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Gemini Observatory Results & Lessons Leaned SPIE August 2002 Matt Mountain Jean-Rene Roy Phil Puxley Eric Hansen.

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Presentation on theme: "Gemini Observatory Results & Lessons Leaned SPIE August 2002 Matt Mountain Jean-Rene Roy Phil Puxley Eric Hansen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gemini Observatory Results & Lessons Leaned SPIE August 2002 Matt Mountain Jean-Rene Roy Phil Puxley Eric Hansen

2 Defining Gemini: Top Level Performance Requirements – (1991 SRD) Image Quality of better than 0.1 arcsec. < 2.5  m Image Quality of better than 0.1 arcsec. < 2.5  m Diffraction limited imaging with Adaptive Optics Diffraction limited imaging with Adaptive Optics IR Optimized configuration IR Optimized configuration Board wavelength coverage and high throughput Board wavelength coverage and high throughput Versatility Versatility Exploit Queue Scheduling Exploit Queue Scheduling

3 Early AO Science Results Trapezium, J,H & K Gemini South (Lucas 2002) Potter et al 2001 Liu et al 2001 Close et al 2001 Jayawardhana & Luhman, 2002 Potter et al 2001

4 Flux (photons/sec/µm/arcsec 2 ) Wavelength (µm) OH IR Optimization – energy concentration & low emissivity

5 IR Optimization works: Gemini-South IR (4 micron) Commissioning Images of Galactic Center Gemini South + ABU + fast tip/tilt Brackett  FWHM ~ 0.35” 1 minute integration Simons & Becklin 1992 IRTF (3.6m) - L’ 16,000 images shift/add An entire night….

6 Perlman, Sparks, et al. Gemini North: M87 jet at 10 mm– Deepest image ever taken in the mid IR OSCIR, 10.8  m HST/F300W, 0.3  m  Sensitivity (1 , 1 h): 0.028 mJy/pix (pix scale = 0.089”) 0.1 mJy on point source 14  Jy/pixel after further IR Optimization

7 The Frederick C. Gillett Gemini Telescope Mauna Kea, Hawaii

8 Gemini in the Optical – GMOS North comes on-line PMN2314+0201 Quasar at z=4.11 Gemini SV PI: Isobel Hook 60min – 140min per filter Seeing (FWHM) 0.5 – 0.7 arcsec 5 sigma detection limits : g'=27.5 mag g'=27.5 mag r'=27.2 mag r'=27.2 mag i'=26.3 mag i'=26.3 mag GMOS on Gemini 5.5’ x 5.5’

9 GMOS Queue Observing 2002A Summary of the completion rates as fraction of programs ========================================================== Band Completion rate >90% >50% <50% ----------------------------------------- 1 10/14=0.71 11/14=0.79 3/14=0.21 2 2/8 =0.25 3/8 =0.38 5/8 =0.63 3 2/8 =0.25 4/8 =0.50 4/8 =0.50 4 1/11=0.09 2/11 =0.18 9/11=0.82 Many observations in band 3 and 4 were taken in poor observing conditions, and the programs in these bands with significant data were programs that could tolerate CC=70% or worse, and seeing of 1arcsec or worse. Gemini North reliability >90% ( 90% (<10% down time) GMOS Observing efficiency (shutter open/elapsed) ~ 70%

10 GMOS: Evolution of ages and metalicity in clusters from z= 1 to present epoch (Inger Jørgensen, Gemini Observatory) Abel 851 z = 0.4

11 GMOS: Evolution of ages and metalicity in clusters from z= 1 to present epoch (Inger Jørgensen, Gemini Observatory) Abel 851 z = 0.4 There are 34 science targets in this mask. Tilted slits used for some galaxies in order to be able to measure rotation curves. Seeing during the observations was 0.7-1.0arcsec Abel 851 z = 0.4

12 GMOS: Evolution of ages and metalicity in Clusters from z= 1 to present epoch ( Jørgensen 2002) The S/N needed for this type of work is 20-40 per Angstrom in the restframe of the cluster GMOS can deliver this. wavelength 5.5 hrs sky subtracted

