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FRANJKA ANTOLIŠ, 2 nd YEAR 2013/2014 Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat VERTEBRAL COLUMN.

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1 FRANJKA ANTOLIŠ, 2 nd YEAR 2013/2014 Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat VERTEBRAL COLUMN

2 FUNCTION  supporting axis of the body  protection for the spinal cord SYNONYMS  spinal column, backbone, spine

3 VERTEBRAL COLUMN CURVATURES  cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral DIVISION  cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal COMPONENTS  intervertebral discs and vertebrae

4 CURVATURES OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN 4 CURVATURES IN TOTAL  cervical - secondary  thoracic - primary  lumbar - secondary  sacral - primary SCOLIOSIS  abnormal, sideways curvature of the spine  dextroscoliosis (thoracic)/ levoscoliosis (lumbar)


6 DIVISION CERVICAL VERTEBRAE  C1 - C7  atlas, axis, vertebra prominens  bony aspect of the neck THORACIC VERTEBRAE  T1 - T12  thoracic = rib cage LUMBAR VERTEBRAE  L1 - L5  strongest and largest SACRUM  curved, triangular shape  “S1 - S5”, sacral bones at birth COCCYX  tailbone  Co1 - Co4  fused / separate vertebrae with limited movement

7 COMPONENTS VERTEBRA  an individual backbone  vertebral body  exception : atlas  lumbar vertebrae - large bodies  vertebral=neural arch: 2x laminae + pedicle

8 COMPONENTS  vertebral foramen  between arch and body  triangular, round  spinal=vertebral canal, spinal cord  intervertebral foramen  formed by the juxtaposition of superior and inferior notches in the pedicles  processes  transverse - articulation with ribs, lumbar vertebrae have mammillary and accessory processes  superior and inferior articular processes = zygapophyses, articulation with other vertebrae  spinous - located at the posterior aspect of the neck, in the midline, easily palpable from C7

9 COMPONENTS INTERVERTEBRAL DISCS  between vertebrae  outer fibrous and central semi- fluid part  bind the vertebrae  give flexibility  shock absorbers SCIATICA  pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve  prolapsed intervertebral disc  nucleus pulposus escapes posterolaterally

10 VOCABULARY RECAP VERTEBRAL COLUMN  spinal column, backbone, spine PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CURVATURES  thoracic, sacral, cervical, lumbar SCOLIOSIS  abnormal curvature of the spine  dextroscoliosis, levoscoliosis THORACIC = RIB CAGE  bony enclosing wall of the chest consisting chiefly of the ribs and structures connecting them COCCYX  tailbone ZYGAPOPHYSES  superior and inferior articular processes SCIATICA  pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve

11 REFERENCES rtebral-column/ rtebral-column/ The Language of Medicine: Chabner, Saunders


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