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Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING SOUTHWEST ISD VISION 2015 STEERING COMMITTEE Rick Alvarado, PhD Mike Webb OCTOBER 15-16, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING SOUTHWEST ISD VISION 2015 STEERING COMMITTEE Rick Alvarado, PhD Mike Webb OCTOBER 15-16, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING SOUTHWEST ISD VISION 2015 STEERING COMMITTEE Rick Alvarado, PhD Mike Webb OCTOBER 15-16, 2010 1

2 Overview/Introduction Comments: Dr. Verstuyft Process Vision, Mission, Priorities, Core Beliefs Beliefs Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 2

3 Goals/Report Out Objectives/Report Out Break Strategies/Report Out Closure/Next Steps Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 3

4 Process Overview Board Identification of Priorities First Steering Committee Meeting Action Planning Committee Meeting Second Steering Committee Meeting Board Approval Integrate into District/Campus Plans Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 4

5 Ground Rules Take your “hat” off each time we meet Be on time and follow the timeline Be open to new ideas Be optimistic and realistic Think outside the box Be respectful Take care of yourself Trust the process Have fun Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 5

6 Activity ―Introduce yourself ―Name ―Position/job/retired/stay at home ―How long in the district/community ―Something unique about you Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 6

7 Comments: Dr. Lloyd Verstuyft Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 7

8 Comments: Board Member Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 8

9 Trust that… People of good will, working for the common good, will always make good choices. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 9

10 Life of an Organization OrganizationalRenewal Maturity Decline Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 10

11 The Process… Mission/Vision Statements SWOT (Needs Assessment) Priority Goals OBJECTIVEOBJECTIVEOBJECTIVEOBJECTIVE Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 11 Priorities/Beliefs Priorities Goals Strategy

12 Terminology Priorities: the general areas of focus for the district for the next 3-five years Critical Strands: the filter which will be utilized by all priority groups as work progresses Goals: the general intentions of the priorities/not as specific as objectives; not stated in measurable terms/have a longer timeline than objectives Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 12

13 Objectives: specific, more narrow directions designed to achieve the goals; measureable (which includes a timeline) objectives are the “what” we are going to do Strategies: general programmatic tasks designed to drive the achievement of the objectives strategies are the “how we are going to do it” Strategies look like “implementation” in the current district plan Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 13

14 FYI The action plan committee will put the strategy task implementation, resources, timelines, persons responsible, and method of measurement in place. That committee will have its first meeting on November 13, 2010, from 8:30 – 3:30 Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 14

15 We will talk about Southwest ISD and its students: Priorities Beliefs Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Goals Objectives Strategies Action Plans (Developed by Action Planning Team) Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 15

16 The Vision of SWISD Southwest Independent School District will be the leader in educational innovation. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 16

17 Mission of SWISD Southwest Independent School District will identify and develop the potential of all individuals. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 17

18 Vision 2015 Priorities Climate: communication, comments, consistency and training Student Achievement: curriculum, instructional technology Finance: funding IT, facilities Professional Learning Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 18

19 Core Values Compassion – be kind Excellence – be a team player Integrity – be honest Dedication – be committed Respect – be a good role model Responsibility – be purposeful Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 19

20 Critical Strand Filters District Growth Changing Demographics School Finance Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 20

21 Future Demands for Specific Programs

22 Committee Members See handout Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 22

23 Climate Belief: Goal: Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 23

24 Student Achievement Belief: Goal: Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 24

25 Finance Belief: Goal: Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 25

26 Professional Learning Belief: Goal: Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 26

27 Small Groups Identify (using provided list) ―Facilitators/Team Leader ―Assistant Team Leader ―Recorder ―Time Keeper Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 27

28 Group Process: Silent generations (individual think) Round robin sharing (take turns) Clarify ideas Combine ideas Reach consensus Prioritize when appropriate Share with large group Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 28

29 Things to Remember Be realistic and honest during the process Consider your current/anticipated resources Keep the main thing the main thing Know that we are going to “push” you to keep to the timelines and to the task at hand Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 29

30 Activity: Understanding your priority content Identify 3 short statements about your priority (limit to two to three words each) Share your ideas with your small group Combine characteristics Reach consensus on two characteristics Share with large group Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 30

31 BELIEFS Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 31

32 Beliefs “A belief is the ultimate “why” behind every action.” Anonymous Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 32

33 Beliefs are: Formal statements of our fundamentals convictions, values and character-they are our ethical code Universal and timeless, but have specific, local meaning -Anonymous Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 33

34 Belief statements usually begin with phrases such as: I believe that… We believe that… Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 34

35 Belief statements may include words or phrases such as: Children All children Parents Families The organization People Individuals Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 35

36 Beliefs (examples) Example of curriculum belief: ―We believe curriculum must maximize student potential by providing optimum learning experiences Belief statements should be about eight words in length. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 36

37 Beliefs (activity) Write your belief(s) about the students of Southwest ISD as it relates to your priority Remember beliefs are about “when we are operating at our best” Share your ideas with your small group Develop one statement that relates to your strand Share your group ideas with large group Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 37

