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Presentation on theme: "1 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT OF SPENT FUEL FROM NUCLEAR POWER REACTORS Session 6 : Stakeholder Issues C. Pescatore, Chair Vienna 1 st June,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT OF SPENT FUEL FROM NUCLEAR POWER REACTORS Session 6 : Stakeholder Issues C. Pescatore, Chair Vienna 1 st June, 2010

2 Panel members  Mr. Junichiro MIYASHITA – Japan ; Mayor (Mutsu; hosting city of Japan’s first SF interim storage facility)  Mr. Rolf PERSSON – Sweden ; Local Community Organization (Oskarshamn)  Mr Gustavo GONZALEZ – Chile ; Disarmament expert from Ministry Foreign Affairs  Mr Mariano MOLINA – Spain ; Industrial implementer (company connected to national government)  Mr. Thomas FLÜELER – Switzerland ; Independent specialist from academia and cantonal government officer  Mr. Claudio PESCATORE – OECD/NEA ; Independent specialist, close to national Governments of the OECD.

3 WHY STAKEHOLDER ISSUES ? n Stakeholder = anyone with an interest (Aarhus Convention; OECD/NEA)  Public has already voiced both concerns about, but also interest in, spent fuel management.  In modern democracies there is no future for spent reactor fuel management without public involvement …  shared or publicly supported decisions result in in more durable solutions and, because of this, better solutions by and in them themselves (good balance between technical and social demands)  localities and regions in most countries possess a host of legal means to block any unwanted project

4 Panel members’ countries situations regarding spent power-reactor fuel  Chile ; Nuclear power under study  Spain ; Several NPPs ; SF is waste; Siting process for national centralised facility  Sweden ; Several NPPs ; SF is waste; National centralised facility operating; close to developing SF repository  Switzerland ; Several NPPs ; SF is waste; No national centralized storage facility; ongoing siting process for SF repository  Japan ; Several NPPs ; SF is resource; No national centralised facility;

5 Four questions - 1 n In your personal view or experience, what is the “symbolism” associated with spent fuel? Namely, what images it inspires, what attitudes it promotes ? 5

6 Four questions - 2 n If a spent fuel management facility (storage or disposal) is foreseen/proposed in a community: how to build a durable relationship between the facility and the community? Which would be the main ingredients for it? Do you have examples? 6

7 Four questions - 3 n Is spent fuel management a national problem, or one between the owner of the SF and the host communities of the various facilities (interim storage, long-term storage, disposal)? 7

8 Four questions - 4 n To what extent the timescale(s) for managing the spent fuel is (are) an issue to the various stakeholders? Do you have actual examples and data ? 8

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