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Smoke-Free OSU: A Snapshot of the First Year of the Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Smoke-Free OSU: A Snapshot of the First Year of the Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smoke-Free OSU: A Snapshot of the First Year of the Policy

2 Healthy OSU

3 The Project Team Marc Braverman School of Social & Behavioral Health Sciences Extension Family and Community Health Program Lisa Hoogesteger Director, Healthy Campus Initiatives Jessica Johnson Research associate, Healthy Campus Initiatives Graduate student, Master of Public Health program

4 Special thanks to... Pat Ketcham Student Health Services Rebecca Mathern & Amanda Champagne OSU Office of the Registrar Linda Sather & Donna Chastain OSU Office of Human Resources Lisa Leventhal & Candi Loeb OSU Office of Research Integrity President’s Office OSU-Corvallis & OSU-Cascades Virginia Lesser Survey Research Center & Dept. of Statistics Brian Flay College of Public Health and Human Sciences Chris Sinnett Community Network Family & Community Health Program, OSU Extension, College of Public Health and Human Sciences

5 Today’s presentation and discussion Focused on Corvallis campus only Will examine how the policy has been working Will identify current issues and actions needed

6 Planning for the policy at OSU Spring 2008: Smoke-free campus proposed by Student Health Advisory Board Fall 2008: OSU Smoke-Free Task Force created January 2011: Smoke-free OSU-Corvallis decision finalized September 2012: Smoke-free campus policy begins

7 Backdrop: The national trend in smoke-free campuses Campuses that are 100% smoke-free or tobacco-free: Fall 2008...................130 Fall 2011...................586 November 2013.....1,127 (including 758 tobacco-free) Source: Americans for Nonsmokers Rights (

8 Our primary evaluation questions What is the level of awareness on campus about the policy? What are the levels of support for the new OSU policy? How much smoke exposure is there on campus now? What are opinions about how the policy should be enforced? How have smokers responded? What are current patterns of smoking and tobacco use?

9 The Campus Survey Spring 2013 The databases Students: From Office of Registrar N = 22,141 Faculty & Staff: From Office of Human Resources N = 4,820 Time frame May 23: Initial invitations May 29 – June 13: Reminders (3 to students; 2 to faculty/staff) IRB review

10 The Campus Survey Data Analysis Response rates  Students: 25.7%  Faculty/Staff: 42.6% Post-survey weighting  Student responses weighted by: ▪ Gender ▪ Class standing  Faculty/Staff responses weighted by: ▪ Gender ▪ Age ▪ OSU position Smoking rates (weighted)  Students: 4.4% daily; 8.3% occasional  Faculty/Staff: 3.0% daily; 1.6% occasional

11 Findings: Awareness of the smoke-free policy ______________________ Students Faculty & Staff

12 Support for Smoke-Free Policy (“Our campus should be 100% smoke-free”) _________________________ ________________________ Students Faculty & Staff

13 Comments: Support/ Non-support for the policy “Thank you for making campus smoking-free! I have been here since 2008 and have seen a significant decrease in the amount of smoking & I LOVE it!” (Student) “I was skeptical at first that this was over-bearing, but now support the policy.” (Faculty/Staff) “Smoking isn’t illegal and should be allowed on campus. We need to stop trying to legislate behavior.” (Faculty/Staff) “The smoke free policy has made an enormous difference to those of us with asthma....I have not had to visit a doctor this year for asthma.” (Faculty/Staff) “Completely ban tobacco use anywhere and everywhere on OSU property.” (Faculty/Staff)

14 Exposure to smoke on campus – at building entrances 28%

15 Exposure to smoke on campus – near campus boundary

16 “It bothers me to go through cigarette smoke...outside” __________________________ _________________________ Students Faculty & Staff

17 Would ask a smoker to put out his/her cigarette... __________________________ _________________________ Students Faculty & Staff

18 Students’ opinions about enforcing the policy

19 Comments: Enforcement of the policy “I do have qualms still about the amount of visitors who smoke during sporting events.” (Student) “Gentle warnings should be given. I don’t want it to be punitive, but I also don’t want people to smoke on campus.” (Student) “There are a lot of visitors on campus every day not seeming to know the rules. We need BIG signs to let people know this is a nonsmoking campus.” (Faculty/Staff) “When it was implemented in September 2012, students did follow the policy...However, as the time goes by, I see more and more students are coming back to smoke within the campus sphere.” (Faculty/Staff)

20 Adjustment to the policy by smokers

21 Compliance: Have you smoked on campus…?

22 Comments: Other concerns & suggestions “It does not seem like a healthy choice for a female smoker who lives in the dorms and is up late studying to have to walk a mile off campus to have her smoke break.” (Student) “I think the campus needs to acknowledge the cultural aspect of smoking for students and be sensitive to that when creating and enforcing policies around smoking.” (Student) “I think the options the campus has available to assist in student efforts to quit smoking need to be made more apparent...I had no idea these options were available.” (Student)

23 Interpretation & Conclusions 1.How is the policy working? 2.What needs our attention now? 3.Next steps: Sustainability

24 How is the policy working? High levels of support by students, faculty, and staff Campus community is largely satisfied with smoke-free environment...except for campus boundary Input has been received for enforcement decisions OSU has been recognized as a “Gold Campus” & “mentor campus” NW Center for Public Health Practice, Univ. of Washington

25 What needs our attention now? (a) Trash & refuse 25

26 What needs our attention now? (b) Signage

27 Examples from U. of O.

28 What needs our attention now? (c)Communication & Enforcement Campus partners: Visitors Community partners: Businesses, Health Department How will enforcement be carried out?

29 Next Steps: Sustainability Increase trash & refuse pickup Implement signage across campus Continued communication and education Continued monitoring Increased enforcement Work with OSU-Cascades on their decision process

30 Questions & Discussion

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