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J.B. Speed School of Engineering University of Louisville KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Step 2: Assess Performance & Opportunities Toolkit 2B1: KEEPS.

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Presentation on theme: "J.B. Speed School of Engineering University of Louisville KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Step 2: Assess Performance & Opportunities Toolkit 2B1: KEEPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 J.B. Speed School of Engineering University of Louisville KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Step 2: Assess Performance & Opportunities Toolkit 2B1: KEEPS Utility Tracking Tool Kentucky Energy Efficiency Program for Schools KEEPS Utility Tracking Tool Step 2 Assess Performance & Opportunities Toolkit 2 B 1 KEEPS Utility Tracking Tool

2 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Toolkit 2B1: KEEPS Utility Tracking Tool 2 KEEPS Energy Management Toolkit Toolkit 2 B 1 KEEPS Utility Tracking Tool

3 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 3 7-Step Energy Management Process 1.Make the Commitment 2.Assess Performance and Opportunities 3.Set Performance Goals 4.Create an Action Plan 5.Implement the Action Plan 6.Evaluate Progress 7.Recognize Achievements

4 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 4 KEEPS Utility Tracking Tool Overview Benefits KEEPS Utility Tracking Tool Background Structure Preparation and Instructions

5 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 5 Why Track Utilities? By tracking utility usage and costs, you will: Spot trends in energy usage patterns See how much money the school district spends on utilities Identify opportunities for improvement Understand the district’s energy usage

6 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 6 KEEPS Utility Tracking Tool Free Excel-based tool Created with feedback from Kentucky school districts Allows for input on a meter-by-meter basis Provides concise summary of district- wide utility usage and costs

7 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 7 Tracking Tool Components Instructions Tab District Summary Tab Building Input Tabs

8 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 8 District Summary Tab Aggregates information from all input tabs Lists total usages and costs In billing units, kBTU and dollars All totals listed per square foot

9 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 9 District Summary Tab (upper)

10 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 10 District Summary Tab (middle)

11 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 11 District Summary Tab (lower)

12 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 12 Building Input Tabs Each tab dedicated to one building Building Summary Input Box In billing units, kBTU and dollars All totals also listed per square foot Automatically calculates from input boxes Meter Input Boxes 8 total

13 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 13 Input Tab – Building Summary

14 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 14 Input Tab – Building Summary (cont.)

15 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 15 Input Tab – Meter Input Box

16 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 16 Getting Started: Collecting Data Gather all applicable utility bills July-June On each bill, identify the following: Building name and address Meter number Account number Cost information Usage information

17 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 17 Getting Started: Set-Up Select appropriate billing units Located on district summary tab Ensures proper kBTU conversions Units are customizable from dropdown menu on summary page Natural gas Propane Fuel oil Coal

18 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 18 Getting Started: Building Identifier Enter all applicable building identifier information Skip over Building Summary Input Box and enter information into Meter Input Boxes

19 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 19 Getting Started: Meter Input Each Meter Input Box should be used for one fuel type Enter meter number, usage, and cost information

20 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 20 Getting Started: Building Summary Building Summary Input Box aggregates information from all input boxes / meters Costs and usage Cost per square foot

21 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 21 Analyzing Data District-wide energy usage and costs

22 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability 22 KEEPS Utility Tracking Tool Summary Utility tracking is the foundation of a strong energy management program KEEPS Utility Tracking Tool is a simple and cost-effective tracking method Getting started Download Compile bills Enter information

23 KPPC Kentucky’s Resource Center for Environmental Sustainability KEEPS Helpful Resources KEEPS Technical Staff and Regional Coordinators Phone:(502) 852-0965 Fax:(502) 852-0900 Online: mailers/keeps 23

24 J.B. Speed School of Engineering University of Louisville End of Presen tation (502) 852-0965 Kentucky Energy Efficiency Program for Schools KEEPS is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act through the combined efforts of the Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence, the U.S. Department of Energy and KPPC.

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