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How to write a good proposal? Bucharest, 3-4 March 2010 Koos de Korte.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write a good proposal? Bucharest, 3-4 March 2010 Koos de Korte."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write a good proposal? Bucharest, 3-4 March 2010 Koos de Korte

2 State of mind You ask the EC to fund your research You help the EU to solve problems!

3 S&T quality Problem State of the art Innovation Evaluators are briefed to look for clear progress beyond state-of-the-art!! Objectives

4 Achievable within the project Verifiable and measurable SMART!

5 Example objective Replace the use of all fossil fuels by hydrogen The objective is to develop an engine running on hydrogen produced by W.hydrogeneum

6 S&T quality Division into Work Packages should follow from the objectives! Objectives Work packages

7 Number must be appropriate to the complexity of the proposed work WPs cover a major element of the project WPs are multidisciplinary Give a clear description of expected output Define a few main tasks Define subtasks that allow clear participant contribution

8 S&T quality Deliverables should follow from the Work Packages (subtasks)! Work packages Deliverables

9 Logical approach Problem State of the art Objectives Work packages Deliverables

10 Remember… Convince the evaluators with a clear logical approach First impressions really count! Don’t write the proposal like a scientific paper Be realistic Describe the planned experiments in detail Use the Guide for Applicants!! Be aware that it is a competition!!

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