large-muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate-to-high levels of intensity.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiorespiratory Endurance The ability to perform prolonged large-muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate-to-high levels of intensity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiorespiratory Endurance The ability to perform prolonged large-muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate-to-high levels of intensity

2 Definitions… Energy – _________________________ Fatigue – the inability to do work at a given intensity or duration of activity Endurance – the ability to exert ______ or do work for a given duration Training/Conditioning – physical activity designed to fight against fatigue - Principle - Result

3 Definitions… Calorie – A unit of measurement of the amount of energy we obtain from a food Adenosine Triphosphate – The basic for or energy used by all cells

4 Metabolism – the sum of all chemical processes whereby energy is made available and used by the body

5 ATP – used to perform Biologic Work - Movement

6 Summary of Energy Systems Energy System (within cell) Phosphagen (immediate) Anaerobic (nonoxidative) Aerobic (oxidative) Duration of activity for which system predominates 1 to 10 seconds10 seconds to approx. 2 min. > 2 minute Intensity of activity for which system predominates High Explosive/speed HighLow to moderately high Fuel source used to generate ATP Creatine phosphate (CP) Glucose and muscle glycogen Body fat, glucose & glycogen, pro. Rate of ATP production Very RapidRapidSlow, but prolonged

7 Cardiorespiratory Endurance Activity and Fuel Utilization

8 Cardiorespiratory Endurance Training Frequency: __to __ days per week. Intensity: __%-__% of max. heart rate - Max. H.R. = 220-age - Target H. R. = 70%-85% Max. H.R. Time: 20-60 minutes of continuous aerobic activity

9 Assessing Cardiorespiratory Endurance (Fitness) VO 2 max (maximal oxygen consumption): the highest rate of oxygen consumption during maximum physical effort. the best overall measurement of the capacity of the cardiorespiratory system. Expressed as: ___/___/____

10 3-Minute Step Test Equipment: 16.25 inch step, watch, metronome Step up & down (up-up-down-down) Male: 96 bpm (24 steps/min) Female: 88 bpm (22 steps/min) Males: VO 2 max = 111.33 – (0.42 x HR) Females: VO 2 max = 65.81 – (0.1847 x HR) HR = heart rate in bpm. Take HR after 3 minutes of stepping for a 15 second count and times by four

11 Heart – an amazing pump Heart Rate: rate of contractions Stroke Volume: volume of blood ejected from the heart with each beat Cardiac Output: (__________) volume of blood pumped from the heart per minute

12 Adaptations of CRE Training Heart Physiological Change Stronger _________ wall Increased chamber _________ Health Benefit Improved ________ volume __________ resting heart rate

13 Adaptations of CRE Training Arteries Physiological Change Increased ability to _________ Increased number of capillaries ________ circulation Health Benefit Enhanced blood flow &  blood pressure Improved O 2 and CO 2 exchange Alternate avenues of blood flow

14 Adaptations of CRE Training Blood Physiological Change  number of RBC and hemoglobin  blood volume  ___________ _____________ Health Benefit Greater O 2 and CO 2 carrying capacity Reduced blood viscosity & pressure Greater protection against free radicals

15 Adaptations of CRE Training Lungs Physiological Change Strengthened respiratory muscles Greater surface area of lungs Health Benefit Enhanced O 2 -CO 2 exchange

16 Adaptations of CRE Training Muscles Physiological Change Increased ________ concentration Increased fat metabolism enzymes Increased number of ______________ Health Benefit Improved O 2 -CO 2 transport Greater utilization of fat for energy Increased ability to produce energy

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