13 GMOS “Deep Deep Survey” 84 objects  2 tiers with 150 l/mm grating GDDS Team: Bob Abraham & Ray Carlberg (Toronto), Karl Glazebrook & Sandra Savaglio (JHU), Pat McCarthy (OCIW), David Crampton (DAO), Isobel Hook (Oxford), Inger Jørgensen & Kathy Roth (Gemini) Goal: Deep 100,000 sec MOS exposures on Las Campanas IR Survey fields to get redshifts of a complete K<20.5 sample to z=2 Access ‘redshift desert’ 1.2<z<2  FORMATION OF THE HUBBLE SEQUENCE This requires getting redshifts to I=24.5  1 mag fainter than Keck Lyman Break Galaxies. This requires good through-put, good image quality and “nod & shuffle” The GDDS team

14 GMOS “Deep Deep Survey” 84 objects  2 tiers with 150 l/mm grating The GDDS team GDDS SV data: 14 hours in 0.5'' seeing (Aug 02)

15 GDDS Nod & Shuffle 2 arcsec slit Shuffled image of slit Shifted and subtracted The GDDS team

16 I=23.8 z=1.07 Example object: N&S subtracted [OII] 3727 at 7700Å The GDDS team

17 GDDS: ultra-super-preliminary results These are just the ‘easy’ ones so far! Full 100,000 secs will pound on z=1.5 old red galaxies N&S works! Ultimate ‘sky null’ technique. Could reach I=27 in 10 6 secs on 30m The GDDS team

18 Gemini South IR Performance and some results 4.7  m R=100,000 Rogers et al (in prep.)

19 Flamingos / Gemini-S Preliminary Results J,H,K Luminosity Functions show the expected peak near 0.3 M(solar) a slow decline or plateau in the brown dwarf regime (J~14.5 - 17.5 mag) for unreddened objects A more rapid decline below the deuterium-burning limit and indications of a cut-off at a few M(Jupiter) Observations are complete to well below K=19mag. Flamingos on Gemini-S Deep J,H,K images in 1 field south of the Orion Core Total of 4hr integration - 0.4 arcsec images Lucas et al

20 3 - D data cube 500 x 0.2” dispersed cells Integral Field Unit’s (IFU’s) enables “imaging spectroscopy” on Gemini x y HST galaxy, z = 0.6 (Lilly 1995) 10 arcseconds

21 Commissioning GMOS Integral Field Unit NGC 1068 GMOS IFU – [O III] 5007 1500 simultaneous spectra Interpretation courtesy Gerald Cecil

22 3C324 3-D data cube at z = 1.2 [OII]3727 structure has two velocity components at +/-400km/s Wavelength/velocity Bunker et al (2002) X (7 arcsec) Y ( 5 arcsec )

23 GMOS-IFU GEMINI-SOUTH GEMINI-NORTH 10-15 June 2002 4-9 August 2002 Cambridge IR Panoramic Survey Spectrograph

24 CIRPASS early results – first use of a near-IR IFU on an 8m-class telescope. The example from the z=1.2 radio galaxy 3C324. Dispersion runs horizontally, spatial direction is vertical; each of the 500 IFU lenslets produces a spectrum 2 pixels high. The preliminary processing (basic sky subtraction and cosmic ray rejection) of this single 20 minute exposure shows a very clear detection of the redshifted [OIII] 500.7nm emission line (centre of the frame). GMOS – IFU now available on Gemini North CIRPASS – IR IFU will be available on Gemini South in Service Mode in 2003A in Service Mode in 2003A

25 Challenges Instruments, instruments, instruments…… Instruments, instruments, instruments…… Gemini South will be without facility instruments until mid 2003 from the user perspective Gemini South will be without facility instruments until mid 2003 from the user perspective And instrument delivery schedules constrain science availability of Gemini Telescopes And instrument delivery schedules constrain science availability of Gemini Telescopes

26 Gemini-North Time Distribution NIRI - GPOL GMOS - N&S, GPOL ALTAIR MICHELLE Hokupa’a-S NIFS ALTAIR LGS MICHELLE New Instrument Mode Tests Queue Observing Gemini’s queue support threshold Above 50% Classical time allocated

