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Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now

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Presentation on theme: "Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now

2 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Resourcing and Talent Management Maureen Scholefield Managing Director

3 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now An integrated approach Effective People Resourcing Patterns of work and flexibility Termination Recruitment and selection Human resource and talent planning Using competencies in HR practices Managing diversity Pay and reward Managing performance Human resource development Redundancy Conflict resolution Employment relations Strategic management of well-being Health and safety

4 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Succession planning Has tended to be about future leaders or managers Failed to look at non-managerial roles Now tending to be about critical specialist roles Driven by skills shortages

5 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Succession planning Good tool to lock in talent as greater awareness of internal opportunities will keep key people Lateral moves to deepen and broaden experience Leadership pipeline – Ram Charam

6 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Leadership pipeline Six career passages Manage self Manage others Manage managers Functional manager Business manager Group manager Enterprise manager

7 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Leadership pipeline Excellent insight into how to help managers transition and therefore be in the succession plans The Leadership Pipeline – How to build the Leadership powered company Ram Charan, Steve Drotter, Jim Noel

8 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now The talent wave Why succession planning fails and what to do about it David Clutterbuck

9 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now So what should succession planning do? Simply put it should be a process of Identifying who would or could step into the role Grooming them over a period of time Supporting their transition

10 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Succession planning pitfalls Overly reliant on line managers’ perceptions of their direct reports Inflexible competency frameworks Overly prescriptive job descriptions that stifle talent Inadequate allowance for role evolution Assumptions about high performers – the Peter principle

11 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Succession planning pitfalls Insufficient allowance for gender differences Work life balance becomes an isssue Leave it too late to give people the breadth of experience they will need Nostalgic belief that people will stay for life One size fits all

12 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now The challenge of Generation F On the web all ideas compete on an equal footing What you do counts for more that who you are Hierarchies happen Leaders serve rather than preside Tasks are chosen not assigned

13 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Challenges for HR Is talent management about developing competencies or developing leaders? Does greatest value come from focusing succession planning on short-term solutions or building quality relationships? How can you free competence frameworks from culture bias? Do you home-grow or import talent?

14 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now A simple way of identifying talent People belong in the talent pool if they demonstrate: Significant continued investment in their own development A track record of assisting the development of others Ambition to achieve greater responsibilities A high motivation and ability to learn

15 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Measurement Debates on competencies and grids: Attractive as it looks logical and scientific Designing frameworks is lucrative and fun! Consistent interpretation is difficult What about IQ (reasoning intelligence) and EQ (emotional intelligence).

16 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now The 9 box grid A reliable assessment or an illusion of rigour? Performance PotentialPossible misfit Potential star Consistent star DevelopingCore contributor Rising star Attention!Solid performer Strong performer

17 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Is performance really measurable? What about shared goals? Have the goals captured the essence of the job role? Can success in one role predict success in another? Who judges performance and how?

18 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Forced ranking A widely used and deeply embedded concept but… Some are saying that it does more harm than good

19 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Question If performance measurement is “interesting” and the 9 box grid is destined to be buried and we abandon forced ranking….. Does this mean an end to:

20 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now That age old debate Linking pay to performance???

21 Ahead of the game in ’86 – still ahead now Time for your questions

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