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Using M&E to Improve Development Strategy Lessons from Madagascar.

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Presentation on theme: "Using M&E to Improve Development Strategy Lessons from Madagascar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using M&E to Improve Development Strategy Lessons from Madagascar

2 The Madagascar Action Plan-MAP A Well-structured, concise and extremely well-advertised document.

3 MAP Document Eight Commitments (Not as broad as pillars) Each Commitment presents 5 aspects: –Current Situation (mini-Diagnostic) –Objectives –Strategies –Priority Projects and Activities –Indicators

4 MAP Example

5 From MAP to Results Framework Structure for the Results Matrix: Objective Expected Result Indicator Baseline Year by Year Targets for the PRS or national development plan Vehicle for producing the data (survey, annual report, etc.) Accountability-Agency/Ministry responsible

6 Issues for Results Framework Selection of ‘SMART’ monitoring indicators Reducing the need for survey-based data Integrating the Results Framework into implementation

7 S-M-A-R-T-Quick Review S-pecific M-easurable (or Monitorable) A-chievable (and/or A-ttributable) R-elevant (and/or R-ealistic) T-ime-Bound

8 SMART Indicators-Examples If the PDO is “To improve the food safety and quality of key meat products from smallholders in selected provinces ” What would the indicator be?… Increase in the quality of meat products ? Increase in the share of meat products that meet adequate quality standards ? (Measurable) Increase in the share of meat products that meet adequate quality standards in selected provincial cities ? (Specific) What about… Decrease in the number of safety breaches in targeted production chains in selected provinces ? Decrease in the number (and severity) of safety breaches observed by veterinary services (slaughterhouses) in targeted production chains in selected provinces ? (Measurable and specific)

9 SMART Indicators-Examples If the PDO is “ Improved national road network and road user satisfaction through technical, organizational effectiveness and service delivery” What would the indicator be?… Road user satisfaction increased Road user satisfaction increased by at least 20 percent by 2011 (time-bound) Road user satisfaction with the overall performance of the Southwest province highway increased by at least 20 percent among key stakeholders by 2011 (specific, relevant ?)

10 Strategic Dimensions for M&E Sequencing and Timing of Activities –Strategic links within and between economic sectors Prioritizing Activities –Budget constraint What comes first, the strategy or the indicators?

11 Green Revolution Linkages The Green Revolution Rural Development E4 Environmental Protection E7 Plan for Rural Roads E2 Health E5 Poverty Reduction Inputs, technological packages, fertilizer, improved seeds Reduce Tavy Cultivation Recurrent budget for protected areas, reforestation Market surplus Access to improved services and products Diversify agricultural production Improved nutrition Increase revenue Increase yield

12 Tourism Linkages Tourism Sector E6 Local Population E8 Private Sector E6 Environment E7 Infrastructure E2 Access to tourist locations Poverty Reduction Services for tourists Eco-tourism locations Finance (budget) for protected areas Rural roads, tourist travel information Investment Revenue Investment, knowledge

13 Matching Indicators-1 Immediate Agricultural Goal Annual rice production in tons Rice yields per hectare in Regions 1, 2, 3 Diversification of Agriculture Annual non-rice production in tons (e.g., tomatoes, spinach, citrus, soybeans, milk) HH consumption of non-rice farm products

14 Matching Indicators-2 Health Benefits of Improved Diet Incidence of malnutrition in children under 5 Revenue Benefits from Sale of Agricultural Surplus Producer surplus of non-rice products (Ar/HH) Increase in farm revenue in Ar (avg. per HH and regional total) Environmental Benefits from the Transformation to Modern, Stationary Agriculture Increase in area in hectares under cultivation using GR inputs. Decrease in area in hectares under Tavi cultivation Reduction in the rate of deforestation (ha/year) Budget allocation for the maintenance of protected areas (Ar/ha)

15 Good Practice Begin with the initial national development plan with its diagnostics and relevant objectives and activities. Progress to Results Framework with SMART indicators. Integrate RF into implementation planning Incorporate strategic elements such as inter-sector linkages and reinforce indicator selection.

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