27 Gemini-South Time Distribution T-ReCS GMOS-S GMOS-S (cont.) bHROS GNIRS NICI NICI (cont.) GSAOI GSAO FLAMINGOS-2 PHOENIX FLAMINGOS New Instrument Mode Tests Queue Observing Gemini’s queue support threshold

28 Future Challenges

29 Exploring the Gemini context 20002010 NGST ALMA SIM VLA-upgrade Keck-Inter. ESO-VLTI Keck I&II UT1,UT2,UT3,UT4 Magellan 1&2 HET LBT OWL CELT and maybe GSMT… LSST The decade of adaptive optics The era of the “giants” SOFIA SIRTF VISTA SUBARU 20002010 20122015 Gemini N Gemini S ?

30 20002010 NGST ALMA SIM VLA-upgrade Keck-Inter. ESO-VLTI Keck I&II UT1,UT2,UT3,UT4 Magellan 1&2 HET LBT OWL CELT and maybe GSMT… LSST The decade of adaptive optics The era of the “giants” SOFIA SIRTF 20002010 20122015 Gemini N ALTAIR + LGS Michelle NIFS GMOS GAOS -> MCAO GNIRS NICI Flam. 2 Gemini S T-RECS VISTA SUBARU ? Exploring the Gemini context - and responding using Science Requirements

31 Defining the role of Gemini in the era of a 6.5m NGST Assuming a detected S/N of 10 for NGST on a point source, with 4x1000s integration GEMINI advantage NGST advantage R = 30,000 R = 5,000 R = 1,000 R = 5 Time gain 10 2 10 4 1

32 ? 20002010 NGST ALMA SIM VLA-upgrade Keck-Inter. ESO-VLTI Keck I&II UT1,UT2,UT3,UT4 Magellan 1&2 HET LBT OWL CELT and maybe GSMT… LSST The era of the “giants” SOFIA SIRTF ALTAIR + LGS Michelle NIFS GMOS GAOS -> MCAO GNIRS NICI Flam. 2 T-RECS VISTA SUBARU 20002010 20122015 Gemini N Gemini S Multi-IFU & MCAO++? Extreme AO? Mid-IR opportunity? Seeing enhanced R=1,000,000 spectroscopy? Aspen2003 Gemini’s Environment,“Aspen 2003” & our window of opportunity The decade of adaptive optics

33 ? 20002010 NGST ALMA SIM VLA-upgrade Keck-Inter. ESO-VLTI Keck I&II UT1,UT2,UT3,UT4 Magellan 1&2 HET LBT OWL CELT and maybe GSMT… LSST SOFIA SIRTF ALTAIR + LGS Michelle NIFS GMOS GAOS -> MCAO GNIRS NICI Flam. 2 T-RECS VISTA SUBARU 20002010 20122015 Gemini N Gemini S Multi-IFU & MCAO++? Extreme AO? Mid-IR opportunity? Aspen2003 Gemini’s Environment,“Aspen 2003” & our window of opportunity In this evolving environment, timing as well as performance is key The decade of adaptive optics The era of the “giants” Seeing enhanced R=1,000,000 spectroscopy?

34 Our communities have struggled to deliver 8m – 10m class instruments 1.0 Slip Factor = original schedule + slip original schedule

35 Thoughts so far…. This current generation of 8m –10m telescopes can be extremely effective and efficient “science machines” This current generation of 8m –10m telescopes can be extremely effective and efficient “science machines” Queue Scheduling can make very effective use of these telescopes Queue Scheduling can make very effective use of these telescopes Classical allocations are an essential ingredient for innovation – but requires significant time allocations Classical allocations are an essential ingredient for innovation – but requires significant time allocations “Point and click astronomy” is here to stay “Point and click astronomy” is here to stay However, in this complex environment our continuing competitiveness requires targeted, state-of-the-art instrumentation, arriving at the telescope at the right time However, in this complex environment our continuing competitiveness requires targeted, state-of-the-art instrumentation, arriving at the telescope at the right time

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