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The Place of Culture in Anti- Oppressive Practice with Refugees, Economic Migrants and Asylum Seekers Dr. Siobhan E. Laird

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Presentation on theme: "The Place of Culture in Anti- Oppressive Practice with Refugees, Economic Migrants and Asylum Seekers Dr. Siobhan E. Laird"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Place of Culture in Anti- Oppressive Practice with Refugees, Economic Migrants and Asylum Seekers Dr. Siobhan E. Laird E-mail:

2 Introduction Culture in anti-oppressive practice Culture in anti-oppressive practice Changes in service-user groups Changes in service-user groups Research in Sheffield Research in Sheffield Weakness of curriculum Weakness of curriculum Cultural competence Cultural competence

3 Anti-racist Practice Focus on power relations and discrimination based on race and colour Downplaying of religious belief and culture in forms of discrimination

4 Ethnic Minority Communities

5 Policy and Practice Guidance National Service Framework for Mental Health National Service Framework for Mental Health National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services National Service Framework for Older People National Service Framework for Older People Community Care in the Next Decade and Beyond: Policy Guidance Community Care in the Next Decade and Beyond: Policy Guidance Care Management and Assessment: Practitioners’ Guide Care Management and Assessment: Practitioners’ Guide Assessment of Children in Need and their Families Assessment of Children in Need and their Families National Strategy for Carers National Strategy for Carers National Minimum Standards National Minimum Standards

6 Messages from the Frontline Anxiety and fear of offending Anxiety and fear of offending Not having basic knowledge of other cultural or spiritual values to establish rapport Not having basic knowledge of other cultural or spiritual values to establish rapport Not knowing what questions to ask about cultural and religious values Not knowing what questions to ask about cultural and religious values Making assumptions and not realising Making assumptions and not realising

7 Messages from the Frontline Not knowing what is respectful behaviour Not knowing what is respectful behaviour Not having skills to manage culture clashes Not having skills to manage culture clashes Not having skills to work with ethnic communities Not having skills to work with ethnic communities Collusion with oppressive practices in some minority communities Collusion with oppressive practices in some minority communities Oppression directed at social worker Oppression directed at social worker

8 Social Work Students Tendency to monolithic understandings of culture Tendency to monolithic understandings of culture Difficulty distinguishing between oppressive and anti- oppressive practice Difficulty distinguishing between oppressive and anti- oppressive practice Failure to recognise Anglo-centric values in social work theory and practice Failure to recognise Anglo-centric values in social work theory and practice Difficulty conceiving of culturally appropriate provision and practice Difficulty conceiving of culturally appropriate provision and practice Difficulty engaging with political discourse on integration Difficulty engaging with political discourse on integration

9 Defining Culture Shared behaviours, attitudes, traditions, language, symbols, food, dress, history Shared behaviours, attitudes, traditions, language, symbols, food, dress, history Self definition Self definition Change over time Change over time Acculturation Acculturation Hybrid identities Hybrid identities Multiple heritages Multiple heritages Racialisation Racialisation

10 ASKED - Campinha-Bacote Cultural awareness Cultural awareness Cultural skill Cultural skill Cultural knowledge Cultural knowledge Cultural encounter Cultural encounter Cultural desire Cultural desire

11 Exploring Culture Family Organisation How is my family organised How is my family organised What are the important relationships in my family What are the important relationships in my family What are the expectations of different family members What are the expectations of different family members Who makes what kind of decisions in my family Who makes what kind of decisions in my family What sort of relationship does my family have with other people in the neighbourhood What sort of relationship does my family have with other people in the neighbourhood

12 Exploring Culture Values and Beliefs What are important values in my life What are important values in my life What are important aspirations for members of my family What are important aspirations for members of my family Do I have spiritual beliefs Do I have spiritual beliefs How do my spiritual beliefs influence other aspects of my life How do my spiritual beliefs influence other aspects of my life What are the health beliefs among members of my family and how do these influence my behaviour What are the health beliefs among members of my family and how do these influence my behaviour What is considered proper or improper behaviour What is considered proper or improper behaviour

13 Exploring Culture Lifestyle What sort of foods or beverages do I consume and why do I make these choices What sort of foods or beverages do I consume and why do I make these choices What sort of clothes do I choose to wear and why What sort of clothes do I choose to wear and why What choices do I make in relation to social and leisure activities and why What choices do I make in relation to social and leisure activities and why

14 Exploring Culture Coping Mechanisms What coping strategies do I typically use and where did I learn these What coping strategies do I typically use and where did I learn these What social networks do I call upon for assistance What social networks do I call upon for assistance

15 References Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002) ‘The process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare services: a model of care’ Journal of Transcultural Nursing Care 13(3) pp.181-184 Laird, S.E. (2008) Anti-oppressive Social Work: A Guide to Developing Cultural Competence London:Sage Sue, D.W. (2006) Multicultural Social Work Practice Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Son

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