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How your body defends itself from foreign invasion.

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1 How your body defends itself from foreign invasion.

2 NON-SPECIFICSPECIFIC  NOT differentiate between invaders  Same response for pollen  HIV  1 & 2 nd lines of defense  Creates specific response for each invader  Ability to remember & target invaders (antibodies)  3 rd line of defense

3 MAJOR CHEMICALS/PROTEINS:  Antigen  Unique protein (name tag) all living tissue  Antibody  Protein matches to an antigen  used to “remember”  You have a different antibody for every different foreign molecule ever entered your body  Histamine  Chemical triggers allergy response (runny nose, water eyes, blood flow)  Interferon  Protein release by infected cells  “interferes” w/ viral reproduction  Interleukin  Chemical messenger controls temperature regulation

4 SAME RESPONSE TO ALL INVADERS 1 st Line of Defense  Physical Barriers  Attempts to prevent invasion  Skin  Mucous membranes  pH  Digestive enzymes 2 nd Line of Defense  Inflammatory Resp.  Triggered by tissue damage  Increase blood flow to promote clotting  WBC’s consume all foreign material  Fever

5  Types of White Blood Cells ( Leukocytes)  Monocyte  appear @ site of infection & can move into tissue & form macrophages  Macrophage  (big eaters & long life span), ever present, consume old cells, dust & pathogens  Neutrophils  most abundant, short life span  Eosinophils  destroy parasites (worms)  Basophils  not directly destroy, release chemicals that trigger all others (histamine)  Natural Killers (NK)  destroys infected cells

6 3 RD LINE 0F DEFENSE DIFFERENT RESPONSE FOR EACH INVADER  Humoral Response  B-cells  “highlights” foreign material  Produces Antibodies – “memory cells”  Cell-Mediated Response  T-cells  “killer” cells  Consume invaders highlighted by the b- cells

7 PASSIVEACTIVE  Requires no effort  Antibodies given out  Examples:  Requires effort  Body must produce antibodies by fighting off infection  Examples:  Natural –  Artificial –


9  T-cells (kill invaders)  antibodies (remember invaders)  wbc’s (consume invaders)  pathogen reproductive rates

10  An exagerated immune response to typically harmless environmental antigens  Only activate 1 st & 2 nd lines of defense  Never reach 3 rd – never form antibodies that would prevent re-occurance  Why   Overmedicated, over vaccinated & under exposed  Immune system learns it job by practicing, if you give it nothing to practice on, it will find something (grass, pollen, food allergies, etc.)

11  Read the article & be prepared to respond to the following essay prompts:  VACCINATION, ISOLATION or EXPOSURE?  Which method(s) would you choose for your own children?  Describe several ways to improve or boost you and/or your future children’s immune system?  Name method & describe how it helps.

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