38 Let’s check: Beliefs  SWOT  Goals  Objectives  Strategies  Action Plans Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 38

39 SWOT: Needs Assessment Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 39

40 SWOT Strengths: something within the district or community, related to your specific priority, that gives Southwest ISD enhanced competitiveness Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 40

41 STRENGTHS (examples) Innovative programs Staff development activities Board commitment to quality Community involvement Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 41

42 SWOT Weakness: something within the district or community, related to your priority, that SWISD lacks or does poorly – a condition that puts it at a disadvantage Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 42

43 Weaknesses (examples) Inequity of expectations Trying to be everything to everyone Finance Over emphasis on…. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 43

44 SWOT Opportunities: external situations/conditions, related to your priority, that provide SWISD an opportunity to be innovative and/or responsive Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 44

45 Opportunities (examples) Extra money for fast growing districts Family values cause families to move to SWISD Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 45

46 SWOT Threats: posed by external/internal environments related to your priority Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 46

47 Threats (examples) State financial situation National safety issues Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 47

48 SWOT Activity by Priority Strengths Weaknesses Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 48

49 SWOT Activity by Priority Opportunities Threats Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 49

50 SWOT Activity Priority groups report out Large Group ―Post chart papers for others to review ―Each group will rotate through the strands and add ideas using their assigned post-it notes (Each group will have 5-7 minutes for each strand) Small Group ―Return to work area for analysis (15 min.) Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 50

51 Let’s check: Beliefs SWOT  Goals  Objectives  Strategies  Action Plans Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 51

52 Goals The general intentions of the priorities, not as specific as objectives; not stated in measureable terms, have a larger timeline than objectives Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 52

53 From Priority to Goals After reviewing and categorizing the results of your SWOT activities (as well as the comments made by other steering committee members) write two goals for your priority. Keep the goals short and concisely written. Please use the process recommended earlier- each committee member write goals and then share and come up with two. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 53

54 Example: Curriculum goal: To provide a rigorous curricular and instructional program that maximizes student potential for future success Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 54

55 Objectives Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 55

56 This is the “what” we are going to do. This is the “what” we are going to do – building on goals developed in the previous activity. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 56

57 Objectives (definition) Objectives are an expression of the desired, measureable end results for the organization. For a school district, objectives are restricted to student success, performance, and/or achievement. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 57

58 Setting SMART Objectives S pecific M easurable A chievable R elevant T imed-Limited Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 58

59 SMART Objectives Ensure TEKS are taught in all subjects at all subjects at all levels for the 2010-2011 school year as measured by student success on the TAKS. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 59

60 S PECIFIC Ensure that TEKS are incorporated into all subjects at all levels for the 2010-2011 school year. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 60

61 M easureable Ensure that 100% of the TEKS are incorporated into all subjects at all levels for the 2010-2011 school year as determined by a comparison of TEKS with lesson plans and instructional units. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 61

62 If you can not measure it; you can not improve it. -Covey Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 62

63 A chievable Ensure that 100% of the TEKS are incorporated into all subjects at all levels for the 2010-2011 school year as determined by a comparison of TEKS with lesson plans and instructional units. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 63

64 R elevant Goal: “Ensure that 100% of the TEKS are incorporated into all subjects…” Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 64

65 T ime -L imited Ensure that 100% of the TEKS are incorporated into all subjects at all levels for the 2010-2011 school year as determined by a comparison of TEKS with lesson plans and instructional units by November 1, 2010 Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 65

66 Objectives (examples) To have 100% of our students graduate or successfully complete their individual achievement programs. No later than 2011, 100% of our high school graduates will be in a post-secondary educational program or in an endeavor of their choice within six months of graduation. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 66

67 Objectives (activity) Develop two objectives for each goal identified in small group Share objective with large group Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 67

68 Let’s check: Beliefs SWOT Goals Objectives  Strategies  Action Plans Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 68

69 Strategies Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 69

70 The How! Now we get to be more specific Major programs or efforts (not specific details) Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 70

71 Strategies (definition) Strategies are the broadly stated means of deploying the resources to achieve the organization’s objectives. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 71

72 Strategies (examples) We will put in a place a network of independent, competing instructional services maximizing flexibility, freedom of choice, 100% success rate, contracts between teachers/students and collaboration with community and corporations. Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 72

73 Strategies (activity) Develop two strategies for each objective in small group Share strategies with large group Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 73

74 Let’s check Beliefs Mission Parameters SWOT Objectives Strategies  Action Plans Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 74

75 Next Steps Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 75

76 Next Steps: Community sharing – October & November First Action Planning Committee meeting – Nov 13, 2010 Second Steering Committee meeting – April 2, 2011 Board Approval – May 17, 2011 District planning session(s) Campus planning session(s) Implementation – June 2011 – August 2015 Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 76

77 Reflection What did you learn? Were there any “ahas!”? What can you do to support the process? Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 77

78 A Blueprint for Southwest ISD’s Future ClimateStudent Achievement ProfessionalFinance Learning Southwest Independent School District VISION 2015 PLANNING 78 SWISD

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