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Grant Writing 101 SACSA 2012 Memphis, TN Dr. Bonnie Daniel, Sr. Research Associate Research, Grants, and Contracts Dr. George Daniel, Director, Student.

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Presentation on theme: "Grant Writing 101 SACSA 2012 Memphis, TN Dr. Bonnie Daniel, Sr. Research Associate Research, Grants, and Contracts Dr. George Daniel, Director, Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant Writing 101 SACSA 2012 Memphis, TN Dr. Bonnie Daniel, Sr. Research Associate Research, Grants, and Contracts Dr. George Daniel, Director, Student Success Center University of Tennessee at Martin

2 Workshop Objectives BBasic understanding of writing successful proposals; KKnowledge of current trends in funding; and IIdentifying resources on and off campus to assist in the grant writing process.

3 Funding Sources Government  U.S. Dept. of Ed.  U.S. Department of Justice  State Agencies Foundations  Spencer  State Farm

4 Campus Resources  Sponsored Research  Alumni and Development Office  Institutional Research  Community Relations  Government Relations  Grants Resource Center (AASCU)

5 Critically examining an RFP

6 Items typically found in RFP  Purpose and priorities  Eligibility  Duration of funding  Dollar amount (sponsor and match)  Deadlines  Page limit, font, etc.  Allowable and unallowable costs  Allowable and unallowable activities  Contents of proposal

7 How to follow directions…

8 Proposal sections of RFP  Abstract or Summary  Project description Intro of campus Needs  Goals and objectives  Management plan  Evaluation plan  Budget and narrative  Appendices

9 Brainstorming  Purpose of program and institutional priorities  Uniqueness of campus, context  Current momentum

10 Use a budget to establish project goals and objectives.  Staff involved (For how long and how much? New Staff?)  Necessary supplies/equipment  Travel expenses  Match (Institutional commitment, if any?)

11 Examples of Goals 1. The primary goal of the UT Martin Student Success Services Program during the four- year funding period is to assist 160 participants annually to build the skills and motivation to succeed in postsecondary education. (TRIO Program, US Dept. of Education)

12 2. To develop a model of effective intervention in the drinking practices of first-year college students that utilizes peer leadership to promote responsible individual decision-making and changes in the student drinking culture, resulting in a 5% decrease in high-risk drinking by UT Martin freshmen over a two-year period and a concomitant increase in freshmen-to- sophomore retention rates of 2%. (High Risk Drinking Among College Students Program, US Dept. of Education.)

13 Write SMART Objectives  By date, _____ will occur, as measured by ____.  Specific  Measurable  Attainable  Realistic  Time-bound

14 Evaluation Plan  Qualitative vs. quantitative data  LOGIC Model  External evaluators

15 Submission Options Electronic  Fastlane   Email attachment Hard Copy  Original and copies  Bound or clipped  Tabs or Table of Contents as per RFP  Delivery

16 Response Option 1: Proposal funded! Option 2: Rejected…but not deterred  Request reviewer’ comments  Tweak and resubmit to same agency or to a different program

17 Thank You!

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