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Opening April 22nd 1. Copy Down Homework p.6 & 7 Gettysburg Address and Battle to Key Moments Write the apology letter to Mr. Varley 2. Update TOC #12.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening April 22nd 1. Copy Down Homework p.6 & 7 Gettysburg Address and Battle to Key Moments Write the apology letter to Mr. Varley 2. Update TOC #12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening April 22nd 1. Copy Down Homework p.6 & 7 Gettysburg Address and Battle to Key Moments Write the apology letter to Mr. Varley 2. Update TOC #12 Gettysburg Address #13 Sherman’s March 3. Have Out the following items on your desk Sherman Notes and A PIECE OF SCRAP PAPER

2 Reactions and Questions Write down 3 reactions and 2 questions you still have about the events surrounding the Boston Marathon last week

3 “ We are not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people and we must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.” -General George Tecumseh Sherman What is Total War? City of Charleston, South Carolina (1865)

4 Context of Sherman’s March Grant: “I propose to fight it out along this line if it takes all summer.” SPRING/SUMMER 1864: 1. Ulysses Grant was given a promotion by Lincoln and given command of the whole Union army 2. Grant ’ s army would suffer heavy casualties at Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, and Battle of the Wilderness. “ I propose to fight it out along this line all summer ” 3. Lee ’ s army became exhausted for men and supplies 4. Grant would be stopped outside the city of Petersburg for months before breaking through DOES NOT CAPTURE RICHMOND

5 Stalemate: Trench Warfare


7 Goal of Sherman’s March General William Tecumseh Sherman 1. “ war is hell ” “ make Georgia howl ” “ war is war, and not popularity-seeking ” 2. marched from Tennessee to capture Atlanta, boosting Lincoln ’ s chances of re-election 3. “ March to the Sea ”, path of destruction 60 miles wide, 300 miles long before capturing the city of Savannah 4. Sherman brought “ total war ” to the South, civilians were no longer “ off limits ” during wartime

8 Opening April 23rd 1. Copy Down Homework – Key Moments Due Thursday ! (Use p. 306- 308) 2. Update TOC #12 Gettysburg Address #13 Sherman’s March 3. Have Out the following items on your desk Sherman Notes & Key Moments Chart

9 Sherman reaches Savannah December 1864 Sherman continues to sentinel

10 "Sherman's Sentinels” (guards) Only the chimneys stand after a visit by Sherman's Army Sherman’s NECK TIES (bended railroads)

11 Outcomes of Sherman’s March to Sea Atlanta Siege: September 1864 Savannah captured Costs to GA $100 million (about $1.4 billion in 2010 dollars) Union wreck 300 miles of railroad Confiscated 9.5 million pounds of corn Cover of sheet music for "Sherman's March to the Sea” (1865)

12 III. Appomattox Courthouse A. General Lee ’ s Dilemmas 1. his army had been exhausted and running out of supplies. 2. Grant ’ s army had him surrounded, and prevented him from obtaining new supplies 3. Concerned about the welfare of his men, he wanted to avoid any future bloodshed Context 1. Sherman’s March Atlanta to Raleigh, NC (March 1865) 2. Troops decimated and worn out from a long stalemate trench warfare in Virginia

13 B. Lee ’ s Surrender On April 9, 1865, the two generals met at Appomattox Virginia Based on the context and what you know about the HOW and WHY the war was fought… In your group… WRITE YOUR OWN TERMS OF SURRENDER…

14 Terms of Surrender Grant: “Peace being my great desire… 1. ) the men and officers surrendered shall be disqualified (not allowed) for taking up arms against the Government of the U.S” 2. ) Soldiers allowed to go home undisturbed (no jailing or hanging of traitors ) “The war is over the rebels are our countrymen again.” –Grant

15 C. (EFFECTS) End of the War 1. On April 26, 1865, Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston surrendered his forces of 100,000 men to General Sherman. (Raleigh, North Carolina) 2. On May 10, 1865, Jefferson Davis was captured in Georgia 3. Fighting continued sporadically across the South, but more and more Confederate officers abandoned plans to launch a guerilla war 3. On August 20, 1865, President Andrew Johnson declared that “ peace and tranquility existed in the whole United States... ”



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